Portuguese is the master key to all languages

Portuguese is the master key to all languages.

I can understand about 85% of spanish and 60% of french without even taking the time to decode them.

Why aren't you learning the most useful language?

because you posted that in english and i can read english

I mean all romance languages*.



Nobody wants to talk to retarded brown jungle people.

Porque eu estou aprendendo português. Eu ligo com uma amiga brasilheira todos os dias e nos falamos uma o duas horas.

Meu português não é bom mas eu melhorá-lo.


Hey your education is showing

Its pretty good canabro
Btw its brasileira not what you wrote(im on a phone cant see your post while typing)

Obrigado. Eu ainda preciso aprender mais palavras, por exemplo essas de pergunta (which, whom, etc). Também preciso aprender o passado e o futuro. Posso usar o condicional.

Eu acho que é mais facíl que o espanhol, parece mais como francés.

Ah os tempos dos verbos são fodidos para alem disso eu aconcelhava te a aprender português pt e português br também

but you can't understand eu.portuguese which is ironic

I have to pay attention but I can understand about 95% which is better than the time I tried talking to a caiçara (someone who lives near the southern coast), I seriously couldn't understand shit.

>I can understand about 85% of spanish and 60% of french without even taking the time to decode them.
That's because Romance languages are basically dialects of Latin. I speak intermediate French and can understand about 50% of the Spanish in Narcos.

South american spanish is waaaay easier to understand
Spaniards sound like they have a potatoe stuck in their mouth its awful the away they speak it makes my ears bleed

I speak Spanish already. Might try to learn Portuguese properly one day though.

Any Spanish/Portuguese speakers had the experience whre you begin listening to or talking to someone and it takes you a moment to realize whether they're speaking Spanish or Portuguese, because you were understanding them just fine and weren't thinking about it?

It's the inverse for me, at first I don't understand much because I think I'm talking to someone with a really thick accent but then the "oh it's another language" switch turns on and it gets easier.

Not really
If its a native speaker the accent tells it away pretty quickly if its a non native speaker unless their skills in the laguage are bad i can pretty mutch tell it right away

No. We can tell foreign people right away.

Euro Portuguese is very very nuanced, to the degree that we don't even know what you're saying wrong, just that something is off.

Spanish is like Portuguese as if you're speaking to a deaf person and have to open all vowels.

Bullshit, I speak french and I can barely understand Spanish.

Maybe you're not very intelligent.

pt br primeiro seria mais interessante ja que é coloquial e sem frescuras