Dont you think all this fear mongering about hardware level backdoors and mass data collection is exactly what the people in power want. The NSA (etc) are only human, some how thinking that they are capable of any of this shit without anyone finding out, or any leaks is ignorant. Even the infastructure required to do anything like this would be INSANE, china has sunk billions of US dollars (equivilent) into thier great firewall and its still relatively easy to bypass and its public knowlege. how much do you think it would cost to do something like that except its not just blocking shit, its profileing and storing huge amounts of data for every person in america (or any other country), from multiple data sources per person AND its kept completely from public knowlege with 0 leaks AND no one has found out externally. Honestly think about it, its not possible.
Mass Surveillance fear mongering
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Can see you glowing all the way from here, CIA nigger
>without anyone finding out, or any leaks
you got some catching up to do
read the post, its not even about intel
theres a diffrence between collecting some emails and internet traffic and tracking your everymove and action, irl and online.
>there is a difference between tracking and logging your every move and tracking and logging your every move
Jesus CIA nigger
>tracking and logging your everymove through backdoors in every device == monitoring internet traffic and emails, storing only metadata in most cases
ffs theres a diffrence
like the isp privacy law panic it's literally nothing because fuck drumpf while google rapes your privacy more than intel could ever dream
I'm sure you're right. But in the highly unlikely instance that you're completely utterly wrong, here's where you can get the latest ME cleaner.
It's the same thing with ISP's, they don't have the infrastructure to properly spy on their customers (anything that isn't: customer x connected to y at z time)
>No one has found out about this
Except for Snowden, who published NSA documents.
But sure, who wants to believe a traitor, lol, he's lying!
Fucking burgers...
>t. NSA CIAnigger
I support the military-industrial-corporate complex and if they monitor everything I've ever done on every PC I've ever used they will have no issue.
You don't need security if you don't need security.
>The NSA (etc) are only human
Which is why they use computers dumbass.
OP here, I'm not even American.
Because you can't make a mistake if your using a computer right?
>without anyone finding out
Wtf is room 621a
Wtf are the Snowden leaks
Oh yea i forgot when Snowden found the secret backdoor in every electronic device ever made, my bad.
OP here again, you guys seem to think that I'm denying that the NSA does any surveillance, im not. I'm just saying that it's impossible to be at the ridiculous scale that some of you think it is.
>NSA still trying to shill ITT
yeah why would 3 letter agencies want access to systems hahaha so fucking stupid lmao
>who is Edward Snowden?
Also, you have to monitor data before you can block it, so obviously blocking data is a lot harder. How do you think China blocks people from accessing a given website if it can't see what websites people are accessing?
Well, if you don't want Google to spy on you, you can use open source alternatives. If you don't want Intel to spy on you, you can get an ARM or AMD processor, or get a computer with ME removed. If you don't want your own government to unconstitutionally spy on you, you're fucked.
Also, this isn't some "fuck drumpf" thing. I dislike Trump, but this has nothing to do with him. The Obama administration expanded the NSA's powers substantially, and I have no doubt Hillary would have done the same if she were elected.
back in 2014 snowden said that nsa is holding 100kb of info each day for every person they find interesting in plain text
you know how much info 100kb in plain text is?
Monitoring and Blocking on a ip basis is one thing, storing and processing data across multiple ip's, devices, and non
-internet related surveillance to profile a person and their every action is other thing, and this is what a lot of people on this board (and the internet in general) believe, it's gotten to bullshit "flat earth" level of conspiracy. Building and Using such a system without any leaks is impossible.
>you know how much info 100kb in plain text is?
100kb! I win!
tech colludes heavily with government, i'd like them held to similar standards so they can't just outsource their dubious work to google
came here to say this, I think OP glows in the dark
>"You should totally trust the NSA, they're not even remotely capable of large scale surveillance like PRISM. Just trust me on this."
Google PRISM, you newfag. It's more than "some emails and metadata". They've managed to build detailed profiles about people.
Oh ffs, you point at the leaks and say that it's possible because similar things have been done in the past, I point at the leaks and say with all these leaks such an operation would be impossible to keep secret. I'm not arguing that they couldn't do it, saying that they couldn't keep it a secret. The leaks are proving my point, all it takes is one person and they are exposed. What don't you get about it?
For specific people (of interest) of course the government can gather intelligence on them, I also think there is nothing wrong with this. But this thread is mass surveillance, as in everyone, people are pointing at these leaks and thinking that this sort of surveillance is happening to THEM and by extension everybody.
iirc there were leaks about backdoors in android and apple phones. I don't understand your response.
NSA does collect data and has search engine for this data.
And it's not US, but global. UK and Germany were negotiating with NSA to implement system like this in their country. NSA said yes in exchange if these countries will share data with NSA.
I think China also has something like this.
NSA are only human.
I don't think that human can with some form of tiny piecie of gear composed transistors on that level and it is also aided by mathematics.
You are trying way too hard to convince literally no one ITT
the android backdoor is called "Google Services"
>Government can't keep secrets
What is the manhattan project and compartmentalization?
>The NSA (etc) are only human
post proof
>some how thinking that they are capable of any of this shit
You were probably one of the fuckheads who thought mass internet surveillance was bullshit a handful of years ago. You were wrong then. You are wrong now.
Neutrality, surveillance and bigdata are interlinked.
Pic related is where all your surveillance goes while their surveillance nature were also meant to put people down or off the grid especially politicians/terrorists not in office.
The great firewall isn't at all that bad. It's protecting China from outside attacks while allowing outside attacks from chinese hackers (that became a big community out of this firewall thing thanks to accelerationism effects).
I'm sure you do know how the average chinese uses proxy/tunnel and VPNs by default. They just forced the meme firewall to accidental-redpill their people into mild opsec. It's a very wise decision. Now your 3-Letter "eyes" agencies can't spy the average commie (even ruskies opsec a lot and have just as great hacker communities). Meanwhile, Amerimutts don't have any hacker groups otherwise they're just nonsense babbling activists about to suicide.
>Honestly think about it, its not possible.
And that made you feel better? Whatever suits you.