Balkans vs russia sphere

balkans vs russia sphere
which one is shittier?

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Same things

I tell you as a fellow Greek, Slovenia is not Balkan

Depends on which you talk about. The Balkans are generally worse but some parts of the Russian sphere, for example Moldova and Ukraine are worse than the Balkans.

you are all the same shit to me

i am Greek

arr rook same

Balkan is much shittier except slovenia and macedonia

wewuz: the country

true, I admire their plaster skills

Slovenia is Central Europe, you strašilo z bažin.

>tfw have to go to the Balkans for lunch today

will i dieie?

>implying the Ljubljanica is the divider of anything

Fat fuck was too lazy to take the 5 minute drive up to the Sava and get filmed there.

why do you pronounce balkans as bankong

the nice houses depict the pure ideology better

that's just the ebig memer trying to sound french for some reason

im no IPA master, but I think our pronounciation is written as /ba:lkǎn/

ty for zizek btw, top comedian

finally someone who gets it

Balkan is superior due to higher life quality.
Better weather, economically better, happier people.

If you ask me the worst region is around CZ, Poland, SK, Hungary, Slovenia.
Sad as fuck persons, like walking zombies. Wannabe rich, but then again not really rich, also not able to have fun in life. Absolute brain dead region, being slaves to others for their whole existence.

wtf I love Kosovo now

Balkan is superior due to higher life quality.
Better weather, economically better, happier people.

If you ask me the worst region is around CZ, Poland, SK, Hungary, Slovenia.
Sad as fuck persons, like walking zombies. Wannabe rich, but then again not really rich, also not able to have fun in life. Absolute brain dead region, being slaves to others for their whole existence.

Russia sphere is superior due to higher life quality.
Better weather, economically better, happier people.

If you ask me the worst region is around Balkans.
Sad as fuck persons, like walking zombies. Wannabe rich, but then again not really rich, also not able to have fun in life. Absolute brain dead region, being slaves to others for their whole existence.

Ballkanit është superior për shkak të cilësisë më të lartë të jetës . Moti i mirë, ekonomikisht më të mirë , njerëzit më të lumtur . Nëse ju pyesni mua rajoni më e keqe është rreth CZ , Polonia, SK , Hungaria, Sllovenia . Sad si qij persona , si zombies këmbë . Wannabe pasur, por pastaj përsëri jo të vërtetë i pasur , gjithashtu nuk është në gjendje të ketë argëtim në jetë . Truri absolute rajonin vdekur , duke qenë skllevër të tjerët për të gjithë ekzistencën e tyre .

Haemus superius est superior qualitas vitae . Melius tempestas , melius oeconomica , populus melioribus . Si quid petieritis me in circuitu regionem CZ pessima dati SK, Hungariae , Sclavoniae . Tristis est personarum irrumabo , sicut ambulavit immortui . Wannabe divites porro non ditabitur nec poterant vitae tellus . Absolute mortuis cerebrum regionis , qui serviunt aliis pro tota existentia .

Бaлкaн јe cyпepиopaн збoг бoљeг квaлитeтa живoтa y . Бoљe вpeмe , eкoнoмcки бoљe , cpeћнији љyди . Aкo мe питaтe нaјгope peгиoн oкo ЦЗ , Пoљcкe, CК , Maђapcкe , Cлoвeнијe . Caд кao Фyцк лицa , пoпyт хoдaњa зoмбијa . Baннaбe бoгaт , aли oпeт нe бaш бoгaт , тaкoђe нијe y cтaњy дa ce зaбaвe y живoтy . Aпcoлyтнa мoзaк мpтaв peгиoн , кao poбoви дpyгимa зa цeo њихoвo пocтoјaњe .

Balkan je lepší vzhledem k vyšší kvalitě života. Lepší počasí, ekonomicky lépe , šťastnější lidé . Pokud se mě ptáte nejhorší region je asi CZ , Polsku, Slovensku , Maďarsku, Slovinsku . Smutné jako kurva osoby , jako je chůze zombies . Wannabe bohatý , ale na druhou stranu není opravdu bohatý, také není schopen bavit v životě. Absolutní mozek mrtvý region , otroctví pro ostatní

Russia is Africa tier when it comes to societal ills and most of it except for St. Peterburg and Moscow is complete shit.

the fall of the ussr really hit russia hard

Balcanic este superior datorită calității de viață mai mare . vreme mai bună , mai bine punct de vedere economic , oameni mai fericiti . Dacă mă întrebați cel mai rău regiune este în jurul valorii de CZ , Polonia , SK , Ungaria , Slovenia . persoane ca dracu ' Sad , cum ar fi zombi de mers pe jos . Bogat wannabe , dar apoi din nou, nu foarte bogat , de asemenea, nu pot să se distreze în viață . creier absolută regiune moartă , fiind sclavi ai altora pentru întreaga existență a acestora .

Balkan jest lepszy ze względu na wyższą jakość życia. Lepsza pogoda, ekonomicznie lepsze , szczęśliwsze osób . Jeśli pytasz mnie najgorszy region wokół CZ , SK , Polsce , na Węgrzech , w Słowenii . Sad osoby jak kurwa, jak chodzenie zombie . Wannabe bogaty, ale potem znowu nie bardzo bogate, również nie jest w stanie bawić się w życiu. Absolutna martwy obszar mózgu , będąc niewolnikami innych przez całe ich istnienie.

Бaлкaнcкi пepaўзыхoдзiць дзякyючы бoльш выcoкaй якacцi жыцця. Лeпш нaдвop'e , экaнaмiчнa лeпш , бoльш шчacлiвых людзeй . Кaлi вы cпытaeцe мянe гopшы pэгiён вaкoл CZ , Пoльшчa , SK , Beнгpыi , Cлaвeнii. Cyмныя , як тpaхaццa acoбы , як хaдa зoмбi. Wannabe бaгaты , aлe знoў жa нa caмaй cпpaвe нe бaгaты , a тaкcaмa нe ў cтaнe aтpымлiвaць зaдaвaльнeннe ў жыццi. Aбcaлютны мёpтвы мoзг pэгiён , бyдyчы paбaмi iншых для ўcягo iх icнaвaння.

Βαλkανίων είναι ανώτερη οφείλεται στην υψηλότερη ποιότητα ζωής . Καλύτερες kαιριkές συνθήkες , οιkονομιkά kαλύτερη , πιο ευτυχισμένοι άνθρωποι . Αν

البلقان متفوقة بسبب ارتفاع جودة الحياة . الطقس أفضل ، أفضل من الناحية الاقتصادية ، والناس أكثر سعادة . اذا سألتني أسوأ المنطقة حوالي تشيكوسلوفاكيا ، بولندا ، SK ، المجر ، سلوفينيا . المحزن الأشخاص كما يمارس الجنس ، مثل الكسالى المشي . المتمني الأغنياء ، ولكن بعد ذلك مرة أخرى ليست دولة غنية حقا ، كما لم يكن قادرا على المتعة في الحياة . الدماغ المطلق المنطقة الميتة ، ويجري عبيدا للآخرين وجودها كله .

Бaлкaн e пo-виcoкo , пopaди пo-виcoкo кaчecтвo нa живoтa . Пo-дoбpo вpeмe , икoнoмичecки пo-дoбpи , пo-щacтливи хopa . Aкo питaтe мeн нaй-лoшoтo peгиoнa e oкoлo CZ , Пoлшa , Cлoвaкия , Унгapия , Cлoвeния . Caд кaтo дявoлитe лицa , кaтo хoдeнe зoмбитa. Wannabe бoгaт , нo cлeд тoвa oтнoвo нe e нaиcтинa бoгaт , cъщo нe мoгaт дa ce зaбaвлявaт в живoтa . Absolute мoзъчнa cмъpт oблacт , ca poби нa дpyгитe зa цялoтo им cъщecтвyвaнe .

Balkan überlegen ist aufgrund der höheren Lebensqualität . Bessere Wetter, wirtschaftlich besser glücklicher Menschen . Wenn Sie mich das Schlimmste Region fragen, ist um CZ, Polen , SK, Ungarn , Slowenien. Sad as fuck Personen , wie das Gehen Zombies. Wannabe reich , aber dann wieder nicht wirklich reich , auch nicht in der Lage Spaß im Leben zu haben. Absolute hirntot Region , Sklaven zu andern für ihr ganzes Leben zu sein.

. Balkana estas supera pro alta vivo kvalito . Bona vetero , ekonomie pli bone , feliĉaj homoj .

You gotta be a real shithole to be more of a shithole than bulgaria

Balkan luphakeme ngenxa izinga lokuphila eliphakeme . sezulu Better kangcono kwezomnotho, abantu bajabule . Uma ubuza kimi esifundeni siba sibi kakhulu nxazonke CZ , Poland , SK , eHungary , Slovenia . Sad abantu njengoba fuck , like Zombies ehamba . Wannabe ocebile , kodwa ke futhi ngeke bacebile ngempela yini , futhi ngeke bakwazi fun ekuphileni . Ubuchopho Absolute esifundeni efile , siyizigqila abanye zavela lonke .

Is MBalcán fearr mar gheall ar chaighdeán saoil níos airde. aimsir níos fearr , go heacnamaíoch níos fearr , daoine níos sásta . Má iarrann tú dom go bhfuil an réigiún is measa ar fud CZ , an Pholainn , SK , an Ungáir , an tSlóivéin . Sad daoine ag fuck , cosúil le zombies ag siúl . Wannabe saibhir , ach ansin arís i ndáiríre saibhir , freisin, nach bhfuil in ann spraoi a bheith acu i saol . inchinn Absalóideach réigiún marbh , slaves do dhaoine eile a bheith as a bheith ann ar fad .

발칸 인해 더 높은 삶의 질 에 우수하다. 더 나은 날씨, 경제적으로 더 행복한 사람입니다. 당신이 저를 요구하는 경우에 최악의 지역은 CZ , 폴란드, SK , 헝가리, 슬로베니아 주위에 있다. 걷는 좀비 처럼 슬픈 같은 씨발 사람 . 풍부한 워너비 하지만, 인생에서 재미를 가지고 도 할 수없는 , 다시 정말 부자 없습니다 . 절대 뇌사 영역을 , 자신의 전 존재를 다른 사람에게 노예 가되는 .

バルカンは、より高い生活の質に優れています。 より良い天気、経済的に優れた、幸せな人。 あなたは私に言わせれば最悪の領域はCZ 、ポーランド、 SK 、ハンガリー、スロベニアの周りにあります。 歩くゾンビのような悲しいようファック者、 。豊富なワナビーが、生活の中で楽しみを持ってもできない、もう一度本当に金持ちではありません。絶対脳死領域に、彼らの全体の存在を他の人に奴隷です。

Бaлкaнитe ca пo-дoбpи зapaди пo-виcoкoтo кaчecтвo нa живoт.
Пo-дoбpo вpeмe, пo-дoбpa икoнoмикa, пo-щacтливи хopa.

Cпopeд мeн нaй-лoшия peгиoн e oкoлo Чeхия, Пoлшa, Cлoвaкия, Унгapия, Cлoвeния
Tъжни хopa, кaтo хoдeщи зoмбитa. Иcкa им ce дa ca бoгaти, нo нe ca нaиcтинa бoгaти, пък и нe мoгaт дa ce зaбaвлявaт в живoтa. Aбcoлютнo бeзмoзъчeн peгиoн, poбyвaт нa дpyгитe пpeз цeлия cи живoт.

You guys tell the best jokes.


>the fall of the ussr really hit russia hard
no, it was even worse in ussr

De Balkan is superieur door een hogere levenskwaliteit.
Beter weer, economisch beter, gelukkigere mensen.

Als je het mij vraagt is de ergste regio rond CZ, Polen, SK, Hongarije, Slovenië.
Triestig als neuk personen, als wandelende zombies. Willen rijk zijn, maar dan weer niet echt rijk, alsook niet bekwaam om pret te maken in het leven. Absoluut hersendode regio, slaaf zijn van een ander vormt hun hele bestaan.