
Hey bubs, any good android emulator that isn't fucking cancer bluestacks?


Hey Strong Bad!

Install Gentoo

Genymotion but it is cancer-lite.

More of the female

Lucky for you! I just got this pre-owned box of chicken beaks in just now! Like right just now!

>what is google

who is this jew whore?


Im curious as well, I havent attempted it after giving up looking for an ISO for android and all of them being CLI distros.

I just want to run whatsapp on my pc without putting it on my phone.


useless faggot is useless
go back to Sup Forums you fucking retard

android-x86 in vmware



I bet this thot doesn't even know how to invoke a low-level imp

Do you know how to summon a succubus?

protip: she's the imp

This is a forbidden technique

>only real answer on whole thread
>no one cares

tfw Sup Forums is full by cancerous 12yo just like Sup Forums

Back to Y-Combinator nerd

Morons he is installing radeon drivers hence the satan logo

Try the Visual Studio Emulator for Android, it's pretty good. You need Hyper-V though.


Some things that people tend to forget is that there are tons of lurkers for every poster. Lots of people will see the comment, but not everyone will comment

Remix OS

That's not the point of a pentacle, please don't fall for the church propaganda

>falling this hard for the Non-falling Jew

Because they're fucking niggers. I comment all the time because even a small contribution is useful. Just don't go completely off topic unless the topic is already finished.

To answer your question OP, they all suck.

To elaborate on my other post. The Pentagram represents the five elements of the universe. Air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. With each point representing a specific element, with all the points the all the same size it represents balance. More abstractly it can also represent anything that embodies all five elements, typically either Earth/this plane or a person, normally oneself. While the circle represents multiple things but in this context it represents either binding or protection typically by binding. So a Pentagram inscribed in a circle, or a pentacle, represents balance and protecting that balance by keeping outside influences away. That's why people wear them, for protection. Like a cross.
I believe all organized religion is meant to disempower

>my version of things are absolute truth everyone else is wrong

>Falling even harder for the organized christian

You mean Pentacle.

Pentagram is satanic.

Gonna need sauce on this semen demon
Who is this scrotum sorceress
Who is this weiner witch
Who is this dong deity
This seminal fluid druid
This jizz wiz

I never said that friend, I'm just giving the intended meaning of the symbols. There are multiple sources that back up those meanings while I only know of sources from the church that link the Pentagram to anything demonic or Satanistic. I don't know the absolute truth, and no one does. What is my truth is not necessarily your truth. If you believe it's demonic then it is to you, because that's the energy you give it.
> (You)
>>Falling even harder for the organized christian
I don't get what you're implying, no part of my beliefs are connected to Christianity
I spoke of both the Pentagram and the pentacle, the inverted Pentagram is considered by some to be "evil" because it places the point representing spirit below his points representing the material thus implying it's less important. But imo most people think it's Satanic because of the church, and LaVey

She's some Welsh emo whore, _babybubblegum on Jewgram. OP pic was decent but the rest are not worth your time.

Nox is prety good

andy works if you need to do some botnet shit