*destroys the hard drive(s)*
why do people use 5-in-3 bays?
*destroys the hard drive(s)*
why do people use 5-in-3 bays?
>why do people use 5-in-3 bays
>4 in 3 bay posted
you should know what to do by now
that's actually 5 to 3
5.25" to 3x3.5"
i was looking to one of these
what are you talking about
they'll fry the electrical circuit on your hard drive
then why are they sold
what is a good replacement
have you ever heard of molex you stupid shit? god fucking damnit you kids need to get the fuck out of my Sup Forums
>*destroys the hard drive(s)*
You must be retarded. Most of those have a bare back where you just mount and connect things normally, even the fan.
It's your fault for buying a meme version with unnecessary crap on it.
sauce plox
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
thnakyou senpai i need to find out what was so funny
That's why you don't buy the shitty chink one without a fan. Also if your case doesn't have decent airflow you should just Mcfucking kill yourself already.
>buying marked the fuck up hot swap
5 to 3, but not 5-in-3
use the non-hotswap ones where its just a metal cage with a fan and places to screw drives in. I've had a couple 3-in-2 ones like that and they're all fine, there's nothing to go wrong.
I have a 4 bay external USB 3.0 enclosure. It's... iffy. Since all the data is going through CPU, it's... not as fast nor stable as it should be compared to eSATA/Firewire/SATA
I'm switching back to a full sized tower to put my drives back, but they're great if you're more concerned about portable storage rather than stationary.
link some good ones
consider buying a decent unit and not being a poorfag piece of shit.
I've been using multiple pic related for almost ten years with zero issues ever.