Sup Forums books

These are some Sup Forums related books I have. What books do you have anons?

no physical books. all are in pdf format.

Only programming books?

Preferably yes.

i was building another bookcase like 2 days ago, all my shit is fucked

Clean code
Design patterns
Enterprise integration patterns
Patterns of enterprise application architecture
Domain driven design

Industrial Society and its Future

I only buy physical because DRM is too much of a hassle. Does anyone know a DRM free eBook store?

I have the same Kafka book.

IRC and libgen

qbittorrent. It's weird though, they just give away all these books for nothing

iam poor :(


These were fun


I had that exact same college dormroom college bedsheet from Target when I was in college, my freshman friend.

the no starch press line of books are fucking tightt

This. Unabomber masterrace.


Just K&R on print, have the rest in PDF/ePUB

Move aside dragon book, we have a new bible in town.

>even foxes understand
haha thats gold! what does it say on the bottom?
>from front end to back end ... first in japan
are there more books like this one?


>concurrency in python

Why did you take this picture on your bed? Don't you have a desk or a bookcase?

>multiple beginners book

wtf are you doing?

>Algebra 1
>Intermediate Algebra
>Television Engineering Handbook

Why would you take a photo of a student lounge's abandon book bookcase? The selection is not even good besides Ross's DEs.

>Mastering Java 9
Is this worth reading? I work with Java 8 full-time right now.

the only way I retain info is by highlighting as I read, then if I really need to retain it I'll type up the highlighted bits as notes in a wiki. fuck ebooks.

"How Linux Work" is really good, it's the only tech book I've read from cover to cover twice.

First time it was speed reading it, then I read it like 1page/10minutes as if I was doing a lecture. Shit stuck to my brain, feel good man. On the other hand I hate most programming book because they all feel like copy-paste from one to the other.
I rather read stuff like "Web Scrapping with Python", "ComputerVision with OpenMeme" or "Data Analysis with Brainlet+" rather than "C++ Concuckrency", "Programming PooPoo" or "Efficient Pajheet"... Because the former translate better to a resume and are actually useful.

Dog, I bought "C++11 Primer". Read the ~300 pages, I wanted to kill myself. I can't believe it is the recommanded reading everywhere. Shit suck, nothing useful or structured in that hoe, it's just a long boring listing of feature.


>How Linux Works
I used to work at the publisher that publishes that book. Needless to say, I still have a lot of their books laying around. While I liked the Linux book, I wasn't a huge fan of the author guy when I met him. The guy that wrote the Absolute BSD books is much cooler imo. Definitely recommend picking up Absolute FreeBSD when the new edition comes out.


I have 4 book cases and they are all full. I read loads all the time.

As for the beginner books I thought they would lay out the quirks of a language and allow me to learn said quirks alot faster.

Where can you get these books for cheap?



just run them all through dedrm

SICP, Knuth, K&R