Yo Sup Forums
I just updated Win10 and I think it fucked up my Arch boot loader (systemd-boot).
When I choose "Arch linux" on my start up it loads this screen. What even is this shell? What would you recommend? Reinstall it or install a new boot loader?
What do you think it's the best boot loader for Arch (multi-boot with Win10)?
Yo Sup Forums
linux is shit
you need to install plan9
lel what's that?
Issues can be numerous: EfI or UEFI install, Secure Boot etc etc... Always install Winblows first if you didn't because it is a piece of shit and it wants everything for itself
unplug your linux drives whenever you boot into windows
or it will do this every time
recover your files from a live iso if they are still there then reinstall
ext4 is a linux filesystem and NTFS is windows filesystem that it is trying to mount and boot from. Your windows probably did an overwrite on your boot record, so go do it all again, but this time install windows 1st
Just reinstall your bootloader with a gentoo or arch iso and check your fstab. Don't reinstall yet.
Using Arch for le memes lole i see... if you cant fix it, don't touch it. In that spirit, i would suggest not dual-booting, or at least dual-booting it with mint until you become less of a brainlet
*don't reinstall the whole OS yet. Also check your volumes with lsblk and make sure to mount from Partition UUIDs because some shitty Partitioning tools remove your Partition labels
You think he will be able to do that, after he caused this to happen? better off reinstalling fresh
If he did one install he would have read the bootloader part, so OP just mount your boot and root partition and install a desired bootloader with some OS Prober built in to find wangblows
Thank you all for your replies!
I will recover my files from a live iso and then reinstall.
What boot loader would you recommend though? GRUB, systemd-boot or even rEFInd?
for UEFI
Grub is the safest choice and is used to dual boot windows and linux as a safe bet
Isn't systemd-boot easier to configure?
Every bootloader is easy, except maybe LiLO when dual booting. Would still go with grub, it is what Mint/Ubuntu use to dual boot with windows so easily and it is not a bad bootloader by any margin
Disable windows fast boot if you dual boot.
>ctrl panel > choose what power buttons do.
Google why you should.
Ok, thanks for the info. You still need an extra partition for GRUB, don't you?
I've already done that
You can write your boot record in root or have a master boot record, however you wish. I just put it in root. You just need the boot flag on it
You can also use grub to boot windows if you really want to fuck with it. It actually works
Ok, good to know, thanks
Isn't it how it works? My systemd-boot has a Windows 10 entry where I boot it up.
Dont forget to make a hook for it so it knows which filesystem to mount in order to boot into Arch. it should do that by itself tho, but who knows, im not an Arch user
Anything else or are you all set?
Windows added partitions, and changed your partition order.
Your old sda5 is probably something like sda6 now.
Fix your bootloader configuration to pass proper root= value to your kernel. Done.
I think I'm good to go. I'll now boot on the live iso to get some files and then reinstall.
Thank you all for the help! This board is very kind despite what all the memers say.
This. Also one of the reasons you install Linux second most of the time, so you can avoid this problem
stay cucked
Windows is like your jealous ex-girlfriend.
It tries everything to get you back, including sabotaging your new relationship with your new girlfriend.
Careful. I did this exact same thing yesterday. I managed to preserve the directory structure but none of the actual contents.
I don't mind reinstalling arch, I got the important files on my home server (raspi)
This, also, use UUID= instead of /dev/sdx.
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