How do you name your files?

How do you name your files?

The second to last one.



Who the fuck hates broccoli? Just stop overcooking it. Blanch the florets in boiling water until the water starts to turn green, then dunk them in ice water, or skip the dunk if you can't be bothered. Bright green, tender, flavorful broccoli. Drizzle with the best olive oil you can get, lemon juice and zest, and maybe some chili flake if you're a real nigga.


Also this.




if I'm feeling really adventurous



Only acceptable answer

I just eat it raw

*gives reddit gold*

i hate broccoli.jpg


>until the water starts to turn green

>stop overcooking it


I use the second one, as filenames are designed to be read by the user, computer programs shouldn't have trouble dealing with them, no matter what characters they contain. I even use characters like ':' that are not allowed on windows, since I use a properly designed OS.

this one


spaces are vague and remind me of windows

what the fuck %

IHateBroccoli, why would you capitalize things that aren't supposed to capitalized?

images and shit get camelcase but with initial letter always lowercase (iHateBroccoli.jpg). Comics, ebooks, movies and episodes of shows get title case with underscores instead of spaces (I_Hate_Broccoli-S03E11.mkv)

With images they're either numbered in organized folders (porn or manga) or still have the original Sup Forums filenames.


i mean just when the water starts to turn green. it's a home cooking application, it's not gonna be a huge pot of water that can hold a boil, so i'm basically advocating getting it as tender as is possible before all of the green leaches out.

>until the water starts to turn green

forget I said this, just give the florets 3 minutes in boiling water. you can also eat the stalk if you peel it, slice it, and boil it for 5 minutes.



I should specify that 5 minutes is good for like 1 cm / half-inch slices of the stalk.

I hate it because of the texture, not the taste. Feels like I'm giving a giant fuzzy spider a blowjob.

But if you're into that sort of thing, more power to ya.

Shut up retard

Only faggots would ever think of that when eating broccoli


no u

Damn I guess I'm a fucking faggot then

Exactly, and I'm just saying what we're all thinking.

underscores. That way you can easily batch convert it to something else



wtf i love broccoli now

>authorofbroccoli_yyyy-mm-dd_i hate broccoli


>I Hate Broccoli -author of broccoli (mmm dd, yyyy).webm

I\ Hate\ Broccoli.jpg

Shit is fast to type and easy to read with the capitals. Not even sure why I started doing it, but it sticks.



Then spend hours looking for a file every time I want it

Hyphens for me, underscores look atrocious.

>How do you name your files?
Entirely depends on what files.

If it's shit I'm going to access on bash or something, I usually do something like the first or last.

If it's stuff I use on GUI, I use the second, eg. for music, movies, pdfs, etc.

At work for Office documents, I use something like "YYYYMMDD - [PREFIX] - [Description].xlsx" and there's like four different prefixes, which also double as folder names if there's more than a few of them in that project.



I prefer to steam broccoli for just a few mins until they're hot but still firm and bright green.



fucking this
I was always so pissed off as a kid when watching american cartoons depicting broccoli and spinach as something disgusting, while in reality they were delicious. Fuck

Niggers tongue my.anus

Stir fry that shit you dumbass nigga

Counterpoint: I once read a Goosebumps book where the protagonist liked liver. He was replaced by a doppelganger who was found out because he DISliked liver. I subsequently decided that I probably would like liver, which I had never eaten before. A few weeks later, my mother decided to cook liver for the first time. I eagerly anticipated it... but it turned out to taste HORRIBLE.

I let the files name themselves.

I use a method I invented called crapplecase. It's sort of like camel case but I base which letters are capital on the last time I crapped and subtract that from the last time I watched an Anime.

Then add MSG to it make it even greener and tastier.


A mixture of underscores and caps.
If I had a character called Dave who had an IK handle for his left hand I would use:
(Owner)_(what it's for)_(what it is)


Usually all lowercase, shorten some words but keep it understandable. I don't bother to rename files I download.

but I like broccoli




Basically I use underscores instead of spaces where necessary.

>IHateBroccoli, why would you capitalize things that aren't supposed to capitalized?
As Rob Pike says, those embedded capitals "jangle" at you. He's right.

kebab case master race

Name 3 objective and optionally 2 subjective reasons why you aren't using tags to manage at least media files?

f939b3b0e90c07f9b70b5607607ecc932ec96af6942831b21f7017adb749f225 {


Never capitalise the first letter

This doesn't let you know that you hate broccoli, user.

Second to first if I'm sharing it with someone
Last for personal use

Camel casing, like the last one, except I never capitalize the first letter.

In reality, I like broccoli.


8.3 using folders to group similar things.

raw broccoli is fucking fantastic, lot of raw vegetables are

The ISO standard states that broccoli is inherently hated by default.


>Blanch the

I stopped reading here. I just stick it in the microwave for 1:30.

>no hyphens

Not mentioned:


I’ve been using this js web format lately. Not going back.

You have a touch of the ‘tism my lad.


broccoli taste fantastic when not overcooked and they're also very good for your health.



this is a file.jpg
this is a file2.jpg

I/Hate/Brocoli, jpg

My nigga.

Although broccoli is best baked. Throw some oil and or parmesan on them shits and let sit in oven for a while, flipping after half way.

Hell I even eat it raw sometimes as a snack. The nutrition is absolute god tier.




7 dicks?!



like my variables

raw green beans > raw broccoli

SHHH the jew is listening, pretend you don't know

Liver and bacon is delicious you uncultured swine.