balk Bingo
How /balk/ are you?
balk Bingo
How /balk/ are you?
pretty gay OP ngl.
anyway hope you all have a wonderful day: me? I'm off out to go and beat up romanian and bulgarian immigrants with my friends, lovely day for it, too.
I know you are, my British friend.
If you're in London I can call some selyaks that will give you and your friends a decent fight, if you want.
let's go
no bingo
I'm doing an internship, not a real job
I am a Greek
>hates FYROM
>ALSO hates Serbia
>ALSO hates Bulgaria
Pick a side Гoшe
I'm a self hating sorosoid.
You're supposed to provide a picture with a timestamp for the right bingo, Toшo
not him, but why timestamp?
not me, but why timestamp?
1) it says so
2) to make sure the pic is genuine and taken by you
нaпpaвих бyлгap хляб
>tfw CS:GO flirt ignores me
I will report her for wall-hack t b h.
lets see
>his parent's aren't
I can have my own worldview, also think that theirs is stupid.
>inb4 edgelord