Program automatically installs to C: without giving you an option to change install dir

>program automatically installs to C: without giving you an option to change install dir
Is there anything worse?

Change default install location in your registry you noob

NTFS junctions.

Apart from that you got your important stuff on Linux & who cares what random shit the Windows video game machine does. You already knew this shit was on random choices autopilot, and W10 made it excessively clear that it will remain that way.

I remember there used to be programs that would let you change the directory, and would install there, but would crash on startup if the directory was anything other than the default.

glad I switched to Linux

What does that? This isn't MS-DOS.

Doesn't chrome install itself into some appdata user dir which is by default on C:?

>program creates a file called "C:\log.txt"

First: Why do you care? Those files aren't meant to be browsed to and opened. This is where shortcuts are for; to no having to know/care where the actual program is.

Second: You use Windows. You don't own that PC. You were probably install a proprietary application as well.

Tl;DR: Use software that respects your freedom or stop whining.

This is just a laziness and stupidity of the developers.
Windows does have too, although more retarded, environment variables to pinpoint home directory.

Secondly, softwares written by lazy devs might not take care of cleaning it up.

>program creates a folder in my documents

>Using Windows
>any year

Is see you got the impression that "My documents" is a folder with "your" documents. This assumption is false. You didn't pick that name. Windows picked that name. It's therefore windows its folder. This means any process or application can create folders in my documents because it's a user specific system folder.

>Tl;DR: Use software that respects your freedom
but wtf are you going to get done on freebsd?


I use to partition my main drive into c: = windows d: = games and other shit.

I'm about to get a 500gb SSD.
Is there any point doing that anymore?

not really. the whole point of doing it on an HDD is to contain fragmentation to the fast part of the disk. that doesn't exist on an ssd.

What do you even need to be done? You can do your work on hardware and software issued by your employer. All you do in your own time is your choice. If you tell yourself you *must* (you really don't) use proprietary software then you are already lost.

Thanks mate. Didn't think so.

- Unfortunately, Windows still got the majority exclusiveness for games and (in lesser extent) entertainment.
- Also Windows Server is still having "muh AD" and some other solutions being used in enterprise.
That said, I don't want to imply that Linux is by chance worse here.

shattered horizon clone when

Programs can have the installation directory hard coded, retard

>Is there anything worse?
The Holocaust

All Electron based applications.

Yet another reason to.hate electron. Fuck me do I hate that framework. It is the new flash.

I'd say the great flood (you know, the one with Noah's ark) was an even worse fictional event.

>using any of the default folders

>It is the new flash
Not really.
It's really ram hungry, but it doesn't introduce security flaws like flash did (does)

Flash was way better at its times