I want to learn cyber security for free.
Any advice on where to find this type of information?
I want to learn cyber security for free.
Any advice on where to find this type of information?
Other urls found in this thread:
Show up at some local college and refuse to leave or pay.
I want an ice cream.
thx for attention
That site is down. Can you give me any other links?
Might do this.
This is the Internet. If I want something for free there is almost always a means of getting it. Are there any books to look into? I know we used to have a cybersecurity general but I don’t see one up anymore.
What's with all the normies wanting to learn "cyber security" on Sup Forums? Do american colleges have courses for being thieves as well?
Learn how things work first (system administration) and then move on from there.
There's an abundance of """ cyber security""" graduates that have no real experience in the enterprise environment or know how things work.
>Do american colleges have courses for being thieves as well?
Change imageboard, ask/lurk in lainchan dot org, there is great stuff there.
Also, search for the gentoomen library!
>going to lainchan for knowledge
> going to Sup Forums for knowledge
I go here to shitpost though
literally kys
Start off by learning how Linux actually works. Focus on something like sysops or devops.
I'm honestly surprised more people don't do this. You've always been allowed to sit in on lectures in public spaces or go to the public libraries that colleges have. You just don't get the degree without paying.
Find a poorly-written GitHub repo that is also deployed in a production environment somewhere and break into it
Ok, because I took a pity.
Cyber Security is sort of one of these things you HAVE to learn yourself, because it changes quickly, requires a lot of understanding and so on. If you want a good paying job, become an admin and get education in that direction. Cyber Security is about breaking into stuff, so first you'd need to know what you're breaking into (learn a programming language or two, linux and be proficient in windows enough to not use mouse ever). Some basic knowledge of electronics would be helpful too. If you can find an open source program and know what's happening in the code then you can think about becomming a Hacker or security advisor. This is the least memetic answer you'll get on Sup Forums.
TL;DR it's hard and not cool outside of movies, become an admin or a pajee- I mean programmer instead.
Also security isn't about scanning ports with a script or windows 2000 lan msg thing anymore. Most of systems are pretty secure nowadays thanks to high-level programming that handholds programmers. Hard to find new things unless you're an autist.
Do I have to know what stupid shit like packets and ports are? I only want to learn the security things, not the networking part.
This may be the stupidest thing I have read in 2018. Just stop posting.
once you finish all the courses hit thepiratebay and download all cyber sec courses you can find
If this was true I'd not be employed.
How are you going to secure things on the network when you don't understand networking you fucking moron? It's like pajeet devs asking an admin to open all the ports on the external facing production server.
You know we have a /sec/ FAQ just for this, right?