“What’s a computer?”
Applefags gonna applefag. Calm down.
A computer is a way of life.
For the last time it's not a computer it's my girlfriend
>18 january 2018
>user gets upset about computers
I wonder what other people are doing right now
It's 2018 god damnit, stop posting this shit meme
>you will never live in a communal dwelling with a bunch of lolis
Life is suffering
>a spaceship no less
man i want to be in an ITS cabin with 3 cute girls
Exactly. I know 12 year olds who never even used a mouse but use the internet daily.
>iToy filename
Rage filled iToddler tears are the most delicious.
I hate those little ass holes
I'm a computer!
>not taking a college minor in virtual fucking reality
Sounds like someone's jealous of the guy/girl in the photo.
What's a computer? do you want to know what's a computer, i tell you what's a computer.
EVERYTHING is a computer, just everything.
>Apple marketing is retarded.
Who knew!
user, it's an ad calm the fuck down
I fucking hate this commercial and the little pig nosed cunt they got spewing these shitty lines.
The hipster fucking marketing team behind this should be brought out and shot. I bet any 5 yr old could say what a computer is.
But her fashionable apparel lends her ideas protective status. She is fit for culture near the mothership on Steve jobs lane. one infinite loop runs nearby. Apple only allows idevices three accounts tied to the hardware. If you buy second hand, you just bought a brick. 3 accounts is all you ducking get. Ficking niglet appleonian shit fucks. Dumped apple stock. Maybe I actually will .
>getting this buttblasted about a commercial
stahp all the downloadan
You retards have given Apple far more attention and free advertising than they ever naturally could of. Good job! I quite literally would have never heard of this advertisment, nor give a shit, but you retards need to post about it every week so you can get your daily "iToddler BTFO." The sad part is, at least marketers actually get paid for their work.
>le hipster marketer wants Apple users to feel like they're not even using a computer
>hey, all Apple users must be Chads and Stacies, they don't have time for any of that nerdy "computer" stuff!
>selling the "experience/lifestyle" of being an Apple user, rather than the product itself
That commercial is so hipster-ish, it's cringe-inducing.
What's cringe-inducing is that you faggots are this booty blasted over an advertisement. Something designed to sell fucking products to a wide and broad audience.
AIDF seems to be present ITT. Hope they're enjoying those shill-shekels.
I am going to get one. Fucking excellent computer. I mean... whatever it is.
I take my iPad Pro + keyboard to class for notes and essays instead of my laptop desu
The only sales they can get are from wide broads
That kid is the definition of 56%
I'm a computer-y guy!
That was stupid. You and your parents should feel ashamed at your forced meme.
All jokes aside, seriously,what is a computer?
"What's freedom?"
Extra credit: the kid's name in this commercial is "Scout" for gender ambiguity (because Scout is a dog's name for fucks sake)
You can't be fucking serious. How can anyone value your opinion when you think Apple marketing doesn't work?
Are you not understanding on purpose? Can you really not understand the commercial? You can't even guess at what they are suggesting?
This is what I hate more than the Apple hate. Apple makes what are arguably the most popular products in the entire world, and people act like they suck. Do they suck? Not running Linux isnt a qualifier for something to suck. People line up for days in advance to get a hold of these things. Sell their fucking organs to buy them. And Sup Forums goes "lol these r no gud the marketing is so shit." Is it shit? Did it become a global phenomenon because its shit. You don't have to like it but you're fucking retarded if you don't understand why it's popular.
I'm confused as to what the message of that ad is actually supposed to be. Are they trying to say it's so natural to use it's like not using a computer at all? Are they saying you don't need to know a thing about computers to do all these amazing things? Are they trying to suggest that the notion of a 'computer' is outdated?
It's not a good sign when you ad is difficult to interpret.
The ad is implying that this is the future of computers. This girl is young, and she goes about her day doing all these neat things on this small device. Then her older neighbor asks her about her computer, but she doesn't know what that is.
So, in the future, these are the kind of tools available to young people, and we've moved beyond computers. There are plenty of videos of toddlers swiping at book and magazine pages because they're used to tablets. There are also videos of kids not recognizing technology that was common only 20 or so years ago.
Sure its a little hyperbolic but that's the idea. It isn't a computer. Its more than a computer.
so this ad implies that young people are morons who don't understand basic English lexicon?
You see, I know more people, even much less tech literate people, that would find that message pretty concerning than would like what they're going for there.
This age of not just accepting but celebrating a fundamental lack of understanding of technology is not gong to be a good one for anybody involved.
Just like in '83, they're trying to imply they're in any way different to the establishment.
Reality is that Apple ARE the establishment now.
I should add that it's also clearly the future because New York City seems to have cleaned up its streets and public transport, eliminated traffic, killed off the homeless and degenerates, and created a safe environment for children to ride their bikes around in.
I would say no, but your comment implies you have poor comprehension.
Guess the future is doomed. Good catch.
a band, a pen and an eye
Why you mad, tho?
Scout is a girls name.
Source: To kill a mockingbird:
This makes me irate as well op.
Did they purposefully find the most racially ambiguous, androgynous child in the universe in an attempt to pander to literally every human on the planet? Seriously, is that thing an alien or what
>the state of Applel
>Apple actively, OPENLY encourages ignorance
its what americans will look like in 2050 and its fucking beautiful
wow what a fucking pignose
Yeah, just imagine the menstrual stench.
Is that a boy or a girl?
Or both?
Mmmm that's the best smell
Didn't say dwelling with old hags.
It's true American company, supporting efforts of their government.
That's fucking gross desu senpai.
Why does apple use mystery meat mutts in all of it's advertisements?
You'd be surprised. Fucking millennials these days don't even know what a finger box is.
They always have, didn't Steve Jerbs fucking despise people who tried to modify Apple products? The ideal consumer is a technically ignorant one
Pleb tier boxes without power. The Pembroke memo describes how to produce a proper device.
>It isn't a computer. Its more than a computer
Is this what people mean when they say "less is more"? Look at how locked down the OS of the future is. Everything buried behind an Appleā¢ GUI. People who grow up on that kinda technology won't understand jack about programming or how computers work. They've effectively ceded control of their machine to the Apple design team. At the risk of seeming hyperbolic myself, this is gonna lead to a pliant, ignorant, conformist generation, where technology is controlled by a handful of corporations. It's as if we lost the crypto war, only instead of lawsuits, they took control with slick advertising campaigns and idiot-friendly interfaces.
Yup. And all so they can squeeze/trick/ruse/coerce more dollars out of people.
If all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?
I mean it was always like that. It's not like the millennial generation knew the all the inner workings of a computer, or even had to. The whole force driving the progression of computer technology was making powerful machines that allowed people to get their work done without having to know a ton of shit. They'll still be teaching Computer Science classes in the future for the people who give a fuck.
someone PLEASE nuke the applel and everyone working for them.
Capslock is cruise-control for cool.
You really have a problem there.
Learn tolerance, it brings tranquility.
there is no tolerance for sin and unholiness
Xenoestrogens were a mistake.
>It's not like the millennial generation knew the all the inner workings of a computer, or even had to
Point is, they had the *opportunity* to. Meaning a certain % of the population learned about computing because they were curious and had the right personality and just spent time fucking around on their PC. You won't get that when everybody is growing up on the equivalent of a mobile OS, and the only learning happens in a sterile classroom environment.
Imagine if we banned the sale of all artistic implements - paintbrushes, watercolours, canvases, et cetera. Then claimed it wasn't a problem because these materials would still be provided to schools, so kids could learn art there. Imagine the stifling effect this would have on the next generation of 'artists'. That's what I'm worried about when I see shit like OP's advert.
Post the one where shes hanging out next to a rubbish dump and graffiti wall.
i want to fug kuroko
its the current. try and find an 18 year old who knows how to type
>whhhhhhaaaawtts ah kumpppputortrttrrororor
When i was in high school junior year my biology teacher gave us quick tutorials on how to hack his macintosh all in one desktops and get root user mode. He didnt tell us why other than to practice before logging in whenever he said so and well need it later. The next year we all got macbook air. The first school issued laptops we could take home. That same year, our world politics teacher made us watch an anonymouse documentary and encouraged open discussion.
For a town full of rich sudo rednecks alot these fuckers were, dare i say, redpilled.
>Inb4 pol
No real point to this just thought id share that story. I was reason for half the new security measures they have on the macbooks nowadays from what my younger sister tells me.
whats a gender
Why are iPoors so poor?
>Sleeping with a bright ass light over your head and all that shit on your bed.
Holy fuck what a retard.
It's something you are too retarded to use, which is why i bought you an Apple.
Don't worry Apple made it. It's not a computer its a paper weight.
Seriously what is going on in this picture?
Like you said Apple does good with marketing.
Lets be honest here they could slap their logo on a pile of shot and it would sell.
It's not the products that are valueble it's the brand.
>you were born too early
>you will never ride the loli space train
Why even live?
the best thing about using APPEL products is I can do all my standard productivity tasks AND make shitters on Sup Forums mad at the same time
> tfw I heard it when I read the title
i can relate
> I bet he boiled it alive
> that bastard
This happens when you have
but TWO
Thanks user this made my day
Only retards boil and wash away that succulent seafood flavor.
I steamed them upside down to save all those juices. Died in 20 seconds. Great weeknight seafood meal for no reason because I'm not poor like iPeasants.
Glad to hear that user.
>Willing to be he uses a Galaxy S8
>Is literally the exact same cost as an iPhone 8
Like what the fuck is the point of this debate? Literally just use whatever the fuck you prefer.
I think the more Sup Forums gets buttblasted over Apple, the higher the stock gets. Keep going ya fucks. You've made fun of every commercial and product Apple has made and I wake up with more money in my pockets (almost) every morning. Fucking double my Apple investment over these years.
Woo now you have 20 dollars, fucks sake man.