Discovering Porn Folder of a Deceased Person
Since it will become more common
now that we're in the future
What should we do about hiding porn we don't want loved one's to see? God forbid any young kids
Discovering Porn Folder of a Deceased Person
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How about they stop trying to anoop through someone else's belongings?
It can't be avoided user
Just tell your son that you're into trannies and get it over with.
Just encrypt it. I had a spare 60GB SSD when I put together a build, so I just never assigned it a drive letter, and mount it as an encrypted device with VeraCrypt whenever it's fapping time. The whole process of opening VeraCrypt, selecting it, typing my password, and having it actually open takes maybe 10 seconds.
Why bother hiding them at all?
I'll take your word
Does it have to encrypt the entire drive or can it just be certain folders?
so you encrypt and decryt a whole SSD all the time? good job you moron
TrueCrypt that shit
>Using SSD for storage
k e k
why would I care about what happens after I'm dead?
*tips fedora*
What's wrong about that?
Do you need to encrypt the entire drive>?
You can probably encrypt a partition. I encrypted my entire second drive. My OS SSD has only OS related and some programs, no documents/images/videos/archives on it. Everything of matter is on my second drive and its encrypted.
>he doesnt have a dedicated drive for porn
People had porn before computers you know.
Encrypt as little or as much as you want. I've only ever used encrypted file containers and whole drives, both of which you just select in TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt, pick a drive letter for, and it mounts as another drive.
>VeraCrypt is a software for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume
The entire drive only gets encrypted once. The files on it get decrypted as they're read. Unless I'm totally misunderstanding how it works, there's no extra read/write cycles past the initial full disk encryption.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em. It's just porn, not a big deal if I lose it, and I could always just back it up onto one of my other drives, it's only a 60GB.
>What's wrong about that?
SSDs have a limited number of read/write cycles until they wear out. That number is so far beyond what normal users will ever have issues with, if you're buying good drives(I did), but it's something worth keeping in mind.
>Do you need to encrypt the entire drive>?
No, you can just make a file and encrypt that, then you'll mount that file as a drive using TrueCrypt. Partitions work too, so however you want to do it really.
eden sucked.
Thanks user
I'll work on encrypting my porn tomorrow
I just don't want anyone finding my Isabelle (AC)
Furry collection
I don't watch porn. I just have sex with my girlfriend.
TrueCrypt 7.1a was the last version that was audited, so we know that doesn't contain anything malicious. Shit got weird at that point, TrueCrypt went end-of-life, and VeraCrypt forked from it and continued development, fixing a lot of the issues raised during the audit. Some people worry that, since VeraCrypt hasn't been audited yet, it may have back-doors, other people say that since it's the new version, use that. Either way, I think you're probably fine if you're just hiding your porn.
For those of you who actually worry about it after you die, maybe just do an encrypted file, clearly label it porn, and leave a readme explaining that, no, it's actually just porn, not anything that's important for your estate or anything like that.
You sure do
who fucken cares what anyone thinks of you after you're dead
might be real embarassing if someone finds your stash of furry diaper pony incest when you're in a month-long coma from a car crash and then you wake up and have to deal with it though
but if you're concerned about privacy like that, just use full-disk encryption and you're fine
>saving porn
Tragic to die at just 14
i save written porn in ebook form onto my kindle
it is securely hidden in a folder named "a", which nobody will ever guess
Hidden folder /.porn in linux solves problems.
it sure as hell is more convenient than searching for your favourite clips over and over again
lel when my brother died(hes a gay). My brother and sister went through his shit. He had a treasure chest like pic related.
Whatever it was they discovered they rather not tell me but knowing him their was probably abunch of gay porn with guys eating alot of ass. Ass well as dildos and leather and shit.
Anyways your dead so why should you care. They're all hypocrites who probably crave the BBC
>encrypting porn
nice pic
It still shows all my porn in "recent files" on gnome.
>not encrypting everything
>For those of you who actually worry about it after you die, maybe just do an encrypted file, clearly label it porn, and leave a readme explaining that, no, it's actually just porn, not anything that's important for your estate or anything like that.
why would your lawyer/estate manager be trolling about your pc?
>it sure as hell is more convenient than searching for your favourite clips over and over again
so rather save your favourite clip only to watch it once every 5 months...
>nice pic
thank you
>streaming porn
I've seen far too much choice fapfodder just disappear forever for that nonsense.
Death strikes like lightning. Before your death, you may worry in life about trivial things. To ease through in life, be diligent about your worries. Encrypt your hard drive and keep your sensible at peace.
It would be cool (and doable) to make a program that deletes your porn folder and web history at startup if you don't open it for a long time. The deal would be running it silently and unkillable.
If you open my porn folder, you deserve all the horrible fetishes you will get.
>why would your lawyer/estate manager be trolling about your pc?
They wouldn't be, but my family would, and I would rather be remembered as how I presented myself than as how I am when I have my dick in my hand. Also I'm more than a little embarrassed at how organized the whole thing it with Hydrus Network.
No different than disposing of grandma's porn mags. Don't look, just trash it.
i don't have any weird shit (except my my meme folder) and i already told my mom to format my drives in case of death. if she goes through my stuff anyway, i won't care, i'll be dead.
>alias ls="ls -A"
>Hydrus Network.
10x m8, didnt know bout this one
was thinking of reinventing that wheel, and now I don't have to (or at least I can use it as a source of ideas)
>SSDs have a limited number of read/write cycles until they wear out. That number is so far beyond what normal users will ever have issues with, if you're buying good drives(I did), but it's something worth keeping in mind.
how is it to live in 2010? Hope you're doing fine.
>They wouldn't be, but my family would
You think they'd do their best to get around your password? so much for respect for the dead
>downloading porn
Why the fuck would you absolute 25 chromosome retards do it?
Who are you quoting?
>Since it will become more common
Then nobody will care, unless you have some illegal shit.
t. normie
Who cares if anyone sees your anime tiddies collection when you're dead?
>downloading porn
Make new user for your girl(boy)friend. If she(he) asks
>y u do dissss???
just tell her(him) that you're hiding porn from her(him). She(he) will understand.
Don't let kids in your house you moron, what's wrong with you?