So Sup Forums, how do you feel about audio cassettes making a comeback?

So Sup Forums, how do you feel about audio cassettes making a comeback?


Now a new high of .002% of all music sales

So they sold like 8 cassettes in the whole year? Cool.

fucking hipsters

Shitty format then, shittier format now.

Retro hipsters, the same reason there has recently been a huge influx of NES homebrews

Cassettes were absolute shit. No random play, no seek (though some stereos detected dead space between tracks, but it wasn't reliable), shitty sound that degraded as the batteries died, including unpredictable warbling from speed fluctuations...

it'll die down. normies follow trends until they don't look cool anymore and then they completely abandon them and move on to something else,

Tape can go fuck itself

lol but user, baby driver used them and he was cool!!

I'm fine with blasting mixtapes in my 80s sports car for the full experience. Too bad all these new releases aren't even recorded using Dolby-B at least, I don't need the static noise that come with cheap recordings.

You know, I suppose one of the main reasons is simply that recording went away with MP3 players.

MiniDisc had the ability to record. And edit, which was kind of amazing for an optical system. But MP3 killed record for regular consumer players.

So, I guess it was the only way to hit the plot points. Plus, he had terrible tinnitus, so he probably couldn't tell that his tapes sounded like shit.

5/5 bretty gud

I've got my dad's old Walkman II and about thirty mixtapes of smooth jazz from the 70s and 80s.. it's pretty fun to visit every once in a while, and just like with record players the moving parts are certainly quite aesthetically pleasing.

This right here.

>the moving parts are certainly quite aesthetically pleasing.

Until you got tape caught up in it and had to untangle it while trying not to totally trash the tape.

Ya, no. Digital players or nothing.

cassettes are factually a bad medium for music and anyone support them is dumb

I had to do that, I had to replace a lot of parts to get it in working condition again. but I did it.

Only low quality tapes are still being produced
And most people will play them back on chinese $10 cassette decks from Amazon

Good high quality blanks are still be produced. Shame about normies picking up shit equipment though.

Feels good desu

Throw me some keywords for good equipment, I'm interested but clueless.

Most cassettes of the day were recorded with nr Dolby b, so get a deck with at least that. If you want to record your own mixtapes get a deck that has nr Dolby c preferably.
For a low maintenance turnkey deck you just buy stay away from auto-reverse and in general a single deck player will be better then the same price dual decks.

Artfags & hipsters are as dumb as ever. There is no reason for this, it's just a completely inferior obsolete music storage technology.

Then again I'll take this "headline" with a grain of salt. Maybe it's also just astroturfers baiting to peddle cassettes to hipsters going forward.

Cassettes are a lot more prevalent in the DIY scene than you might think, it never really died out in the underground
fucked if I know why considering CDrs are an order of magnitude easier and cheaper to duplicate in bulk. Perhaps noise labels just like the intimacy of the format

Hmm, is it really always about just using tech that's '30 years old'?
In ten years hipsters will be using CDs saying they give warmer sound or some shit.

>tfw wanted a MD player in high school but was a poorfag

> Good high quality
To anyone living in the present, that's not really good quality. It's a cassette.

Completely inferior to any modern digital storage as long as the file encoding is halfway okay. And of course file encodings can go above just "okay", up to really "exactly as recorded".

Part of the trick is targetting the nostalgia-ing people who are now financially established, sure.

And then there are just old stockpiles that may be peddled at more than trash value if a sucker is found.

The main problem is that people never understand fucking technology in even the most superficial way, though. That's why they revert to the dumb ideas of the past in the first place.

Thanks senpai, that's a good starting point. Last time I was buying one was when I was 14 and I was only a little less clueless about it than my parents, mind you that was during the early days of publicly accessible Internet so there was nothing to research.
I still remember the model number of my first walkman, got it when I was 10 or 11 for some occasion and it was my most prized possession for many years. I ran it to death through the whole format change, never got a discman, only much later got an mp3 player. I don't know how good or bad it was compared to other contemporary models and didn't care, and I think the reason my folks picked that was was because it said METAL on it and I liked heavy metal back then kek.

>a comeback
Seriously? It would need rise several hundred more times to be considered anything more than an anomaly

I can expect old CDs that weren't hit by loudness war to be in great demand.

Cassettes and VHS need to die in a fire.

They have no redeeming qualities like records or film.

>hipsters, nostalgiafags, and kvltfags buying cassettes
>a comeback
o I am laffin

Yeah, this.

It's a shame shit like that happened, because a properly mastered CD or digital audio file is just about the best format for audio.

135% of 0 is 0

I use cassettes for music recording occasionally. Have an old tascam portastudio. Pretty pointless. Production wise, with a audio interface and software can do all a cassette can do and a lot more, at a higher quality. Even my zoom portastudio is has significant advantages over cassette.

But nothing beats having to nail something first try because the tape will degrade otherwise. Makes you a lot more aware as that you only have a limited amount of takes.

We’re talking in relation to cassettes currently being made not other formats, please try to keep up kiddo.

Late model decks with Dolby C are usually available at the local thrift shop. That and a Type IV tape make for a gorgeous recording.

also recording tapes is pretty fun as it's more involved, if you don't have auto leveling you have to watch the monitor and turn the input down or up sometimes.

>kids these days have never pushed in a vhs or poped in a cassette
No wonder millennials are shit

To answer the thread question, im ok with it, as long as it doesn't inflate cassette prices too high like vinyl is rn.

Minidisc is fucking cool as shit, its too bad its uncommon in the states

i loved the hell out of it, it was missing the buttons for play, RR and FF, so i had to reach about an inch into it, and press the motherboard buttons to operate it, i called it the hood cassette deck
it was a shame the thing blew up in a lightning storm along with my kenwood amplifier.

>stay away from auto-reverse and in general a single deck player will be better then the same price dual decks.

This, i primarily collect old CD releases of albums now

whats so redeeming about vinyl? i can understand film for photo/movies

The point is that there is no need for cassettes at all.

Apart from that: That you're using any at all makes it actually very likely that you're some nutjob that thinks they are useful or even good in an absolute sense.

Ayo hold up son



Phone DACs these days are such shit that cassette is actually an improvement; i buy them for a quarter and play em in my car where they sound great

>The point is that there is no need for cassettes at all.
People enjoy them. Check and mate.

Apart from that: Thet you’re still arguing about opinions on formats makes it actually very likely that you’re some nutjob that thinks other people shouldn’t enjoy thing that you don’t like.

how many times did you watch pulp fiction before deciding you needed one of those old things, dad?

im just fuckin with ya id have one if i could afford it

Fucking hipsters

This, and they probably use BT as well lol

>digitalfags have to convert their data to analog instead of just playing it from analog


Good. With cassettes you don't need a botnet to play music.
Also, cassettes are underrated. Most people have heard low quality tapes played back on shitty boomboxes. A proper deck can deliver surprisingly decent sound quality.

this is good, maybe I can find cassette tapes at a decent price for my old car now

>not just buying one of those weird 3.5mm to casette tape adapters

Found this little guy in a box with a leaked battery, doesn't turn on even after cleaning. I'm gonna try to clean the other side of the board but that requires desoldering a few points and I'm really shit at soldering. I'll probably kill it soldering it back on and will never know if it was fixable in the first place. Feels bad.

>black magic
Play music through an earbud and hold it against the read head on a cassette player, the cassette player also plays the song

> People enjoy them. Check and mate.
People enjoy music, but only use cassettes because they believe some or another type of bullshit.

They're basically completely unjustifiable as music storage / playback devices. No advantages, only disadvantages.

> Thet you’re still arguing about opinions on formats makes it actually very likely that you’re some nutjob that thinks other people shouldn’t enjoy thing that you don’t like.
Cassettes are demonstrably inferior and physically larger, more expensive, more power consuming and costlier.

It's an objective conclusion that the only reason to still use cassettes is wanting to display how much of a retro hipster you are, probably combined with a lack of technological awareness.

>stop enjoying things
Proved me right Maximus autismo

>but only use cassettes because they believe some or another type of bullshit.
Not necessarily. I still listen to cassettes here and there simply for the joy of using them

literally the only reason that they are coming back

Digital music is the soyware of formats.

It doesn't stop you from listening to music or enjoying anything.

The call is only to get get rid of a harmfully bad intermediate no one needs.

> simply for the joy of using them
Unless you enjoy making bundles of tape or need to be a retro hipster: Simply enjoy your music -the thing you really enjoy- without cassettes.

>-the thing you really enjoy-
One of the things I really enjoy is clunking a motherfucking tape into a player, deal with it

>no one needs thing because I said so
King autist right here folks, reigning from on high.


Oh woops, forgot to turn on the noise reduction. Let me get that.

>"A fool and his money are soon parted."
That's how I feel.

hoo gee whiz I sure am a dumb asshole for actually supporting the independent artists I like and not just fucking pirating someone else's crappy tape rip

A better way for you to support those artists would be to tell them to put their music out on CD's so that more three six people would buy them and actually use them.

pretty good because my shitbox has a tape deck

>last year a total of 50 tapes were sold, this year 57 were sold.
It's nothing. Someone old is getting a nostalgia trip before death.

Cassettes are just shit, plain and simple. I think on a Techmoan video there was digital tape, or maybe "metal" cassettes with the best noise reduction sound almost as good as a CD. Wow.

DAT had lossless audio

It must have been the Chrome/metal/whatever tape with Dolby S(?) then

No, that was just better quality tape for analog audio. DAT may have used it too though.

35% rise from 0.01 is still just 0.0135%

but with tapes you get to feel the tape in your hand and see the music stream in the little window, also they make the clacking noises that are very comfy and there is nothing as satisfying as putting in a tape and click the door shut.

You're absolutely correct and all of that is cool and all, but they sound shite.

This reminds me, i was cleaning out my closet and found what i thought was a blank tape but was actually a recording of me when i was 10 hosting my own talk show and interviewing my sister who was pretending to be janet jackson. gonna show it to her later.

It's fucking useless for music. Only good for extreme mass storage.

Shit, I came to post exactly this.

snobbism is on the top thanks to the hipsters and reddittors so its ok, lot of punk bands still releasing k7 and that shit, they think they are different and cool.

One step more to the reatrd world

/thread.And even then these aren't the type of magnetic tapes you use for mass storage, which have the added caveat of being only useful for data that you aren't going to access often, since they're slower than CD/HDD playback and don't have the added bonus of being able to random access that the two other media have, but they can store a shitton of data. Point being they have their uses, but music storage and playback ain't one of them and hipsters are fucking idiots for using an inferior medium for audio playback instead of fucking CDs (which still have the retro vibe and aren't complete dogshit).

The pinnacle of aesthetics. We should have not moved from there.

Kek, I used one of these in my first car, attached to a sony walkman. Good times.

nice ones! i still own pic related, refurbished it last year. top of the line deck.

nice one, here's my current collection.

That's a pretty dope design to be honest mi familia.

Black metal past the mid 90's is garbage.

the majority of the tapes in this is industrial and power electronics. most of the BM tapes here are old and/or demo releases. and no, post-90's-BM isn't garbage, still some pearls in it.

I don't really care since I only pirate or buy high quality FLAC

kek, my thoughts exactly.

It's just magnets

Yeah it's almost as if it's like vinyl but for a different generation.

Holy shit what type of animal is this?

It's a teddy bear? Don't be a retard.

>all of vaporwave uses the same shitty cassette tape that won't last five years of occasional use

>*continues to browse Sup Forums on his shitty CRT monitor*

>Peste Noire
Mein neger. Mind if I save pic to check out other titles at my leisure?

Those fuckers can't be bought outside the US. Fortunately I got a hold of a bunch of 90min Type II blanks from Maxell. Even some Sony Type IV for the highest quality recordings of my faves.
