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International #645
Why are Finnish women such huge sluts?
/kuhn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Where have you been int? Where do you want to go next?
Is cider popular in your cunt?
Girl here
What are your thoughts on north Asia? And their girls?
/mena/= /tunisia/+ /me/ + /na/
1.Your country
I want an australian to fuck my turkish ass
Tfw you're a twink top and love bottom muscle hunks
What are we again, Sup Forums?
Fun fact: Rus was an ancient Scandinavian tribe
Why do Americans put high fructose corn syrup on their popcorn?
Is this stat a meme? Why is Paris so unhappy? I thought France was great
A city is Polish for 90% of the time it existed
/balt + ausnz/
Australia, you thought we finally would stop talking about your television shows did you? You were wrong!
Im going to marry a PRETY slav lady wen im older :3
Why do they hate each other?
Why shouldn't they be allowed to join Russia if the majority of the population wants it?
Internet girlfriend won't respond to my messages anymore
Reminder that 50/50 white Japanese mix is the master race
Why wasn't Bulgaria a part of Yugoslavia?
To native speakers
Pictures from you window/balcony
ITT Posters you hate
"dumb monkey"
Tfw it's cold
/v4/ - Szigetvár 450th Anniversary edition
Tfw only neighboring country is usa
Should I just break up with my gf now...
Do you think cross-breeding should be banned?
Most recurrent word on each country's Wikipedia article
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How can I get a russian gf like this, Sup Forums?
There are girls on Sup Forums right now
Post in this thread if you would NEVER go to spain
Annexation of Mexico
How can people stay virgins in Finland and New Zealand? Women literally throw their naked pussies on you
The Portuguese genocided this
Kurva anyátokat
Why does Sup Forums hate China?
Why the anti Latin@ sentiment?
Iranians threw such a fit over this movie...
Why did we never try to take over Europe like Germany did?
Take a picture outside :)
Why the fuck are Latin Americans so obsessed with anime?
ITT: Sup Forums related confessions
Where do the stupid people in your country live?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1. Your country
I'm a Japanese girl. Any question?
In this thread we improve upon already existing flags
Tfw Finland gives you a (you)
It is agreed, Anzu is the most attractive girl alive
How many of the pictured dishes, drinks and desserts can you name?
What is the rudest thing a British poster has ever said to you on here?
Tfw you'll never live in New York
/cum/ fernie edition
Why are there Japanese people in East Russia?
His country doesn't have a dedicated wizarding school
Lmao at Americans
If you could hug someone from another country, who would it be?
All your neighboring countries are destroyed except one. Which one do you choose?
Which side will your country be on in World War III?
Japan is so sexist! I don't like it!
You wake up in Edo Japan
1. Go to YouTube
You get to create your own country but it's qualities must be exclusively defined in terms of other countries...
What if the US became isolationist again?
We post a Meme war of your country
Describe this country in two words
So, how's life in the actual United States? You know, not the one from the movies and TV (for good or worse)...
International language test edtion
/balk/ - not gay edition
/slav/ic language family
What do you think about Spaniards?
What countries has Sup Forums visited?
I will stop baiting and ask a serious question now: am I mixed or mediterranean...
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
What happens there?
1. Cunt
Is Greece's greatest effect on the world the fact that every country in the world feels obligated to make their...
Sverigetråden - Trumpupplagan
Why do amerisharts keep whining about Duterte not respecting human rights when literally EVERY SINGLE DECENT ASIAN...
In which country would you rather stay for one entire year without the possibility of leaving?
/Culture Pals/ General
Someone makes thread about argentina
How to say in chinese
Why so few races have appealing specimen while most are so uniformly meh tier?
Any white Latinos on Sup Forums?
Rate from 1 to 10 your social life Sup Forums
Post first person that comes up to your mind when you see flag of poster above
Your top 5 favorite countries that aren't your own
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Live in coastal town that gets a lot of foreign tourists
/luso/- Fio Lusófono
Which one invested пиpoжки Russia or Ukraine?
Most arrogant and most humble countries in the world?
Star Wars
World is such a beautiful place 2bh
Did Irish people ruin America and lower our collective IQs?
I am marrying my Russian girlfriend soon and will be moving there...
you are country
Are the Dutch the ugliest people on Earth?
Esperanta fadeno
Pretend we are in 1939
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/
What is your country's opinion on transgendered people?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Americans can't have a beer with their dad until you are 21
ITT: Confirmed English speakers or natives teach us some unusual and sophisticated but useful words to reuse in order...
Are women in your country retarded?
I'm currently sitting a bar in Marseille by myself...
Everything cool comes from Japan
Best Country (Besides your own)
/doidsch:DD:DD/ ehemals und bald wieder /deutsch/
Does Argentina have more Italian or Spanish/Indigenous influence?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
September 11th is this week. Everyone on Sup Forums is going to be making fun of us
"Hi, we're the new refugees from Syria. We just moved here yesterday. What is there to do in this town?"
/balt + ausnz/
Why are English people so hideous?
Post your town city flag
Japanese vs Spanish
Post good Spanish speaking movies. Please
How do we save Britain?
Question for the Japanese people here: In hindsight, was the attack on pearl harbor a mistake? Why or why not?
Would you eat this steak??
This kills the Argentine
Why do some Europeans think their pagan religions are superior to Semetic religions?
What are some generic stereotypes of Europeans?
Would you interbreed with a colombian girl?
Putin wants to nuke this
Would you have sex with an Australian?
How's life in Egypt? What are the people like?
Rate my flag
Now that the civil war in america is over, does Sup Forums side with the union or Confederacy?
Rate my British meal
Risk Thread: US edition
Let's settle this once and for all
How much fun is it to live in Brazil? It looks pretty fun on TV
Im thinking about moving to Greenland
Post em
What went wrong for London?
Black Americans who browse Sup Forums
Let's explore the USA, Sup Forums
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
I love russia. Do you love russia?
Question to Russians
Post special forces of your country
/eire/ /éire/
Why are Croatians obsessed with black girls?
How did you learn a new language? What method was the best for you? I'm using Duolingo and watching Daredevil in French...
Be Italian-German-Polish
Italians go to the black market to get their MAGGOTS
Hi everyone :3
Does your country have a charcuterie culture?
This is the true China
Is it true that brazil has many different cultures instead of just one?
Tfw saved from life in Chechnya
1. Your country
ITT: Sup Forums in 1993
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ask a Tunisian willing to immigrate to Germany anything
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Moroccans satanic int?
Wtf? I love Russia now
"'oooohhh Ching Chong ling long ting ting!"
Ms. Japan is a poo
What is the secret of higher fertility rate?
Why is russia so. small?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Your cunt
/slav/ - be nice to each-other edition
Shitalians literally eat MAGGOT CHEESE
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Learning Hungarian
Are you ready for Oktoberfest?
Hey, British fucks. I wonder why your queen was a fucking nigger. Why?
Tfw surrounded by retards :_:
/brit/ - /pryd/
Heil hitler
Canadian TV
“Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum,” Duterte was quoted as saying [about Obama]
The only right solution for ex-yu and balkans
Viet thread
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Germany owes Greece 340 billion euros in reparations for nazi war crimes
Why is Germany's economy better than yours?
Polish vs Russian vs Ukrainian
Reminder that Finland's flag was stolen from Portugal
M gsuta sepana. ¿te gusta
Post a symbol related to your nation/people
Has your country betrayed other countries ever?
What are Ukrainian girls like?
How much would this wall cost? I say we can do it
How is it legal for a country to be this LONG?
Hilo latino
If 100 people lived on earth
Why is the justice harder with white people in the USA ?
How much longer will Germany be the largest European economy? Can they last another decade?
How come this place is so superior to everywhere else?
I want to be American
Which social network does your country use?
Blue: based countries
China will grow larger!
Describe this in two words
Haha xd
What is life like in South Korea?
Who is whiter, Spaniards or Greeks or Italians?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Pretty accurate if you ask me
What did he mean by this?
Because of Russia, Easten Europe are less developed than Western Europe?
How likely is for people of you country to survive a car crash?
What are Greek girls like?
Is there any good television being made here?
Useless ally thread
Which country has the best women ?
My planet hates non-Greeks
I notcied a really strange trend amongst American exchange students at my university who came for summer courses
You have 13 seconds to pretend to be Polish
Is your country hated Sup Forums?
You have 10 seconds to name 3 Slovakian cities and 3 Slovakian people
Are there Asians who are not hypocrites?
The parasite severs the blood vessels in the fish's tongue, causing the tongue to fall off...
1. Country?
How on earth a white man can attract to non-white females. I just don't understand...
In 2020 the United Arab Emirates will be launching an unmanned spacecraft orbiter to Mars...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
German fiancee
/cum/ - Canada, US, and Mexico
/zh/ China 中华人民共和国有G20版
So USA has a voluntary army
This carries strict punishment in his...
One of the biggest innovator of finnish memes, Pertti "Spede" Pasanen, died 15 years ago
How the fuck do we solve the manchild-problem?
Why do niggers love white women so much?
Have you ever gone to a country and wanted to stay there? I just got back from Kyoto and it was comfy as fuck...
Why does no one care about Russians planned invasion of Ukraine?
Want a PRETY slav wief
Does racism still exist?
Lyon ou Bordeaux for study abroad?
1. your cunt
Be Italian
1. you're cunt
Describe countries with pictures
Why do Americans do this ?
How come we make fun of Americans but not Brits?
We should just annex the whole thing to be honest
What's your country's national symbol
Aussies, do you actually see these things regularly or is this some way out in nature shit...
What keeps you from killing yourself?
You are poor and scum. What is your beer of choice?
Kurva anyátokat
Official Mexico Hate Thread
/ita/ - il filo
Really makes you think
"""""Islamic""""" """""State"""""
There, I fixed this continent
What is having young sister like?
What are rednecks like in your country? All my experiences with rednecks in Canada have been annoying...
Commies of his
You always insult USA on Sup Forums
Hey, Sup Forums, list your accomplishments for today
Had one chance
What kind of anime does your country watch?
This is our next President
Long time no post, if you have any questions for a bored and isolated islander, shoot
1.Your flag
Does this mean Germany can still be saved with its culture and people mostly intact?
Why do Americans love this shitty sport so much? Not it's a worse version of rugby...
Why are people of European decent so bad at dancing?
What the fuck Turks?
So guise, I ate for the first time a KFC. Not bad actually
/Ð/ - Nordic Thread með krafti Óðins
What do they eat in tall countries?
1 - Cunt
/luso/ fio lusófono - edição Liberdade
1: your cunt
How much prize Born as philippine equal winning life lottery ?
This German man traveled to the US and commited 55 acts of arson motivated by "rage against Americans."
What music is most popular in your country?
Google "(your country) dog"
/eyes of int/
Post your town city flag
ITT: We post things Americans won't understand
Is he white?
What went wrong for the PIIGS nations? Ireland was the only one who managed to get its economy on track
Which proud civilisation do you stem from?
"There are many different cultures but only one civilization - the Western one." — Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
/nachtschicht/ /deutsch/
Wake up
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Sverigetråden - Den kungliga upplagan
What is liberal?
My dad unironically told me to suck it up, there are people in this world that are not supposed to get laid, never
Go to poland to visit the gfs family
Could i pass as local in you're country??
Hey dad I just got married! My wife has been dying to meet you!
I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. What are your thoughts on this place?
How do I stay safe in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil?
Why are white people so violent?
This is a typical italian woman. Thoughts?
How did we go from this
Can a French person help me out? All I need is a screenshot of an SMS from a French mobile carrier...
How do you feel about the fact that American CIA helped transport the cocaine that would become the first crack cocaine...
FYI: Argentina is white
Non-brits can't pronounce Worcestershire
Why does every one here bullies Americans
Why is Italian food so popular? It's basically just carbs with more carbs, and then carbs for dessert
/deutsch/ $ /nachtschicht/
Why aren't you married yet?
It's an Asian has undeclared meat episode
You wake up in your current location in 1580. What do you do?
Immigrant tiers
Look at this cat
/ita/ - il filo
De verdad te hace pensar
Why do Scandinavians move out of their parents home at 18 but people in mainland Europe still live at home?
Hello Sup Forums give me all you can find please. These are fun to collect
I finally have enough money for a down payment. Feels good not being white
Which country has best anthem?
/völkisch/ bald wieder /deutsch7
THAI + INDIAN is better than JAP + INDIAN
Generals killing this board
/fr/ Fil francophone
Which country has the strongest Italian diaspora aside from the US?
Is it that important to be white? USA and Japan seem to be doing great
You will always be fat
Is it true that Celts are Greeks and Iberians?
/Culture Pals/ General
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
White "people"
I lik spjin do you lik
Japs assblasted over miss nippon being half curry nigger
American photographer Peter Menzel and writer Faith D’Aluisio have traveled the world documenting that most basic of...
What makes German people laugh?
WTF Serbia?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Go to
You have to live & work in one of these
ITT : Speak French with Vocaroo
1. Your cuntry
Did they have these in your country when you were a kid?
When a foreigner tries to say "vincent van gogh"
What is the master race of food?
ITT: post the landmark or thing that represents your city or town
Post ITT if you think France > UK
Hardcore Norwegian prisons
/ᛞᛖᚢᛏᛋᚺ/ ᛖᚻᛖᛗᚨᛚᛋ ((( /deutsch/ ))))
Ur jesus too small
Why we don't have Walmart in Europe ?
How is Europe such a socialist state? Socialism is bad
Which country/people speaks the same language as you but their dialect/accent sounds disgusting to you?
ITT Things that trigger sharts
1. you're country
My children will grow up in a world where the new generation's image of an American is brown
To which city/town in your country would you want to move the most?
Does anybody else like to be bullied by first worlders on Sup Forums? I love when they remind me of my place...
Sup Forumsternational battle stations
How can anyone live with themselves being an immigrant?
Earth is a third world planet
/luso/ fio lusófono - edição Liberdade
After the USA, what country produces the best movies?
This was my meal today
I have no words for this
Why is Europe so secular?
Are Hungarian women built for anal sex?
Sverigetråden - Sona för era brott upplagan
Halt! Tell me infidel, who does Jerusalem belong to?
Fill in the blank: Americans are _______
Why are there so many industrious, intelligent Germans?
1. Your cunt
Tfw be half black (black mother)
What are french black people like?
Anyone else tired of British posters?
Rank your country's leaders of the past 100 years (ie. 1916 to present)
/ita/ - Il Filo
Tell me about the somali people in your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1/ Your cunt
Omelette du fromage
You have 10 seconds to explain yourself Finland
Why doesnt France just put them on a boat and send it to GB?
Really makes you think
Any east europe girls? I will marry you and give you US citizenship
How have women from your cunt been portrayed in vydya?
Post the most russian pic, you saved
Country memes
Why is Germany's economy better than yours?
Fill in the map
What influential person/politician/celebrity would you kill if you had nothing left to live for?
Is the relationship between these two countries similar to the relationship between the UK & the USA?
Does Latin America have a media center where all the media is made...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I'm glad we can all agree on this
American kinder surprises come with a $2500 fine instead of a toy
It was the year 1825. Inspired by the example of the United States...
What's your hometown known for Sup Forums?
Hey Spanish people
/deutsch/ - Germania erwache Ausgabe
/fr/ - le francofil
I've recently become fascinated by convenience stores. Talk about convenience stores!
Why does the EU hate it so much?
Kill Kill Fuck Marry
Find your house on google maps, then post it ITT
Why are americans so fat and stuipid?
What did Sup Forums have for lunch today?
Are you a feminist Sup Forums?
There are no hamsters in New Zealand
Sverigetråden - DANSKJÄVLAR!
Femanon here. Why do people always worry about their dick size? 6 inches is average. If you're under that nobody cares
Ask a Russian twink anything
Found this on my sisters computer
/balk/ BINGO
Anyone wanna practice French together?
Can Spain be saved?
You will never be Australian
United nothing could stop us
Duterte has
/Handwriting of int/
What happens here? anything interesting?
/deutsch/ - Theodor-Körner-Ausgabe
In America you can't drink beer or wine on the street
Why do non-Brits have this impression that all British people are ugly?
Retard intelligence knew I am on Sup Forums and they blocked said board from my house...
In Germany fishing using a rod is forbidden if you haven't attended to a three days course and passed an exam
Post school uniform from your cunt
Is this the greatest thing to have ever come out of Poland?
Go deep into my city's Moroccan neighbourhood because reasons
Why are American cars built from wood?
Your opinion about this?
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Spanish Thread - Hilo español - /esp/
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
ITT:We strangely speak well of Poland and Polish to make them blush
How is your country portrayed in Anime?
Who /yellow fever/ here?
Give me one reason on why you hate this cunt, I'll start
French people
Hej ingt
Because every user must have some Anzu now and then
Please love Japan
Post your city's downtown, Sup Forums
I used to think racism and xenophobia weren't that bad until I was the victim of it before and during the Olympics...
Why is she so perfect lads?
1. Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Russians will murder this
I am getting kind of tired of having to look after Japan. When can we cut ties with those weirdos?
When is the CIA going to fix this?
What happens there?
Early islamic fighters split the tip of their swords...
1. your country and region
Dad force me to enter Columbia University...
Why are Arab royalty the most attractive?
User, why do you hate Canadians so much?! What did they ever do to you?
Is Norilsk the worst "city" on Earth?
What is your honest non-meme opinion on mixed race people?
I fucking hate australians so much
Anyone else find it really fascinating that less than 100 years ago the Japs were this barbaric...
That feel when no proto-Indo-European gf with whom to worship Dyeus Pater while living a quiet life raising livestock
American Education
Would u?
Where were you when the Philippines became a meme country?
Kurva anyátokat
What are your parent's political and religious views?
Why did Australians lose to a bunch of birds?
With the inevitable union of the Commonwealth realms (AU, UK, NZ...
Son of a whore
Go to the USA for the first time
Rusia VS Japan!
I've been informed you are a natty cuck
Why are East Africans freakishly tall? They don't look properly proportionate, just skellingtons
Why are Americans so afraid of Russia becoming a developed country? What do you think they're going to do
Hello. I am of Futaba (2chan)
Any Muslim immigrants here...
Kissing Hello
Why are Americans so shit at possums?
Canadian beach
Wake up
Why do the Greeks hate us?
Which country do we blame for this?!
You get 100 000 000 €
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your cunt
What's your heritage and how does it feel?
Hello Sup Forums, today we are going to learn Esperanto
Do regular spics get jealous of the spics who post here with an American flag?
/asean/- Salamat Pogi
Why do Europeans wear speedos?
Portugal, why did you never tell me you have such amazing college uniforms!?
You wake up as China leader
/glg/ - great lakes general
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Heritage thread
Is there a part of your country where many people want independence even though it probably wouldn't function well...
What makes Germany produce the most butthurt and angry posters?
France and England are fragile females
Your opinion on Mexicans?
Latin America ruined Spanish language
Congratulations! You wake up and Europe is unified. You are its leader
/ita/ - il filo
A country is its people
Are immigrants cowardly genetic scum?
Eat sriracha
Cant make this shit up
I really hate korea
His country doesn't have a magic school
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
What do you think?
Would you mate with an Asian woman,Sup Forums?
Can any user give me his opinion about my english accent?
/fr/ Fil francophone
Your country
Describe your views on our glorious flag in a few words
Sverigetråd - Bästa staden i landet och vintern ankommer snart till den-Upplagan
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...