Wake up to to my iPhone X(TM) alarm

> Wake up to to my iPhone X(TM) alarm.
> Fumble under my pillow to find it.
> Hold my finger down to stop the alarm,
> Oh, right. No fingerprint reader.
> Sit up and look at the phone to unlock it. Smile radiantly knowing the future is now.
> Skip into the bathroom to wash up. Cheerily ask Siri to tell me the weather from my HomePod(TM).
> Siri tells me the Empire State bulding is composed of 10 million bricks in perfect surround sound.
> Nod enthusiastically.
> Eat breakfast, one glass of beat from my Juicero(TM). Read in my alternative medicine book that it staves off migranes.
> Grab my AirPods(TM) from my drawer of now obsolete premium earbuds. Chuckle at how primitive analog is to BLE.
> Climb into my Tesla, set off to work.
> Stop by Starbucks for a frappuchino, pumpkin spice of course.
> Get to work, turn on my Macbook Pro(TM).
> Oh shucks, forgot my password again.
> Type in admin and spam enter repeatedly, log in anyways.
> Laugh heartily at how innovative the feature is.
> Plug in my 5k LG Apple Approved (TM) monitor. Nothing happens.
> Oh right, too close to the wireless router. Move desk into a corner of the office and work there instead.
> Work ends, head off home.
> Driving back when a rock gets flung from a semi, lands square on the room of my Tesla(TM).
> Roof and windshield shatter simulatenously into thousands of glass cubes.
> Whatever. Grin at the thought of plebs not having a glass room as large as mine anyways.
> Find out Juicero Corp closed down, can't replace it. Feel bad, think I'll take a nap.
> Head up the stairs to bed, collapse in pain with a bad migrane halfway up.
> Desperately yell at Siri to call my dietician.
> Siri tells me there are three different Domino Pizza joints in my immediate area.
> Migrane subsides some time later, drag myself to bed and collapse.
> Notice the X's glass back shattered when I rolled on it during my migrane.
> Fall asleep smiling to the thought of how courages the design choice was.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice forced meme.

This is an English language website, foreigner. Also, you can turn off the alarms with the power button ^_^

i like it

Sup Forums is 18+ frogposter

fuck you

please do the needful and learn English or fuck off, anjeet

Saved, thanks op.

Have another classic

Macs. For the brilliant, the inspired. The down-to-business dreamers-up of tomorrow. The high-fliers of the future. There is no alternative. Cut the crap. Anything else is simply wasting time. Wasting precious moments propping up a half-functioning OS. Clunky, convoluted shit-systems. Defunct garbage. Not havin it. Mac OS X, the epitome of computing, setting the standard and raising the bar. Taking things to a whole new level. While nobodypeople hype their dull selves up for building a failure-rig. A gaming loser-station. The mac user is truly a higher tier of person. A refined, intelligent, hyper-creative high-achiever with practical priorities. Unstoppable. Dirty pc peasants fail at life. Nowhere-goers. Stagnant fatasses. Jealous bitchboys. Mac OS X is the supreme, the ultimate, the final perfect choice, Mac OS X.


breddy gud
protip: alt+2 gives ™

Imagine a giant cock flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant cock. But then at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant cock rears back and stabs you in the eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant cock is penetrating your gray matter and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant cock slaps yo across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant cock finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what using Mac OS X is like.

it’s written macOS*, anjeet

not even 10% of all computers uses macOS or iOS


Yet it makes up 90% of faggotry.



> Juicero
Holy fuck. I laughed so hard.

>Wake up to my iPhone X alarm--
>wait, the battery got throttled
>fuck, it's dead and I'm late for work again!
>Boss left a voicemail: I GOT FIRED!?!


How will iToddlers EVER recover?

Ahahahaha epic win! @64362099 (OP)

Mad? I am a happy 7 plus owner desu coming from Note 4, Pixel and one plus. I have an Anker battery in case of anything, but this phone runs fine.
>where is your Nvme storage huh?
Oh wait android is too poor to get that and a good cpu

that literally doesn't make any sense, the batteries are throttled so that they last longer


Oppo r11 here I approve this memem

Macs. For the brilliant, the inspired. The down-to-business dreamers-up of tomorrow. The high-fliers of the future. There is no alternative. Cut the crap. Anything else is simply wasting time. Wasting precious moments propping up a half-functioning OS. Clunky, convoluted shit-systems. Defunct garbage. Not havin it. Mac OS X, the epitome of computing, setting the standard and raising the bar. Taking things to a whole new level. While nobodypeople hype their dull selves up for building a failure-rig. A gaming loser-station. The mac user is truly a higher tier of person. A refined, intelligent, hyper-creative high-achiever with practical priorities. Unstoppable. Dirty pc peasants fail at life. Nowhere-goers. Stagnant fatasses. Jealous bitchboys. Mac OS X is the supreme, the ultimate, the final perfect choice, Mac OS X.

Apple is not in the same scene as those faggot ass fake innovators.


Yeah really. What does that picture even mean? Macbooks are differentiated into pros and casuals, and both serve their own segments really well. Yes of course, they might be slower by 1 minute but they still serve pros and casuals accordingly. If you seek specs, then you’ll never belong in the Apple segment.

Are you pajeets even trying anymore? The bait this week has been low quality. Can I speak with your supervisor?

I enjoyed it. Spam some other thread, Pradeep

He's busy issuing your iTunes gift cards

I mean, I'll gladly take my iTunes gift cards, at least I actually get paid for my work! This is unlike you retards doing it for attention, fuck off with your shit bait my guy.

>> Oh shucks, forgot my password again.
>> Type in admin and spam enter repeatedly, log in anyways.
Every time.

You forgot one entry at the end.

>Literally made up every fucking thing I posted. Can't afford a $40 android phone because Mom and Dad won't get me one.

Except all of it is true unfortunately.

t. ex apple user

>> Oh, right. No fingerprint reader.
what a shit phone need to be unlocked before turning of an alarm? also negative shilling is still shilling so thanks for another apple thread you dumb shill, sage

nice English pajeet, you can just use control center which doesn't need to be unlocked LOL

How much does that constantly overheat and thermal throttle?

I've owned every iPhone since the first gen released in 2007 and have never gotten a heat warning on my phone ^_^

I've owned every iPhone since the first gen released in 2007 and have always gotten a heat warnings on my phone constantly if not always ^~^

copies of the iPhone produced in india aren't actual iPhones, rasheed

That's literally where they're being made though...

do virgin pajeets actually save these images and keep them to post when they run out of arguments?

Pasta just needs updated

>gets BTFO
>ignores it and engages in maximum damage control
like pottery

I'm sorry that facts offend you, do I need to remind you that Sup Forums.org is 18+ and only for Americans?
The fact is iPhones made in India are only sold to Indians ^_^ Americans still get godly Chinese manufacturing ^_^

>"N-no u"

Meme reply = underage

>"Leave Applul alone! ;_;"


>"pls ;_;"

reaction images are for underage users only, please familiarize yourself with global rules 1 & 2. These rules apply even on blue boards

>"poo in loo"
>"mods he's an underage and not me I swear ;_;"

Here let me call them for you big boy.


>> Oh shucks, forgot my password again.
>> Type in admin and spam enter repeatedly, log in anyways.
This gave me a chuckle.
Nice post, user.

I'm 20 ^_^

check these dubs big boi

is this the digits thread now?

It is now.

I'd fuck Siri

She would be telling you random facts every breath you take.

holy digits batman!

We dubs thread now

>Oh right, too close to the wireless router.

Are you really surprised after the antennagate?


good job op

No matter how hard Sup Forums spergs about nonexistent Apple users on this board, nothing stops Apple from being Americas most valuable brand.

>itoddler gets BTFO
>m-m-m-m-muh BRAND!!!111
>LEAV APEL ALONE!!!1111111
Sometimes I think I come to this board solely just to watch iAutist zealots sperg out and fanatically defend their fruit religion. It's like a free zoo exhibit. :^)

I don't own Apple products. I just find it incredibly autistic that bait threads are made for off topic sperging, shit like this belongs on Sup Forums because there certaintly isn't any technology being discussed here. Apple users never sperg, but are sperged at for some reason.

>big bezels

>t. absolutely assblasted iToddler foaming at the mouth

t. Botnet Shill
enjoy Google

>Apple users never sperg

You literally sperg out daily iAutist.

Was bretty close to reality but the lack of buttplugs and chasitys just didnt click to a lifelong apple user :3

Looks like some falseflagging to me, desu.
>ywn have a submissive bf with a Rose Gold tm chasity cage


>Looks like some falseflagging to me, desu.

>He thinks the same image over and over with nearly identical text multiple times per week is an actual person and not a traditional Sup Forums meme of bait


How will iToddlers ever recover?