/clmg/ - Comfy Linux Mint General

Users of Linux Mint are welcome to ask questions and share their experiences.

>About the distro

The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use.

Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people.

Some of the reasons for the success of Linux Mint are:

- It works out of the box, with full multimedia support and is extremely easy to use.
- It's both free of cost and open source.
- It's community-driven. Users are encouraged to send feedback to the project so that their ideas can be used to improve Linux Mint.
- Based on Debian and Ubuntu, it provides about 30,000 packages and one of the best software managers.
- It's safe and reliable. Thanks to a conservative approach to software updates, a unique Update Manager and the robustness of its Linux architecture, Linux Mint requires very little maintenance (no regressions, no antivirus, no anti-spyware...etc).

>Available desktop environments / flavours




Other urls found in this thread:



>What is Linux Mint?

Linux Mint is a free Linux-based operating system designed for use on desktop computers.

>Is Linux Mint suitable for individuals?

Yes, definitely. Linux Mint is designed to be comfortable and easy to use but also powerful and configurable. Everything is done to make the user experience better.

Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people.

User feedback is very important to us and used to consistently improve the quality of Linux Mint.

>Is Linux Mint suitable for companies?

Yes. Linux Mint provides Long-Term Support (LTS) releases which are supported for a duration of 5 years.

>Does Linux Mint include proprietary drivers?

No. Proprietary drivers such as the ATI or nVidia drivers are easy to install but not installed by default.

>What about proprietary software?

Linux Mint does not support any political or ideological stance against any software programs or editors no matter what license they use. With that said, most if not all (depending on the edition) software used in Linux Mint is Free and Open Source. We believe in Open Source as a choice, not as a constraint. We think it makes sense to share code, to credit the technology we use, to let people help us, to allow others to build upon what we are making and to enable progress in general. We also enjoy sharing with the community, so we license our software under the GPL and the vast majority of components we use are Free and Open Source.

enjoy ur hacked website lmao

We need to make generals for every other linux distro, then the entire board will be nothing but linux.


>Security notice: Meltdown and Spectre - General Advice

Locally, you should backup your personal data and set up daily system snapshots (timeshift is recommended for that).

Check for available security updates often, and apply them as they become available. In your Update Manager these are marked with a red exclamation mark.

Review any sensitive information stored online.

Stay away from 3rd party applications, proprietary in particular and do not visit websites you don’t trust on devices which haven’t been patched.

Consider securing access to your important data (your email account in particular) with 2 factor authentication.

A distro based on distro based on distro... x---D

Old news. It also happened even to GNU's servers (crn.com/news/applications-os/18830621/gnu-servers-hacked-linux-software-may-be-compromised.htm).

They fixed both of them.

I think we should fork mint and make new, better distro. xDD

A human based on another human based on another human... X---D

Red pill incoming.

> fileservers hosted by theGNUProject, the group which supports the development of many of the components in theLinuxoperating system
The guy who wrote this should be fired.

fake news

also we will Make Mint Great Again

this. most of you is bloat, for the sake of minimalism one should cut some things off

t. minimalist

ubuntu is comfy enough, why bother using mint?

>grandparents are the originals, but they are obsolate and too old
>parents are younger, get more stuff, have more modern looks, but too bloated
>you are the youngest, everyone calls you a failure, but you just wanted to become more user-friendly and successful

love mint got it on all my computers been using since 15

still cant get my firewire sound card and digital crossovers to work after 10 years of trying

went back to windows 7, sorry guys its prettier.. .and use mint on my macbook air if i want security and do banking / mail / tor etc ...

>using an insecure frankendebian

Mint? Seriously? There's a good bunch of distros better than Mint. Most Ubuntu spins are better than Mint. openSUSE is better. Arch is better. Even Manjaro is better.

>that distro is derivative
>muh distro is pure

unless you are slackware bsd guy sod the fuck off....

mint werks and has a tidy modern environment (cinnamon) and great default software settings and codecs

if i need something to work with normies involved and only have a usb and no internet bandwidth and to screw around nothing comes close to mint... literally got 5 windows rotted machines back from the dead at a retirement home in under an hour with no complaints

only way mint could be better if FF came with ublock and umatrix pre installed...

mint was the first thing that handled my 4k laptop resolution without making things look like they were intended for ants

>Post outdated post not related to today mint made by some random Adrian

>Calls it redpill


Linux mint dev team decisions are better and better.

Actually these guys know major problems of linux overall and they try to reduce or remove these problems from linux mint.

Every version linux mint is stronger.

Linux is a kernel.

>Mint? Seriously? There's a good bunch of distros better than Mint. Most Ubuntu spins are better than Mint. openSUSE is better. Arch is better. Even Manjaro is better.


Cough, cough...

kek, this

>more popular = better
Just install Windows.

nod an argumend :DDD

Im just getting into linux.

Got Ubuntu to fiddle with for a few days, should i try another distro or stick with Ubu?

Refute every point in the image, or heck off.

Lubuntu is best distro. Get over it

Ubuntu is great. Linux Mint has better / comfier desktop environments, that's all.


I love lxde as well. It's lightweight and minimal - truly a masterpiece.

Well, at least Mint-chan is qt. Too bad she runs on systemd.

Nah, she is sadly gtk.

Eh? Isn't gtk for the graphics, and systemd is in the kernel?

>Celebrities who probably use Linux Mint
I start with an obvious one.

Why does Mint 18 not display the log anymore at boot-time when pressing Alt+

Linux is about choice and free as in freedom. Im free to use Damn Vulnerable Linux if i want to

Qt is also a toolkit.


>tidy modern environment

Just customize it a little, user.

Too much resources used,

Even thou really comfy...

But since it had make usb stick feature when you right click on it, I used it and now I cannot install back because I do not know how to make usb stick.

Very comfy.

What are you're using now?

you said mint is better than ubuntu since its more popular, so obviously, windows being more popular than any distro would make it the bestest os ever

Tbh, this is a great general for noobs. But remember noobs, linux mint is a shit distro


I'm not using Mint, but I'm using xUbuntu. Can anyone help me? I installed Steam on here and it doesn't load up. It shows the updating bar and everything and lets me log in, but it never boots to the program.

I mostly need it for social reasons.

Your distro is shit.

I tried to install Mint on my desktop (Ryzen CPU, Gigabyte motherboard) about six months ago and it failed. I kept getting

>unexpected irq trap at vector 07

errors on boot.

Is this issue fixed?

out of all distros, where would linux mint be? i started using linux mint, but due to critisisms of it ive been trying other distros.

Where did you install steam from? Either from the repos or the deb from Valve should work fine on Xubuntu. Steam stores its files in .steam (which has symlinks to .local/blablabla), try deleting that folder first and try again.

literally grasping at straws: the post

I installed it from a .deb from the steam website.

This is the last official KDE version of Linux Mint ever; if I'm not mistaken.


I'm moving to Kubuntu.

here. For fuck's sake, I can't believe it took me this fucking long to get the fucking jokes. Somebody end me now, I'm too brainlet for this world.

RIP indeed. I moved to Manjaro KDE edition

For FUCKS sake, stop making a general thread for EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT

>- It's both free of cost and open source.
How unique

So here we go.
1. Linux mint never make blacklist. They classify every update by levels.
From 1 to 3 means this update are safe so you can install.
4 are updates for important components of mint (like xorg or kernel) and mint team advises to install them 1 by 1 restarting between every instalation, so in problem you can detect which update caused problem.
5 are marked in most cases as untested, usually you can find them in testing repos called romero.

Also linux mint is more ubuntu. But also exists Linux Mint Debian Edition fully based on debian.

Mint's editor is not "xedit" but "xed" also linux mint removed mdm and uses light dm.

Licensed stuff is not inside ISO. It can be downloaded during instalation as optional option.

>you said mint is better than ubuntu since its more popular, so obviously, windows being more popular than any distro would make it the bestest os ever

More popular GNU/Linux distro, that's all.
Who talks about Windows in a Linux thread anyway?!

>Also linux mint is more ubuntu. But also exists Linux Mint Debian Edition fully based on debian.

This. LM is not "frankendebian" - Ubuntu is.

I dont use Mint but fuck the bitches saying Mint is not good for noobs because IT IS GOOD.

This thread should have ended here.

Why should I use this instead Ubuntu or Solus with my DE of choice?

Because of the Mint tools.
It's more easier and faster to manage your system.

What's new in mint since 17.3?
That's the last time I tried it and I was severely disappointed. Cinnamon was nice but not amazing.

I've been using Solus for almost a year now, would you recommend I make the switch if I'm already comfortable with my current distro?

Does creating a snapshot of my system requires a lot of disk space?

Don't fall for the meme. Noobs recommend Mint because they don't have the knowledge see how crap Mint is.

>Does creating a snapshot of my system requires a lot of disk space?

According to the official website of Timeshift you can set a lot of options, including the size of the snapshots.


>a more recent article:

Install Gentoo

It is too late for me, son.

every celebrity ever probably uses macos except bill gates

Is Linus himself a celebrity? Or Stallman?

you realize there was a fix to that right faggot

No point in switching if you're on solus

>1. Linux mint never make blacklist. They classify every update by levels.


This person speaks sooth. This distro just works and doesn't reinvent UI wheels that aren't broken. It as secure as any other distribution.

Get Real!

Is Mint strictly for Linux beginners/casuals, or can it do well with intermediate/advanced tasks as well?

I think we should fork YOU in the ass.

Why don' t we start with your useless head?

Retarded Gnome 3, visually unappealing.

Details or STFU.

>only way mint could be better if FF came with ublock and umatrix pre installed...

That's not going to happen. Mint is full botnet and makes ad money. It's why google is taken out of FF and default search is set to yahoo.

>full botnet with ad money
>takes google OUT of search, not keeping it in and, fuck, just switching FF for chrome
Something's not right about what you said there.

Remember, n00bs, this is a shitposter. :)

I installed mint on an emachine in like 2013. I barely used it. I booted it up today and checked out my desktop and what not. What perk does mint have over windows? Is there anything fun I can do or is just a nice looking desktop and workspace. Thanks lads.

You betcha' 25 year veteran embedded systems developer and IT pro here. If it works for you, enjoy it. I do.

I want to solve new problems with my PCs, not old ones - so I use Mint. My wife does, too.

The only thing she really noticed coming from Doze was, "where'd the C: drive go?"

She's a teacher and uses Mint professionally every day. All her apps are cross-platform to work with Macs @ school, anyway.

No one cares. Go ahead.

But this is a Mint thread.

>cant secure a website
>begs us to use mint

No. No one cares. This thread is for people who use Mint.

Justify your statement with facts or bugger yourself.

This is a Mint thread brainlet.

It's an operating system for general desktop use.

It's "just" a modern operating system that works on thousands of industry-standard-architecture PCs.

It's not going to suck your dick or anything. It runs programs and stays out of your way.

Well I guess y'all got told.

>Is Mint strictly for Linux beginners/casuals,


>or can it do well with intermediate/advanced tasks as well?

It can.

mint has run my samba server and HTPC reliably for the past year.

probably going to switch to XFCE from cinnamon for bloat reasons though