What text editor do you use, Sup Forums?
What text editor do you use, Sup Forums?
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Geany on Linux, Notepadlefty++ on Windows.
Sony Vegas
Notepad++ or vim when I have to use Linux
ed or sam depending on what iwant
Visual Studio Code
MS paint
Emacs modified so that it leverages vims superior editing scheme. Spacemacs is bloated trash.
windows media player
VSC for web dev on both.
n++ for windows
nano for linux console
Notepad++ for Windows
Notepadqq / nano for Linux
I unironically use IJ for find/replace operations since I found out that atom (the name implying lightweight) shits itself regularly when doing a couple thousand replaces in a couple tens of thousands lines long XMLs/CSVs.
It perplexed me how something so bulky implemented in Java can outperform something that's supposed to be a dedicated text editor.
Then I remembered atom runs on electron/JS.
Not once has IJ failed me on find/replace, on three different platforms.
>I unironically use IJ for find/replace operations since I found out that atom (the name implying lightweight) shits itself regularly when doing a couple thousand replaces in a couple tens of thousands lines long XMLs/CSVs.
Just fucking use sed.
I am ever since I moved from Windows to Mac+Linux, I even learned some of the scripting language. On Windows though, I trust my Mintty+Cygwin+zsh compatibility layer less than IntelliJ. Also more often than not I want to avoid having to create a file for the replaced text, and having to put clippaste | sed whatever | clipcopy looks just as retarded as using IJ, in which I probably have a scratch file open anyway.
As the graph clearly shows, vim has a much steeper learning curve than nano.
for me it's Visual Studio Code
good taste
Notepad++ on windows VM.
sublime on leenookz
If you mean full blown IDE either Visual Studio or Lazarus depends on what the fuck I'm working on.
i only use intellij ides
editors are for poorfags
Linux is just a kernel. Which OS do you mean?
Wow someone's salty
Vim, of course
nano or geany
i will never edit enough text to justify learning an advanced keyboard driven editor
you mean 'realistic'
console text editor
Kernel is OS, you know.
vim. I really really like it. I am probably not very good at it compared to many of the veterans, but it still helps me out a lot and is extremely efficient and comfy. I'm planning to eventually switch over to emacs with evil, but for now I am doing okay with just vim.
>learning curves
It's always idiots which draw these. The only reasonable conclusion to draw here is that it's supposed to signify difficult in learning a standard measure of features or if there's a linear progression it can reflect that.
Vi should be starting high and go down exponentially.
Notepad is ok but it's a deceptive comparison because it's very short.
Visual studio should be extremely spiky because it's highly dependent on what you learn
I couldn't judge emacs or Pico. Haven't used them enough.
People seem to make fun of me in class for using vim to code, are they right to do so?
What's a good replacement for notepad++ in ubuntu ?
Genius always looks insane to the ignorant.
>This meme again
Notepadqq tries to re-create Notepad++ for Linux and you can easily install it via apt-get if you add ppa:notepadqq-team/notepadqq to your repository, so you might want to check it out.
Make fun of them for loading up an IDE to edit 1 200 line source file (I see this all the time).
Are 200 lines of code considered too insignificant to open an IDE?
Considering most IDEs require you to set up a project structure, yeah it's retarded.
This image has never made sense. It says that vi has more things to learn than Visual Studio, but it takes zero time to master it, while visual studio is harder -though not as hard as Pico- and after a certain point, the longer you use it the worse you get at it.
Microsoft Word 2011
You have autism.
geany, codeblocks, spyder, notepad++, visual. Idk whatever.
the learning curve is usually supposed to mean "difficulty in learning".
so reinterpreting the graphs in that way, vi is really difficult to learn in the beginning, and continues to be difficult
while visual studio is easy to learn in the beginning and once you find more stuff, it becomes harder to use, then it becomes easier.
Sublime, because it's light, easy and good for everything.
reasonable answers include: vim, emacs, sublime, vscode, atom, notepad++
if you expand the question to include document editors and ides then it's more complicated.
whichever one comes with my DE or kate if that one is too shit
Sublime Text is master race
I use VS code for everything except very small file changes from terminal - in that case it's faster to use vi.
VS code is really masterpiece, it's super convenient, fast and reliable.
I can write code with it, can write documentation in LaTeX width live preview, can use git and all other stuff.
If you not using VS code in 2018 - you just dont't know what you missing.
how is spacemacs more complex than regular emacs? you know that spacemacs exists to make emacs more approachable and come with more sane defaults, right?