Friendly reminder that portfolios full of side projects are now considered a hiring red flag.
Some HR actually discriminate against applicants who provide a portfolio of personal projects because they consider it unfair to people who don't have time to write side projects.
Friendly reminder that portfolios full of side projects are now considered a hiring red flag
Why would I want to put hentai explorer in my portfolio tho
What in the fuck is this shit?
Can we just strip this far left diversity shit away already? Its hard enough finding a job in tech let alone finding one as the wrong type of person.
Sup Forums warned you and you laughed.
Now perish.
Why should I care what HR monkeys at some SJW company thinks? I only work for normal companies.
Next time is red flag ivy league or university.
English is not my native language, so I need to ask: What does "anti-diverse" mean? Is it an actual word? Isn't "diverse" an adjective, like "blue" or "shallow"? Are the words "anti-blue" or "anti-shallow" grammatically correct?
HR is full women in next congress HR will say avoid free time developer gets better diversity,HR get bonus for more diversity,making HR do it
>English is not my native language
Of course it isn't you arab goatfucker.
I actually kind of agree that it might be unfair. From personal experience, when i was studying at a shitty college i had lots of free time which i spent learning technologies and doing fun projects (i didn't really care about my future at that point). So as a result i have a decent portfolio. But now i'm studying at a good uni and i spend almost whole day doing assignments and learning subjects. I just don't have free time to do anything non related to my classes. Additionally, academia rewards those who do nothing else but academia, and punishes (sort of) who does otherwise with worse grades. So there are a lot of reasons for me not to do side projects. And it doesn't mean i'm going to be a bad specialists. In fact, i think i will be able to learn technologies faster and use them better than those who did not do academia because of my broader knowledge.
>is anti-diverse
No, you fucking moron.
You can easily argue that it isn't representative of their skill level (though the code itself should be) but it is not, in anyway, "anti-diverse".
If it was a minority spending all their free time coding with a portfolio full of side projects and a white man who didn't, then you wouldn't say it is "anti-diverse" would you? It wouldn't be an indication to hire the white person.
This idiot, whoever they are, just found a situation they decided was unfair against them and labeled it "anti-diverse", because they're a faggot.
If shallow or blue are names of the agenda you're advocating for, yes, anti-shallow is correct.
Anti-diverse means they hire white heterosexual males. In today's pc culture, this is considered a great offense.
> they decided was unfair against them and labeled it "anti-diverse"
Narcissism SJW nutshell
These people use social problem as power source
anti- can mean both "the opposite of", or, in this case, someone who opposes something
"anti-diverse", in this context, refers to someone who is "opposed to diversity"
wow so it doesn't matter at all
> In fact, i think i will be able to learn technologies faster and use them better than those who did not do academia because of my broader knowledge.
Fuck you, I'll bite. Explain to us how your extensive knowledge in black history and feminine tampon issues will help you understand technology better.
I know of anti-rust (anti-noun) or maybe anti-vandalism (anti-noun, noun here being an activity or a movement).
But anti-diverse? Should it not be "anti-diversity"?
Probably should be.
The only part of English I didn't suck at was spelling. Just because I'm a native English speaker, doesn't mean I'm an expert at it.
In this case, the company in question strives to be diverse. Their cause is diversity. Anything that goes against this would be anti-diverse.
For example, if a group of people were pushing for others to be more shallow, and someone or something were to go against them, they would be considered anti-shallow.
Stuff like this speaks to the insanity of social liberalism that isn't backed by a robust anti-capitalist worldview.
If social mobility is tied to a narrow field of employment, do you:
a.) adjust criteria to ensure unqualified individuals are employed in this field, allowing them to share in the prosperity
b.) work to ensure that material well-being is divorced from the specific nature of one's labor
Liberals (brainlets) will always choose a.), and wonder why it blows up in their faces. Read Marx.
Could you speak in english please?
Brainlet alert.
What part didn't make sense to you?
God libertarians are stupid.
Threadly reminder to ignore and report all thinly or blatant threads involving identity politics.
You are correct, anti-diverse is a retarded phrase, anti-diversity would be fine though. It's just tumblr tier making up of words.
I feel sorry for people who have to go through HR to get hired. None of the jobs I have had since my sophomore year in college required me to deal with HR bullshit. I either handed my resume directly to another engineer at a job fair (at school) or a friend recommended me. People I knew during my undergrad had the same experience. The only time I had to deal with HR was when setting up the on-site interview or dealing with relocation/moving stuff or 1st day orientation.
This is generally the go to way of getting hired, but where the hell do you meet programmers?
So, It's a good way to not get a bad job.
what the fuck are you even trying to say
Are you literally that retarded?
You don't need to meet programmers, simply let everyone know that you are a programmer. That way people automatically recommend you when something comes up
Not him, but I've met some savvy programmers at university's IT association. One of them recommended me to his boss and I've met more programmers at work who recommended me in other companies and so on.