is windows 8.1 technically windows 9 ?
Is windows 8.1 technically windows 9 ?
No, more like 7.2
No. It's trash.
7's just a Vista service pack
Vista was just a 7 beta
Nah, Vista was great. I'd expect a beta to have issues.
You actually used vista in a networked environment?
>Vista was great
>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Should've used a new computer instead of upgrading from XP on that machine that originally came with Windows 98.
You really want to blame it on the hardware? So after no problem on XP my hardware "got old" right after installing Vista and that explains the problems?
Global rule #3 my dude.
>You really want to blame it on the hardware?
No, I'm blaming the user. The hardware doesn't decide what its retarded owner installs.
>No, I'm blaming the user.
You already forgot about this:
>Should've used a new computer instead
Which one is it, fa?m
No I didn't. The user is who decides what computer is used.
Your defunct PC hypothesis is completely retarded, friendo. Especially as a global phenomenon.
That's literally what happened though, retards expected it to work on their old hardware even though it bumped up the requirements.
An old PC running newer software with higher system requirement will be slow, but function exactly the same. A PC isn't a mechanical device breaking down when overloaded, sweetie.
Vista had serious stability issues causing freezes and reboots. Mostly because of driver issues. You could now point a finger to manufacturers for that but M$ was the one who decided to ditch their driver model overnight.
>A PC isn't a mechanical device breaking down when overloaded, sweetie
I never said otherwise, boo
Are you ignoring all the stability issues Vista had? or hardware incompatibility? Because if Vista was only "slower" then there wouldn't be a shit storm.
Worked on my machine. I had more issues with XP and 7 than Vista.
Not him, but I didn't have any stability issues or freezes with my computer when I tried it. Never really understood the "Vista is terrible" meme, though I'm sure there were systems it didn't run well on.
it could be, because 8+1 = 9
More like a service pack for 8.