>As President Donald Trump considers plans to create new rules that would curb H-1B visa extensions and could see thousands of mostly Indian skilled workers deported while they wait for their green cards, industry leaders in India are warning that the move could also hurt the U.S. economy.
>The proposal, which was part of Trump's Buy American, Hire American initiative that he vowed to launch on the campaign trail, is being drafted by Department of Homeland Security leaders, sources have told McClatchy DC. If approved, it could see as many as 500,000 to 750,000 Indian H-1B visa holders forced to leave the U.S., IndiaToday.in has reported.
Wasn't there a study recently showing that only 5% of Indian "skilled" workers with a degree were ACTUALLY skilled?
Carson Richardson
>t. Le White One
Carter Martinez
India is already a superpower. Why would I want to go to your shithole country ruled by cheetoman?
Ayden Richardson
There is nothing wrong with being White. What's wrong Paco? Are you starting to get worried?
Ian Garcia
>There is nothing wrong with being White. Except having a lower IQ than Jews and East Asians.
Robert Rogers
>Paco Wrong.
Jayden Brown
Pajeets have it rough lately
Aaron Brown
Good. Finally getting what they were giving.
Levi Allen
as a Norwegian, can I now come to the U.S. and code?
I'm tired of 1/3 of my income being tax, plus the low wages over here compared to the U.S. for tech people.
>tfw middle-school teachers make more than you
Mason Hill
Heaven forbid we actually employ our own countrymen.
Jonathan Fisher
Fuck off we are full.
Jace Fisher
Christian Ross
>Except having a lower IQ than Jews and East Asians. >meanwhile Paco can't score above 90
Noah Rogers
>>The proposal, which was part of Trump's Buy American, Hire American initiative that he vowed to launch on the campaign trail >Buy American, Hire American lel
Blake Morgan
>industry leaders in India are warning that the move could also hurt the U.S. economy >hurt the U.S. economy How could opening up jobs for Americans hurt the US economy? Fuck off, India. Just admit you don't want them back.
Tyler Davis
>hey you can't want to change things for the better by fixing a bad system >why didn't you just put yourself out of business by intentionally being uncompetitive lol >just let those other businesses continue doing what you don't like lol
William Brown
Matthew Flores
if white boy is so good, why can't they compete?
Nicholas Sullivan
Every single person who wants to come to the US should be able to do so
Jack Ross
You can't compete with slaves.
Easton Brown
>doesn't like losing 1/3 of income to taxes >wants to pay 4/3 on medical treatments and insurance instead
Zachary Anderson
ask trump to devalue usd.
Owen Harris
>wahh boo hoo these indian slaves are earning 100k a year that's too low for me as a white man
Henry Cooper
>competing with low-cost, government subsidized slave labor
user pls. Companies don't value quality, they value low cost. They don't care that the TCO (literally O in this case) is higher, they care that they reduced their labor budget even though it causes higher OpEx and worse product.
Justin Gray
>move could also hurt the U.S. economy. Ha Haha Hahahahaha
It'll hurt like drilling a rotten tooth.
Christopher Bailey
He's trying to make it competitive to buy American. This will necessitate some pains for the lower rungs of society.
90% are under 100k So there's no way 100k is the average
Isaac Lopez
Shit. Yes.
Parker Sanders
>using solar when wind, hydro and fusion is around the corner. Soy panels are trash anyway
Jacob Parker
So you're in the bottom 90%? Maybe you should actually improve your skills instead of complaining.
Cooper Russell
Sup Forums does this mean I might finally get a job in programming?
Adrian Edwards
Then they'll be fine. The crux of Trump's plan is to increase the minimum required salary to a little over 100k
Jose Kelly
Yeah, like holy shit, a lot of these are basically starting wages for comp sci bachelors, and this is coming from google, one of the most competitive companies to get hired from
I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was this bad
>Everyone needs to be a doctor great instead of millions of unemployed people we will have millions of unemployed doctors with huge debt
Austin Wright
>can't compete in price Then solar is worthless because it requires the chinese to dump
Asher Parker
>t. commie retard
Cameron Wright
>fusion is around the corner. they said that 30 years ago.
Nathan Williams
Charles Carter
>Skilled indian workers
John Ward
why wouldn't you want a chinese subsidized panels? it's free money goy.
it's either manufacturing jobs or installing service jobs. if price drastically increase the installation job goes away over night. i'm all for the maga thing, but trump is being a shortsighted old fart with this tariff thing. you can't start manufacturing over night. you need capital.
Isaac Scott
The tariffs will be used to aquire the capital needed to ramp up Amerigan production
David Kelly
The reality is that first world countries aren't sustainable once developing countries start ramping up anything. They'll always work for cheaper, build for cheaper, do basically everything for cheaper because they have fewer regulations and a more willing workforce who feel like they're being showered with gold for the extra work. Education is relatively cheap, training a monkey takes a few years at the most and the quality will be similar with a Chinese or Indian with the same quality education. The idea of a super competitive American work force is a myth, sorry to tell you this. Most of the kids coming out of university are fucking retarded and at best would be no better than Indians. It's true that America's IT industry still has veterans that are plenty smart and I'd say superior to foreigners, but for current generations it's simply untrue.
The only way to survive is to shut down developing world economies and keep companies strictly in your home nation. You cannot compete, it never works. The only way is to automate, but that loses jobs too. If you want your nation to be prosperous you have to destroy foreign nations, take over their resource extraction, and send it all home.
Carter Foster
Finally no more retarded spaghetti code that has to fixed by Anglo's that is almost unreadable and has literally no comments written down on them. Furthermore, since you cannot read their fucking spaghetti code you have to call them and speak to someone who struggles to even say two letters in english trying to explain his spaghetti indian nigger code.
Liam Bennett
Lmao, talk about fake, made up shit: there's no such thing as skilled Indian workers, or Indian "workers" in general, they only come over here to get all the free shit they can't get at home and drive down the value of labor whenever they do happen to get a job. You're next Paco, literally nobody here wants you and we all came out en masse to vote to get rid of you forever because we never want to see you mud-skinned animals again.
Colton Thomas
>skilled Indian workers
Colton Cox
Friend works at a hospital doing IT, his pajeet supervisor still has his job because he's only good at kissing ass.
Joshua Ward
>Skilled Indian workers
Xavier Campbell
Jack Bell
Doesn't matter how good at kissing ass he is when ICE comes a-knockin'.
Jeremiah Hughes
Because we can fit every single human being on earth into America.
Noah Lewis
>You cannot compete, it never works. The only way is to automate, but that loses jobs too. If you want your nation to be prosperous you have to destroy foreign nations, take over their resource extraction, and send it all home.
Thats too low for them as indian men too, but their country is so ass-backwards they dont even know it. Which causes the problem we have here today.
Aaron Roberts
> skilled > indian pick one
Easton Miller
I work for a major tech company that employs tens of thousands of workers, mostly in the US but some locations abroad. Due to all the new restrictions and the possible of future of no visas at all, we have opened a new offfice in India and are just hiring people there instead.
How is Trumps solution solving anything? Now instead of my company paying people living in the US and paying US taxes and spending money in the US, all that money is spent in India.
To recap, Trump thinks companies will hire Americans instead of using Visa workers, but in reality companies are just opening offices in Mexico, India, and Eastern Europe.
Jonathan Richardson
well, guess it's time for the indians to oy vey for a while
Adam Stewart
I worked with Indians in all 3 of my programming jobs, they were always really nice and interested in our culture. BUT I'd say 90% of them wrote shitty code, my project manager for my research at uni had 0 previous programming experience and fucked the project. He has since left and I have taken over, it took us 6 months to clean things up.
Adam Hall
>SKILLED INDIAN WORKER Oh boy, I have one like that in my team. Dude have 30 years of "IT experience". Got a task, to set exactly the same permissions on ~100 new SMB shares. He was doing it one by one, share by share, manually. I asked him, "'dude, why won't you script this shit?" and he said he don't know how. But I lost it when he had to compare two lists of items and wanted to do it manually too. And he is a "Senior Specialist". Shit like that makes want to just drop everything an look for other job.
Asher Miller
What he should be doing is destroying the patent office and giving incentive for smaller companies to start up in the US. The only reason why large companies even exist is because of the ridiculous notion of "intellectual" property.
Justin Johnson
>I work for a major tech company! ok pajeet
Christopher Murphy
That's cool those countries are still ass
Nathaniel Edwards
I want you to be here, Norwegian friend :3c
Cameron Diaz
Fuck this why you give your candidates a rudimentary task to complete that they know nothing about. If they can’t learn it on the fly move on. An employee like you’ve described actually has a net-negative impact on productivity of a team/department. In other words, your team actuallly has less output with him there than if his position didn’t exist at all.
Asher Harris
>we have opened a new offfice in India No sane companies will open offices on shithole countries
Christopher Reed
>these indians will start companies elsewhere >these companies will thrive >america ends up losing billions in the end This is why Trump and his ilk are a cancer of the worst kind.
Brandon Perry
>industry leaders in India
yeah. but not GOVERNMENT leaders in india. "industry leaders" are leeches
Jacob Mitchell
You know what is the best part? He was interviewed by another Indian guy. Feedback was great, he knows everything, worked with all the technologies we work with, years of experience. All lies. But I learned that after he appeared at the office.
I won't let that shit happen again.
Eli Barnes
>these indians will start companies
Xavier Smith
Carter Rivera
John Lee
wish i were white i cannot prosper in my country no matter what i do the country remains the same everyday its a loop time to put an end to this
Brayden Gomez
He's explained a number of times that Americans do business with China because there are incentives to buying from them versus the taxes and procedure that harms doing business domestically
Hunter Barnes
Lol we interviewed a guy on our systems engineering team that came highly recommended by a DBA in our department. We gave him a programming test and he couldn’t do it. Instead of just saying he couldn’t do it, or maybe explaining where he got stuck, he turned in the strangest source code I’ve ever seen, which wouldn’t even run/compile. After further investigation I realized he copy and pasted some random code from different blogs that had nothing to do with the task at hand. I know this because he had utf-8 quote characters in his code and I found some of the original sources. It’s like he just googled random python code and copy and pasted it to make it look like he tried. He obviously had never written a single script in his life.
Lucas Mitchell
Do you actually believe this?
Jacob Bell
>i wrote a magic spell on your digital parchment. can i plz have 6 figures now
Jonathan Collins
>skilled indian workers
Isaiah Morales
explain how even that's wrong, or is IQ only raysiss when referring to blacks and muds?
>at least we don't get assblasted at facts, libshit.
Luke Russell
Jeremiah White
function developerLifecycle($person) { $isPajeet = ! $person->isHexColor('ffffff');
if ($isPajeet) { $country = COUNTRY_CATEGORY_TRASH;
for ($day=0; $day true]; }
Logan Peterson
Cooper Mitchell
what are these things
John Phillips
UHG has offices in Hyderabad and Gurgaon.
Parker Ramirez
here in malaysia, banglas and rohingyas are stealing our jerbs and our womyn. why pajeets are such superior race?