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you deserved this

what the hell did you install/do?


i installed windows

You didn't even keep a back up OP? Why are you such an idiot?

restore from backup, problem solved

Lol, okay, but what did you install/do? DId you try to install the divx player from pornhub?

you did have your antivirus remove the trojans from the torrent site before you burned / flashed the iso, right

>17+1 still getting fucked with the old mp3.exe

>Black mirror
So you decided to download some netflix nigger porn and got cucked by a simple trojan, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA

very professional
i like it

vc wya

If you're retarded enough to actually cop a virus on your PC in 2018 you deserve whatever comes to you though. If what you got on there is too important to let go, try and pay, if not just wipe it and start over. Don't let these fags win.

>"if not to start the program"
>"...up to 1 MB in size everyone"
>"after payment you receive the program the decoder"
I fucking hate Indians.

Report the pajeets to the FBI (

that broken english sounds familiar


To bad Shadow Copies are a thing.

I unironically keep all my non-botnettable shit in the cloud and only plug in local storage when needed.

Judging from the torrent files, I'm guessing OP got this from torrents. I used to torrent a lot, but I've stopped recently because I can't find a proxy of TPB that doesn't try to make me "sign up" with an account that will obviously infect my shit six ways from sunday.

It kind of sucks because torrenting is fun.

.org still works. Just be a reasonable person with noscript and ublock

but how do you get a virus from playing a video file?

>why wouldn't you use simple english?
maybe you want non English speaking to translate it and pay?

It doesn't have to come with the torrent file, although it certainly can. You can get screwed simply from clicking on the wrong "Download" button.

from being a moron
stupid faggot should be on baby version of linux

The more words you use in a sentence, the more likely it is that someone will understand some of those words and better understand the sentence. This has been my experience with spanish speakers.

The above sentence in Spanish translates to.

>Cuantas más palabras use en una oración, más probable es que alguien comprenda algunas de esas palabras y comprenda mejor la oración. Esta ha sido mi experiencia con hispano parlantes.

As you can see, it is understandable without knowing Spanish.

>I used to torrent a lot, but I've stopped recently because I can't find a proxy of TPB
Don't need it when you can do this instead.

Looks like bean speak to me, I don't speak bean so I can't into beaner.
Anyway Portuguese > Spanish.

>Windows not activated hallmark on bottom right
>Computer infected with ransom ware

thats neat how do i get that?

STALLEDtorrent client. Also known as qbittorrent.

I had someone try this a while back, I opened ports on my router for remote desktop and someone from india got into my guest account, transferred a bunch of files he needed to encrypt my shit, realized he couldn't install anything and gave up.

I sent a few emails to the address shit talking him but didn't get anything back

the ransomware maker probably epxloited intel's hardware flaw (Meltdown)

There are a lot of morons that don't know how to pirate properly. What makes it worse is that pirates can have legitimate copies of windows 10 after upgrading from pirated 7/8.1, and yet OP proves himself a faggot.

Crytolockers nowadays make a copy of the originals, then delete them so there's no shadow copies.

Go download the dharma decryptor from avast. since it's .wallet files, you might have gotten lucky and caught an older version.

You shouldn't have copied that floppy.


Can't you just close the notepad?

>winblows 10
fucking retard


Should've installed gentoo

Pajeet outsmarted you lmao. Install Linux or something

Any success with NoRansom?

>Portuguese > Spanish.
I'd take a taco or his eurospic brother over a brazilian monkey or his euro moor father any day.

Both are manlet-tier. Learn something stronger, like Russian or Deutsch.

1,84m spaniard here.

Fuck off slav(e) landwhale.

slow down with all those memes or the thinkpad will overheat and your poorly configured arch will kernel panic.

Gnädiger Herr, Learnen Sie bitte Deutsch since all other Western languages / countries will fail first.

I, myself learned German, French, Spanish, Russian, Latin and a big tit of Moonspeak. Nothing compares to the depth of German language. Not modern ghetto German, though.



>loquando latina lingua

Neca te ipse.

> euro moor

Claro que si poser de mierda, vete a tomar por culo mongolo comepollas. Me cago en to tu puta vida y en el cornudo de tu padre, y en la puta de tu madre, y en el maricon de tu hermano y en la sidosa de tu hermana. Me vas a comer lo que viene siendo to la polla, subnormal. Hay que ver lo hijo de la grandisima perra puta eres. Me corro en la puta tumba de tu puto abuelo. Boca chancla, gordo de mierda. Hijo de una perra sarnosa, puto chimpance piel de mierda, babuino, canceroso, sidoso, hemorroidal y tumoral. Te cojo del cuello y te reviento la cara saco de mierda.


>I opened ports on my router for remote desktop and someone from india got into my guest accoun
How? Did he just stumble upon your pc on complete random?

TPB uses cloudflare, so if it is only an IP block(like in the Netherlands) you can just put any cloudflare inside your host file.

>>I opened ports on my router for remote desktop and someone from india got into my guest accoun
>How? Did he just stumble upon your pc on complete random?

I'd also like to know this.

Weird - That's difficult to pull off, unless you changed a lot of settings and ignored some decent practices.

port scanning


>He's not on BTN and PTP hmmh

They still use aol email addresses?

>not manlet

190cm slav here, kys manlet

Assuming defaults, guest accounts can't gain access through RDP.

...and even if it was, blank passwords (For the Guest account) can't gain access either.

>intel hardware

Do that. Also, backup all your important shit and reinstall Windows. There is no other way out of this. I would switch to GNU/Linux as you wont have this problem or Mac OS.

You are clearly a faggot that don't know shit, go to north of Portugal and tell me about the manlets.

I meant go here. Fuck. Also, you should of used common sense 2018 and practiced safe hex when going on the web.
If that doesn't work. RIP
>college stuff partition

> should of

>Russian-mongoloid gibberish
Not even close, fag.


>he didn't install NixOS
Serves you right.

retard alert

Only native speakers make this fucking mistake. I'm so tired of it. It somehow sounds like it to them even though it's not even close.

>not have system backups
Feels bad senpai. Yet Clonezilla is so easy to use. Make a clone once a month and you don't need to worry about curry boi fuging your shit up.

>should have or should've

Literacy is dead.

Netflix's Black Mirror starts at season 3. Season 2 Channel 4 propaganda.

Hope you have an offline backup gentooman.

Yeah, thanks.

you deserve this

holy shit you made a .txt file to bait anons.