Average Debian user

Average Debian user


It is the best distro

Something something hitbox.

>average rick & morty fan

Average Ubuntu user

Average Gentoo user

Listen kid, I've been using computers since the original Apple 1 was in stores. In high school I ran a multi-user BASIC system on a Data General Nova minicomputer connected to 3 other schools via 300bps modems over leased phone lines. The first computer I built was based on a 1976 Popular Electronics article and used an old Teletype ASR-33 as a terminal. The next three computers? S-100 bus systems running CP/M v2.2. Depending on your age, I may have been writing code in C under CP/M before you were even born. I've owned no-name Taiwaneese knock-off XT clone motherboard-based systems I built on the cheap, with monochrome graphics. I remember the original Mac looking like someone's idea of a joke to me. I thought Windows v2.x was the most useless thing on the planet. I actually ran IBM's OS/2 for a couple years and thought it was awesome. The only reason I changed from Win95 was because the USB support was virtually nonexistent. The only reason I changed from Win98SE to Win2k was it wasn't stable on a CPU running over 800MHz. I had an entire WinNT4 domain, complete with PDC, running in my apartment while I was getting an MCSE.

You still want to call me "new", friend?

Check your Linux privilege. Not all of us are running it, and your overweening arrogance indicates to me that you're rather young, and perhaps aren't being totally honest about making your living the way you do.

>He wasn't even in Bell Labs

Hello, newfriend.

Nice pasta faggot


no u

That's not accurate I use gentoo and I can't grow a proper beard

I've abandoned Debian for Void.

i think you mean devuan

>C under CP/M
Look at this bloatware high-level kiddie

after founder death Debian is botnet

>average arch user

Average Fedora user

>tfw debian with LXQt

This desu. There's nothing more comfy and systemD-independent than LXQt.

captcha: v1 unsupported

Looks like bonk


What package manager does Void use?

What's the difference between Debian and Devuan?

Not him but basically devuan is systemd-less debian.

devuan is the same except no systemd

>There's nothing more comfy and systemD-independent than LXQt.
Not using a DE at all sure is. StumpWM on Debian reporting in.

I'm using Debian with AwesomeWM and Xfce (if i need it).