Recently I bought a NDS Lite and this was included

Recently I bought a NDS Lite and this was included.

Is there a way to reverse engineer the "kernel" it has or to change stuff in it? The only thing that has menus and stuff is the DAT file.

No. Just find roms and get it running free games and moonshell

Install WoodR4

Fuck that, I want it to boot straight into the list of games at least. The bloat must get out

I wish chinks would think shit through once before making anything

I already have it, the thing is though is that I dont need the "favorites" folder and the Slot 2, at all.I want it to boot straight into the list, like I said above

Good luck. There's loads of resources online but nobody has bothered to clean up the code since it's so old and it just works. Report back if you get anywhere.

I see
Unfortunately I don't remember much from my experience, it's been a long time...

I might be wrong, but IIRC my R4 used to start directly on the WoodR4 menu with the game lists, I just don't remember how I did it

Thanks, will do my best even though I am not a programmer. Never too late to learn something new, right?

Also I was kinda young when I was messing around with my DS and R4, so if it can be done, it might not be hard because I wasn't tech savvy then

Ask for DS and R4 doccumentation.

Roger that!

Thanks man, much appreciated!

If you just want a no-bullshit games list, try ysmenu.

Yeah, cool. But I'd need to boot up the cartridge, navigate to the YSMenu and boot that later too. That's twice the booting so it goes out of the window. Unless there's a way to make it automatic, then I'm all ears.

There are lots of flashcards and they're all called the same, so I'm going to assume it's an R4 SDHC and the dat file is called R4.dat. Rename R4.dat to R4.dat.old, rename moonshell.nds to R4.dat. Then, open up your favorite hex editor and change these offsets:

000002EC: 23 -> 49
00000314: E8 -> E4
00000344: CC -> B8
00000404: 00 -> A8
00000405: 00 -> 05
00000407: 0B -> 02
00000418: A8 -> D8
00000419: 05 -> FF
0000041A: 00 -> FF
0000041B: 02 -> EA

Let me know if it works. If not, can you tell me a few more details about the card?

The kernel exploits the DS to bypass the RSA check that's supposed to ensure the game card's code is signed by Nintendo. It then parses the filesystem on the SD card and loads the menu.

You might be able to make a game load directly by renaming it to the menu's filename. But there's usually an option on the menu to auto load the last rom unless you hold a key on boot to cancel it.

Nope, doesn't work. It's a _DS_MENU.DAT with "__rpg" folder right above it with basic skins, settings and shit. And here's the cartridge.
The cartridge seems to be one of the very first ones. Wood R4 v1.62 or the original v1.18 kernels work but they have pointless menus and settings and shit. Like I said above.

mine bitcoin with it

Find RetroGameFan’s multi cart upgrade online. It should have a folder for R4(SDHC) in it. Copy the contents of the folder to the root of the SD card.

Bump cause I love it

Nope, doesn't work either. It's the very first cartridge I'm afraid. It doesn't even support SDHC cards, 2GB is the biggest it can handle.

Check in settings, see if there's an option to start in the last viewed folder.