What is the best free software license and why?

What is the best free software license and why?

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gpl. freedom.

why: it's free. It's just free. No restrictions, true freedom

>only with slavery ensured you are truly free

Public Domain is the ONLY free licence.


While we're at discussing licences, is it okay to just write, for example:
You can freely use my kode as long as the project you used it in will be open source and non-commercial and you'll give me a credit.
I feel like copyleft is a cool thing, but I don't want to have some niggers to earn shekels or take credit for my work.

>nigger re-releases all your work as an open-source non-profit project, giving you credit, following all the rules you laid out
>omits the licence text
>uses code from the re-release in a closed-source commercial product
>maybe fucks you in the ass while he's at it because it's not explicitly forbidden in the licence
I don't really know. I'm not a lawyer. You can write anything you want, but it'll be up to the court what it actually means.

free software license as in you are free to use the software license for you projects. or a license for your free software? If the later I would avoid the GPL as it limits you and takes your code hostage.


Get told BSD brainlets

Um yes sweetie. Just like IRL, slavery was abolished and there is less freedom.

BSD: Souless corporations allowed to take and not give back, tragedy of the commons ensues, stagnation, dead community, deprecation, begging on the streets.

GPL: Morality is enforced, tragedy of the commons is avoided, sustained development, vibrant community, free software available to everyone for eternity.

acknowledging the existence of licenses is the opposite of freedom

Do you mean GPLv2 or GPLv3?

IRL laws exist and that means one must either seek their protection or be pwned by the Jooluminati.

Practice tends to shit on theory in social situations.

This. The more software we have under the GPL, the better. These BSD fags keep whining about how they can't use readline -- make your code GPL and stop being a cuck.

They can use libedit which is a far leaner alternative. Some minimalist Linux distributions have even looked into adopting it.


Closed source/Shareware

Fuck you, open niggers.

True freedom for all users of the software and its derivatives.

BSD libedit > GNU readline

if you need to force morality then there is something wrong to begin with

>What is the best free software license
Really, nigger. Stop.

>t. runs every executable he finds on the Internet

That's what executables are for.



Have any of these licences even been tested in court? I see lots of neckbeards arguing about them in mailing lists but I seriously doubt some old judge is going to interpret them in the way the said neckbeards do.

BSD, fuck GPL virus


bsd, mit, public domain

Paid Chinese gov't shills pls leave.

WTFPL because it is the freest

Cuck license.


Sure. Google returns a couple open cases. I'm pretty sure all the major ones have been vetted by lawyers, anyway.

See Have fun watching companies using your code to spy on you and you can't fix it, or remove backdoors, or share your fixes. All this because you literally asked for it by using a "permissive" license. You're doing the hard work for free, just to get cucked by asshole companies later.


Humans can't be trusted.

None. If you want data to be free then make it free. Maybe some kind of license to verify which version you're getting but no restrictions on editing or sharing at all.