Why aren't you buying an acer macbook?
Why aren't you buying an acer macbook?
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I already bought an acer laptop
How you got to the conclusion that a poverty tier 14" Acer laptop is in any way even near a 12" ultrabook is beyond me.
Don't you just mean Acer?
The two aren’t comparable.
The Mac has superior build quality and is more portable.
The Mac has a super fast PCI SSD, the acer has a shitty HDD.
Acer likely has inferior RAM too
>superior build quality
>to acer
>the acer has a shitty HDD.
to bad mine has an ssd
>Acer likely has inferior RAM too
>not really. what makes you say that?
I wouldn't buy a new macbook either but acer has really bad build quality.
The fact that your acer has an SSD is irrelevant when the one you posted doesn’t, retard. And he SSD in your acer is guaranteed slower than the one in the macbook.
>not really. What makes you say that
Because the details on the acer aren’t given, it just says 8gb RAM on a cheap laptop so probably just cheap shit.
I know right, the acer is bigger for 1/3 of the price, what is this magic? Tell me, soyboy, what is this magic?!
And I'm sure a tiny grain of dust isn't enough to kill the keyboard of the acer, but it is certainly enough to anihilate your macbook. #rememberdustgate
Why do you speak a nigger european language? What are you, some kind of nigger?
Move along and take your mobility scooter with you, you fat, uncultured swine.
>dual core intel processor that also is hardware insecure (Metldown flaw, affecting only intel processors)
no thanks
Is this hackintosh?
Because I don't want a computer that will break down within half a year of warranty running out.
Sure, just tell your mother to get off of it first.
>pcie ssd
Useless crap only useful to show big numbers. Random reads and writes are the same as sata sdds, and that's why you'll never notice a difference. BTW, the acer has an ssd.
> inferior ram
You don't know what you're talking about, but besides that, all Intel low power cpus only support ddr3/lpddr3 ram. Fuck them, to be honest.
Can someone link the best chromebook for under 300 to buy plz
Install gentoo
now fuck off
It's not a chromebook in the OP pic.
what the fuck is this user
i wanted someone to link a laptop
lmao my laptop has low powered cpu with ddr4 ram, so your wrong
hook some shit up to it and get a case and bam you've got a pile of shit to sit on your shelf. you don't need a computer just so you can sit on your ass all day and do nothing. you can do that without a computer. feel pride in knowing that you invested seventy dollars on a paperweight. fuck you and your best friend.
Yeah, I meant their ultra-low-power.
Basically the 5w y-series you find in that 12' MacBook.
Ironically, the acer could have ddr4 since it has an u-series.
already have a macbook :^
Congratulations; you bought shit.
Acer isn't that bad.
i have repaired 100's of both brands and can tell you acer\asus\toshiba are the flimsiest shit around
Hard to believe but it's true
This. Literally this. You shouldn't be buying either
Waiting for them to release some fucking Ryzen Chips!!!!
Are they bad or is it just the cheap models
because acer doesn't make macbook's, they make pieces of shit.
what's the difference?
Not him but I know a little half black, half white girl and her daddy is teaching her French. I asked her why and she said, “Because he’s African”
That's why
Simple. Apple makes high quality pieces of art and Acer makes trash.
Wrong. Acer makes high quality pieces of art and Apple makes trash.
>iToddler banned again
Because macbook is a shitty format, cooling is insufficient.
I'd better buy slightly heavier laptop with normal cooling system, because I'm not a soyboy that cares about 250g.
And yeah, manufacturer have to provide disassembly guide. Acer doesn't
What drugs are you on bitch?