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International #643
What's it like to live in a third world country?
Today I woke up at 5AM and went hiking
Sverigetråden - Befria Palestina-upplagan
Sho is windy up there! hahahahahaha do burgers actually believe this shit?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/ita/ - il filo
Any real cucks on Sup Forums?
Is theres still fighting going on in Donbass?
What European language should i learn Sup Forums??
Was Scipio Africanus black?
Is it true that people outside of Europe never heard of this german masterpiece?
1. Go to YouTube
This would've been the borders of Germany if they won WW2. Really makes you think
Guess the nationality of the poster below you
Why don't you learn a real language
Really makes you think
1. Your cunt
Tfw no buff English bf to hang out across the country with...
Do Ameriboos exist?
Is ittrue that in the USA couriers put parcel addresed to you under your doors and go away?
Italy has never lost a war
Austria pressures low tax countries
What do you think of the beer most popular in your country?
Hilo latino /lat/
Post pics you made :3
Sup Forumscraft
Take that white cock
Konichiwa! How can I take your order?
I want to cuddle with everyone on Sup Forums :3
Portuguese is the master key to all languages
Why do Brits only care about Poles and not Pakis?
Is your IQ above or below your cunt's average, Sup Forums?
Nice computer user, now, let's check your browsing history
Why don't Americans drive manual cars?
Do Mexicans actually believe that Trump called all of them rapists and criminals?
Why Englishmen are killing Poles instead of mudslimes invaders?
NASA's budget is only 0.50% of fed budget
Why do black, spics and whites have different names in the US, arent you guys citizens of the same country?
I always thought my city was the least white major American city...
Which of these Anglo countries would you rather live? Give one reason only
Post churches from your country
Are you guys up?
Why don't you give refugees a home?
Wtf this is real? my country actually did this?
One country away from North Korea
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
I summon rare flags into this thread
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Are the lactose intolerance maps real? Are there really countries where basically NO ONE can have dairy?
If a southern European was forced at gunpoint to eat either a syruppy pancake breakfast or a bacon and eggs breakfast...
12:20pm and already 2 cars blasting reggaeton
Pure ainu people without any japanese mixing
What is the best accent?EU-PT or BR-PT?
ITT: We say thanks to what Irish people have created or done
Fellow countrymen, could you please stop talking shit about Spain on the internet?
1. Your country
/Cultural Pals/ General
Do you have clean water Sup Forums?
Tfw 171 cm
March For Europe
Tell me about the mysterious Russian soul
Are Azeris white?
Why is gay culture so accepted in Japan?
Ask a Canadian in Brazil sitting at a family breakfast and doesn't understand much Portuguese anything
How do normies in your country think about holland?
/ita/ - il filo
50 FUCKING stars
Why is this allowed? Why are yuropoors ok with being cucked like this?
What do you know about norway?
Is Canada a lost country like America?
Too pussy to cut my veins
I want to leave this middle eastern shithole called t*rkey before inevitable civil war starts and became American...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Summer is almost over
Train thread
Is it true that shoppers in America and Europe eat food before they buy at the counter?
When do people think that
/esp/ Hilo Español
Why did the Iberian's stop the reconquista at Granada...
Just found a polish and baltic deli in my neighbourhood that sells eastern yuro vodkas and beers and shit...
Why is English such an inexpressive, inefficient and inelegant language?
Yamato is here
In Japan
Du kan endas skriva i denna tråd om du talar det nordiska herretungomålet
How do we save Europe? How long will its peoples and cultures last?
Why white people fear our food?
Sverigetråden - för autister i tiden
Gee I've no ideas left
Be brit
/med/ Mediterranean general
Anglophobia on this board is out of control, why do you hate Anglos so much? We just want peace
Do turkish people legit like erdoğan?
Why are Canadians so much more leftards than the white Americans ?
Your face when France leave the EU
This is my start of the day. How does yours go?
Opinions on Okinawa
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post handsome men from around the world
You are walking in a dark alley at night and this mothefucker shows up:
Daily reminder that you will never live in a nordic country
Gonna sudoku in two days. Have my music prepped up, last will already written and took care of all my assets
/éire/ + /alba/
Post your country's rightful clay
Why are Polish women living outside of Poland so much more prone to racemixing?
Korean army successor killing crime case rebut
Has UK ever apologized to your country for invading?
Why do people shill this T*rkroach when she's ugly as fuck without makeup on?
Greater Finland
Fellow eurocucks
Really makes you think
Your cunt
German army is the second largest in europe
Is Chinese subhuman and in its nature primitive?
Switzerland BTFOs EU gun control proposal
Finland is EU’s second most violent country for women
Rareflags and/or 3rd worlders, how did you discover this website? I've always wondered this
How will societies function in a future where we no longer need women to make babies?
Tell me about your local pizzeria
Pyccкиe, зaхвaтывaeм фoчaн
The West in 2016
Any leafs here? I want to kick your ass
Blue = white
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
What do you think about tourists who don't speak your language?
I don't get it
You know you can get fucking imprisoned for this "Polish death camps" meme
Japan and big monsters
Do you prefer Russian people or Polish people ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens here?
Summarize your country in one image
"""""EAST ASIAN"""""
Kurva anyátok
1. Your cunt
Talk to a europoor
Do you like Poland?:3
Why do Asians hate each other so much?
Only whites can post ITT, I am white
Do you think there are people out there that DONT contemplate suicide everyday?
I hate white men
Los Angeles in 1946
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the fuck is wrong with Europe?
Who /anglosphere/ here?
All photos I will post itt was taken in Russian Federation
Why do French people hate Italy so much?
Why are Greek men so handsome?
Can someone explain me what is the point of the exchange students?
Be me
Kitchens of Sup Forums?
Be atheist
Do you love Taiwan?
Is there anyone who actually came to japan here
These girls from Ukraine are 16years old
What is the most shity celeb in your country?
Is Argentina really white?
Hilo Latino /lat/
Brazil is bigger than mainland USA. Where is your god now amerisharts?
I've heard recently that Colombia is doing better than ever and things are steadily improving
/Cultural Pals/ general thread
Post 'em
Going to invest 1 million dollar into USA economics and create 10 work places
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ müde Frosch - Ausgabe /nachtschicht/
Which state has the worst drivers? I'd have to go with New York even though I haven't been to all 50 states
Comfy Argie-Brit reconciliaton thread
You will never literally SHATTER yourup with a SINGLE shitpost
Spend two weeks in the Philippines
Do you like Asian women in your country?
Am I white?
Do you eat or drink ice cream in your language?
What is Sup Forums drinking tonight?
What is so bad and opressive in this pic from 50's?
Bodies of Sup Forums
Why don't you have a Canadian GF?
Does your country make good music?
Ya'll up for a round?
What happens here?
Which is better?
I just ate four slices of pizza, a shitload of ice cream, and I drank a can of water
How do I impregnate a Portuguese girl Sup Forums?
/flag/tism - Comfy Edition
What's the point of Gibraltar?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Amerifat webm thread
Why do yuropoors who come to the US love it so much...
/ita/ - il filo
How do we save Britain?
You wake up in 2147
1. Your cunt
Post last photos that you made
Are white Latinos proud of their European ancestry?
Eesti hästi :-DDDD
/med/ - Mediterranean Thread
Would you prefer a lovely colombian girl or cold and plain white girl?
Cute white Puerto Rican girl is hitting on me at work but she is 4'9", has scoliosis, and I am a 6'2" black guy
Tfw to intellijent for Sup Forums
Does your city have public drinking fountains? In mine they're practically on every street
Why haven't countries besides USA sent people to the moon...
I didn't know that Number of studying population of Japanese over 1,000,000,000 in this world
Do Italians even eat brown whole-wheat pasta?
I want to learn Ithkuil
Le /fr/
/fr/ - Fil francophone
Why is Mongolia so poor? They're Asian they should be very rich and technologically advanced. What went wrong...
Which was the worst thing to happen to western civilisation, the French Revolution or World War 1?
Who else /immigrant/ here?
The Greater Belgia
He cooks with butter instead of oil
Bodies of Sup Forums thread
Non-white American thread
Thread for Sup Forumsellectuals
ITT: Rank the flags of the nordic countries
/nacktschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Has your cunt ever been represented in a vidya game?
Is everything okay, Spanish East Indies?
ITT bydlo from your country
/Ð/ - Nordic Thread með krafti Óðins
Why do all our secular Somalis move to London or Canada after finishing uni?
Itt: reasons why Mexico is a better friend to the US than Canada
Guys I want to learn a "useless" language but I can't decide which. How do I choose?
How do yuropoors live with 3G?
Daily reminder Northern Portugal and Galiza ARE not part of the Moor conglomerate
Go to big city
Anyone up for a round?
/Med/ - Mediterranean Thread
What States are considered as flyover States?
What would you do as the leader of your country?
Lowest IQ in Europe
A racist responds to (You)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
D-dude Finns aren't white, a-are they? Would be too perfect, we couldn't even compete that cunt otherwise...
This is not a monty python sketch
You may only post ITT if your country is so big that it has more that 25 different climates within it
Japan hits 600% Debt/GDP
Which culture has the worst humour? Which one has the best?
First day of school in Netherlands
Non-white here. Why do white people love muslims so much? Chinks, pooinloos, blacks, slavs, etc...
Why don't europeans just have more babies?
Can someone explain this to me?
Is German difficult? I have some free time so I'm thinking about learning a new language
Do you like Japan?
/ita/ - il filo
German architectural engineers
Do you like Russia?
What your little bro country
How common are these stereotypical names in their counties?
Culture Pals - /cp/
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
How come sub Saharan Africa is always assumed to be the worst part of the world when Latin America and North...
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Croatia 2016 = best country
Do you like brazil?
Sup Forums love thread
/gtc/ guess the country
Your country
Alcohol gel
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmys :)
Why your country can't make things that attract foreigners
Fuuuuck I want to live in a comfy european city
User, you don't actually believe this so-called Armenian """"""Genocide"""""" do you?
Which nation should be banned from Sup Forums?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Good southern euro countries = Italy, Portugal
Wtf I hate france now
The Uzbekistanian president, Islam Karimov, who held the presidency since the country was liberated from the U.S.S.R...
You can wipe any western country off the face of the earth. Which is it?
Why are people on this board so mean?
Why are whites so obssessed of the term 'white' even if they're already white enough?
He unironically thinks he is more sophisticated because he watches "British comedy"
When you think about it, toilet paper is a rather lacklustre way of cleaning yourself after defecation
Why are chineses so fucking arrogant?
Europeans, tell me about Gypsies. Are they criminals? Are the women sluts...
What's the most evil corporation in the world?
Italian architectural engineers
How does it feel knowing that you live in a country that didn't invent steak?
Tfw shitty generic North American accent and I sound like the martsharters
ITT: We thank Germany for creating the GOAT breed of dog
Ur cunt
When did you abandon this country?
Who are the niggers of Africa?
Does your country have many muslims?
Hilo con aguante
Red pill me on Italy. For some reason, I have a subconscious bias towards Italy...
Does anyone really hates Brazil in real life apart from Sup Forums autists...
Sup Forumsska/
Do slavs still remember what hope feels like?
I gained ten pounds over the summer
From 2008 to the present date, the national debt has risen over 116%
Is Georgia European and Nordic?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Post borders
Haplogroup foods
Angry Danes demolish Mudslime hashish stand
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Thank you user, I really enjoyed this dish from your country...
Dude Finns aren't Mongols, it's just a meme lmao
How do we save Britain?
ITT: Weird geographical territories
He doesn't regularly get naked with his friends, sit in a small hot room discussing life...
Daily reminder that you will never live in a nordic country
ITT: Countries that need to come back
/asean/ - Follow your Dream edition
Bad mouth turkey
Why do Europeans take credit for Middle Eastern accomplishments?
Why aren't there many Mormons in Europe?
Why are Anglo countries so afraid of nudity?
Are you an expat? How have the locals been friendly to you?
Learn english all your life
Yeah user, I love Italian culture!!
/fr/ - Le fil de la France et de la francophonie
ITT: Sup Forums in 1974
How are fascists handled in your country of origin?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/éire/ /eire/
Balkans vs russia sphere
What nationalities or heritages have you been mistaken for? Nigerian, Senegalese, Colombian and Somalian here
What is wrong with White """"""people"""""""?
So white men who prefer Asian girls are considered beta and often times looked down upon...
/ita/ - Il Filo
Is your city cosy Sup Forums ?
What is objectively the most irritating English accent?
Allright let's play a game
Philippines is the newest failed state
Describe this in two words
I never knew natives American in South America look so Asian...
What would you say to a Polish person to really disturb them
Can you come up with more polite terms?
Why do Slovakians think this is ok?
Je ne suis pas Charlie
Give it back, Ukraine
Sydney isn't Polish
The Finnish origin of Odin
Rate my breakfast
When will America apologise...
/deutsh/ - Feministin Ausgabe
It's September 2 and it's already freezing cold
Brazil or Argentina?
Me British ancestors were Black
Is your country democratic?
My sister went on a western yuropeen tour and said outside of england, people dont bathe regularly
I love hrvatska
Immigration rates to the U.S. by country, per capita
Why do Scottish people like this disgusting drink so much?
Why are white people bad in sport ?
/isr/ - /ישר/ - Israel Thread
My sisters... and some random alpha from their school... I don't know what to do, found this pic in her laptop...
Tfw you live in the best country on the greatest continent in the world
Culture Pals - /cp/
Wake up
How will you celebrate 9/11 this year?
Has your country ever been ruled by a dictator?
Has browsing Sup Forums made you racist?
Mom is threatening to kick me out again if I don't find a job or get a girlfriend
Post foreign embassies in your countries
Sucking Penis
Why do you hate chinese people
Two questions
Fiancee cought me fapping to a hentai with a huge bug fucking a loli
What countries are the closest culturally and ethnically to yours?
You wake up in a country no one likes
Self-hating Flags
The recent influx of posters from this region makes me worry about the future of 4chin
Please don't bully finns
Western boys
Why is everyone so xenophobic in this international culture board?
White girls > Other """"""""girls""""""""
What's your favorite African country Sup Forums?
Mandarin or Japanese?
1. Country
Hey Australia
When did you grow out of being edgy?
French don't like American
Why do movements like alt.rights or islamists exist? Why do some people want full regression...
Stop calling us Rusha
You will always live in this shithole
What ethnicity wouldn't you mind being?
In what 1st world country are they most beautifull girls from?
Kurva anyátok
Really makes you think
Horrible shit post
Argentina is my friend
Mongol girls mega thread
I don't like being American. I want to be British
Spain treats their conquest of the Americas as a lebensraum war
Tfw you will NEVER be an American
Why do Russians always use this meme?
Only decent, humane, non-sociopath leaders Russia ever had
The Egyptians were black
America is being flooded by Mexicans and hardly anyone cares
You wake up
Faces of Sup Forums bread
His country isn't also a continent
Ask a black American anything
Can any westerner adopt me? I'm a straight girl if anything, no anal sex, please
God tier country shapes
South America?
Third worlders, would you be opposed to the revival of colonization?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
His country can't properly integrate foreigners
What the h*ck were they thinking? A leaf? Really?
What country has the cutest girls?
Am I white?
I'm just going to leave this here
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Ask a Chicano anything
/deutsch/ - Liechtensteiner Ausgabe
Ask a Polish anything
Spacex explodes another rocket
From what country would you like to have a friend?
Asian women will be the end of whites
Canadians are taught in school that they burned down the White House
Can any westerner adopt me? No gay sex, please
Why did americans, who were originally just europeans moving to a different continent, devolve so rapidly...
Why do fucking Argies get to go more places than USAians?
Let's settle this "which SA country" dillema once and for all:
He's planning something...something sinister that doesn't go along with his "SJW" persona
If Ayy Lmaos ever visited your country, what would your people do to them?
Be American
/slav/ - /cлaв/
There's a suburb in Australia called Canada Bay
Why are countries in temperate zones so much better than countries in tropical and sub-tropical zones?
Post your city's skyline
Why is learning a second language so hard for Americans
Are you a member of the naturally hairless chest master race?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
/deutsch/ - /nachtschicht/
What do Italians think of pic related?
Ask a venezuelan who marched to support our socialist government anything
Move to america
Tfw Venetian masterrace
Yamato is here
ITT: Post the greatest album your country ever made
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
In America you show your pride by jumping into mud. Why do they do this?
/ita/ - il filo
Is your country popular with foreign tourists?
Americans eat apple pie with cheddar on it
The World's Favorite Porn Categories
Why are Euros so butthurt at us?
Britbongs eat THIS
/deutsch/ - /nachtschicht/
God i love being american
America will eventually be whiter than europe
How do yuropoors live with 3G?
Sverigetråden - Stryparupplagan
Dis es et
1. Your country
How to insult a Brit?
What is the generic name for your countrymen?
Post your country's national congress
Wake up
Stereotypes about your country that your countrymen WISH were true
The Scandinavia of South America
Found out my height is exactly 2 meters
Why do yuropoors sperg out when an american does not know where some random city is in europe...
Do you consider Latin America part of Western Civilization?
US Healthcare
Wiki Battle
ITT: Rank the flags of the nordic countries
Blood types
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You wake up one day in London
Lets talk about the greatest nordic country.. The Faroe Islands
It costs me $400 to get my dick sucked by a reasonably attractive woman
Ask a Russian anything
Britbongs eat this disgusting shit for breakfast every morning
Show me the bread of your country
I'm a nationalist
What if I told you there are many Polish stealth tanks in your country now
Are Argentinians just Italians roleplaying as Spaniards?
What the fuck is this ?
How do we save Germany?
Why are japanese people so fucking dishonorable?
Is this man the superman of Russia?
Why is pic related not a thing ?
Why is everyone so obsessed with our flag?
Is there any country on the planet more cucked than Argentina?
Allah placed Greece into the wrong continent
Tfw too dumb for /his/ and have to settle for Sup Forums
Why aren't you dating a beautiful and moral somali girl yet?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
1. you are a filthy, std ridden cunt with a yeast infection
Why do Greeks love life so much?
1 your country
Polen has a new tank. Plunger 1. Russia, you beter surrender while you still can
USA why? In before 'niggers'
Ayuda latina por favor
Is your country truly secular?
Shut up you nigger, America does have culture
Why are Russia so prone to despotism?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
You have a chance to unite 2 nations and they will attempt to work out the unification as best they can...
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Which is a better country to visit, Portugal or Spain?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono:
Not having stars in your flag
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What the fuck
Look at how beautiful and peaceful Sweden used to be
Sudacas explain this shit
Why do Americans on Sup Forums hate California whereas it is the favorite State of normal Americans?
Did you fall for the "Russia deserves sanctions" meme?
Holy shit murrika is full of people who look like this...
Why is English so unrelated to other Germanic languages. Yet Portuguese speaker can understand Spanish
Meet white girl
ITT we love Italy. Do you love Italy?
Hi, i'm from Brazil, sorry for bad english
Shopping malls
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...