Firefox Census Survey

Tell Mozilla how you feel about their sjw bullshit.

All questions are optional, you can submit without answering any other questions if you want.

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well fuck you mozilla for got spoilers

what a bunch of wanky questions

>What's your experience with coding?
>I can write Javascript
>I'm a professional developer

They are trying their hardest to be as unlikable as possible. I'd rather associate with tumblr than with mozilla at this point.

>9. Do you say GIF or JIF?
>10. Is a hotdog a sandwich?
>11. Which Hogwarts house do you belong to?
>15. Is Bran the Night King?
>17. Favorite Joker?
>25. Have you ever dyed your hair a non-hair color (like purple, green, etc.)?
>30. What was your least favorite year? (4 options)
>35. Ewoks or Porgs?
>46. Which of these words is your *least* favorite?
>48. Who was your most recent phone call with?
>49. Which emoji do you use the most?
>Survey ends with question n 49
how the fuck do they expect someone to take this seriously, also
>39. What's your experience with coding?
>I customized my MySpace one time
>I built and maintain my own blog/website
>I can write JavaScript
>I'm a professional developer
>I created Rust
javascript kek

done, thanks. maybe they'll listen, who knows?

>What browser do you use the most?
>No Pale Moon option










but Vivaldi, so everything is good

> GIF or JIF?
what the fuck they were thinking?

>What's the most important thing for you in a browser?
>It reflects my values
what the actual fuck

>my beliefs align with those of the PR team

I check that box, it's important for me.

Haha! We here at Mozilla are like totally so random! But, like, we believe in social justice too?

>be hired in big it company because you happened to have a vagina, dyed hair, and strong opinions
>get paid money for quarreling over internet
>what could people possibly want from web browser, one of products that makes me important part of this team?
>i guess it has to be my opinions
to be honest, i can't blame whoever created this survey. if i'd live in such a surreal enviroment, i would probably think the same

Nigga i dont know this shit what is this.

all GIF surveys will obviously discarded

There is no "none" option

Questions are optional. Skip it.

Jesus, these questions are so childish...
This shit would be funny if I was 8

>not picking slytherin

Obviously that's a troll poll but whatever.

>wanting your opinions to be ignored

Hufflepuff is where the chill kids hang

>these questions
exactly what I expected from a company making half a billion a year

>hey guys look we are so hip haha
>fuck drumpf
>harry putter XD
>ohhhhh social issues
there is a reason GE and every other company that has existed before the internet keeps politics somewhat hidden

Every single company these days thinks this kind of shit is funny, like they're "one of us".
Even non-profit companies that don't need to, and shouldn't be doing this.
Why can't a browser just be a browser, remember when they shoved le ebin doge meme on Nightly?

just reading through the questions infuriates me.

90% irrelevant, not funny, bullshit.

Do you think they'll make the internet a friendlier place for us hufflepuffs ?

> How many vacation days have you taken in the last year?
> 0 - 2
> 3 - 5
> 6 - 10
> 11+
Jesus Christ America, what kind of options are these? I get 25+ by law.

>Favorite Joker?
>I'm offended that you gave options here.
Guys, I may have forgotten, but wasn't there the time when computer programs were about computers?
Are we heading towards some kind of crash? This can't last for long. Will it end, guys?

Why the fuck are almost none of these questions about what I want to see firefox doing?



Because your browser must support your values but not be fast and light.

>I get 25+ by law
same. and I live in a shithole country.

because it's a troll poll designed to waste your time

>Have you ever dyed your hair a non-hair color (like purple, green, etc.)?

typical firefox

24 days by law in germany and its forbidden to have less, even with your consent its strictly forbidden.
average is 29 days here.

>no Brave option

They're definitely not asspained about that one.

What spoilers?

oh so the trolling is official then

A quarter of people in the US have no vacation days.

i was assuming the cripple will die soon
i am not that far along

Shit, it's not a false flag, they're that stupid. No surprise why their browser is becoming shit.

There's a shitton of chrome reskins, you have to draw the line somewhere.

I dyed my hair "firefox fucked up by switching to webextension APIs" just last week!

Before that, I had it colored "wtf, why is firefox sending my data to cliqz?"

But it was shit and now it's becoming better.

>it's real

>being forced to take vacation days
Nice to see Germany hasn't dropped their fascist mindset. What's it like living in a nanny state?

Who are you trying to convince? Me?

Just stating facts.

Firefox deprecated the legacy hair change API, I'm afraid you have to use a wig now

you can just skip the retarded questions

Trolled by random user, trolled by Mozilla; there is no difference.

Ok, you're trying to convince yourself.

So it's the whole poll after the 8th question

That would mean skip the entire poll.

I'd say that's true if by "values" they mean the belief that it should be private and not push any politics

It's pretty retarded to ask "do you pronounce GIF GIF or JIF".

I had mixed feelings about the absolute lack of seriousness but when I saw question 34 I understood:
>How do you feel about brands speaking out about social/political issues?
This makes it clear that they know they're walking on a mine field and they either tried to set up an informal mood to make people reply honestly, or they tried to piss people off to make them skip the questions and miss that one. And then there's question 46:
>Which of these words is your *least* favorite?
For which the options are 3 neutral words and the fourth word is "fluid". Almost as if they wanted to ask if hiring people merely on the basis of being "genderfluid", but they decided to do it in a roundabout way that could reveal the information subliminally, or perhaps that people could miss (so the feedback proves nothing). They are so pitiful and basic.

What the actual fuck is with all the gay datamining questions
I know you can skip them but why do they exist

>PC or Mac?
>Answers: PC, Mac, Linux

>>being forced to take vacation days
um.. you know that you get full paid for vacation days, right ?
>Nice to see Germany hasn't dropped their fascist mindset.
yes its nice :)
>What's it like living in a nanny state?
are you amercian, by any chance ?

A mute boy is a good goy


>Have you heard about Mozilla's work on the following (check all that apply):

I got over mr robot controversy which stopped me from donating last time.

>GOT spoilers
fuck you, you're not getting my money

>This makes it clear that they know they're walking on a mine field and they either tried to set up an informal mood to make people reply honestly, or they tried to piss people off to make them skip the questions and miss that one.
I share the feeling about this.
Their image has been dragged in the mud several times back to back with serious tech individuals. I gave up on FF myself and moved to Waterfox after the whole Mr. Robot thing. That was the straw the broke the camel's back for me. I don't like being on a browser that I can't fully trust the future support of, but the way FF has conducted it self I can't trust them at all. Shit, I'd almost trust Google more then the Mozilla Corporation now.
This survey is a fucking joke. They just hope that the meme questions makes it in to a funny internet thing that gets them some attention.

the hell is going on with the questions holy shit.

I'm concerned there's no middle ground for people who know how to code in multiple languages, but choose not to professionally because coding professionally for anyone but yourself is soul-crushing.

fuck off and die you relativist piece of shit

Did the new CEO ask for some of these questions to be included to determine what users really care about, not what some SJW in some position at the company SAYS the users care about?

Just answer
>It's fast
>it's private

and you're good

also a hot dog is not a sandwitch (are you subscribed to marxist relativism)

You fit in the "I customized my Myspace profile page one time" category.

le so quirky randumb XD

Most major companies give 11~15 paid holidays, then on top of that you get 3 sick days by law. After that, most people get around 7 to 10 days of personal vacation. So when someone takes 0 vacation days, they're still getting plenty of time off via holidays. Plus you get to choose them instead of being forced to take August off like everyone else.

>pretending to have never heard of Garry Potter

>what is your least favorite year
>the year DRUMFP became president
>the year DRUMPF was elected president
>the year BUHS was elected president and authorized 9/11

I'm sure a lot of people will say "reflects my values" because they think it means "reflects my values on privacy and how a piece of software should be developed", not "reflects my political values", which was probably what Mozilla intended by it

>also a hot dog is not a sandwitch
>A hot dog (also spelled hotdog), also known as a frankfurter (sometimes shortened to frank), dog, or wiener, is a cooked sausage, traditionally grilled or steamed and served in a partially sliced bun. It is a type of sausage sandwich

it is not a sandwich just as cereal with milk is not a salad

Firefox is a mess. Open-source or not. They have started to treat their audience like children just like chrome and other browsers do. Too minimalistic with too few options and functions. A survey won't make them change, I read some of the questions as well. Lmao. I will be a Vivaldi fan-boy until some other browsers step up the game.

And who is arguing that cereal with milk is a salad?

the frankfurt school

The only case where this is valid is if my values are in regards to software being free/open source. I decided not to choose it because I'm assuming they meant unrelated political values.

Considering previous statements of the design team, this is the only reasonable reading.

who made this survey?

but when did linux start supporting automatic updates for linux? i thought that its only a windows thing also whats this new botnet that came with it

The current state of Firefox's technical minds. No questions about what shit is important to phone browsers. No clue on what the fuck a social network actually is.

Also note the font change on question 34.

>here is a survey!
>mind you, we're not going to ask any real questions because we really don't want any real answers and don't give a single fuck about what you think, but here's a survey!

Four questions have different fonts. It might just be that someone fucked something up.

Is that girl from Taboo Tattoo?

This shit is worst than the LibreOffice mascot contest

>If you had to listen to just one music genre for the rest of your life, which would it be?
>My favourite music genre isn't listed

when it comes to sausages I'd trust the frankfurt school over a random user desu

>but when did linux start supporting automatic updates for linux
where do you get autmatic updates?

i really hope that survey is fake (aka not done by mozilla) and this is the only answer i will provide


dear god...