Which one of these editors is best for writing C code?

Which one of these editors is best for writing C code?


I'm using linux

sublime text

GNU emacs.

vim (tty)

This is a lab computer - I can't install things

Why the fuck would I use emacs when I can use vim?

Are these really all that shit?

Sup Forumsvim


Gedit is all you need.


vim or
in wine

Why the fuck would you use vim when you can use Emacs?


Jack of all trades, master of none.

*takes deep breath in*

Yeah, code. I have to implement a multi-threaded linked-list and I don't want to do it in a command line text editor.



because emacs is objectively superior


Both Vim and Emacs are consider top-notch.
Personally I like KDE tools such as Kate.

Superior in what? Its just a shell.

>vimscript is better than Emacs lisp


You apparently don't understand what Emacs is. It's not an editor. It's a runtime environment for Emacs Lisp programming language in which you can implement an editor. You can implement pretty much anything you want in it (including vim or fucking X server) and actually most of the time you'll find out that somebody has had already written the thing you want. The downside is that Emacs Lisp is disgusting because it's so ancient (LISP-2, default dynamic binding (I'm not sure about this one though)). It's impossible to judge Emacs as an editor because config file fundamentally changes its behaviour as an editor (because the config file is just arbitrary ELisp program).

But why would I want that?

No idea mate. I know why I want that.

Kate was surprising pleasant in KDE. Handled build configuration and integrated terminal nicely. However, this was before i became a vimtard.

whichever you are most comfortable using. although using vim is ergonomically better than moving your wrist to arrow keys or ctrl.

I'm genuinely interested, why is that? I honestly don't get why it's better than using a regular editor

I like how I can configure it to everything I do down to the smallest quirks (well actually I'm not that proficient at Emacs to go down to these smallest details, but I'm slowly going further), for any language I use. Previously when I was learning a new language I'd search for a new editor. Now I just M-x list-packages C-s . When I think "I wonder if my editor could do X...", I google it and it turns out it can. Emacs has great documentation within itself (you just call appropriate functions like 'apropos' or 'describe-function'). And org-mode is godlike. It started out as a mode for making notes and managing tasks, but actually turned out to be also a good tool for literal programming and spreadsheets. At its base you have collapsible outline so you can make an outline of some idea. You make a few points, then develop them further and create some sub-points. Then you start wondering how to implement your idea and you start changing the points into tasks. Like, you add "TODO" before them (or just press C-c C-t while selected) and suddenly they can appear in your to-do list. Actually, you have a whole calendar so you can schedule these tasks and filter them and shit. And you can link stuff between files (got some line in a program that needs some work? You call org-store-link while in that file, then paste it into your project's README.org). Also, tables are spreadsheets. And you can export these notes to HTML, pdf through LaTeX or anything). I don't personally use it for task managing because I just can't make myself stick to deadlines, but making notes in org-mode is great.

Also, one of initial points of Emacs was that you had only one terminal to run your application so it was supposed to do everything so you didn't have to close it when you wanted to do something else than editing for a moment (like checking your email). Now you can run multiple programs at once with no problems, but Emacs provides great cooperation between components.

Unironcally this. I love it. Just make sure you've got a few plugins.

You can probably run sublime from ~ if you're creative about it. They have a tarball on their site, I doubt it does anything that would need root for setup.