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do you have change for a £20 note
Don't worry lads I'll communicate with it
Kàkslkelênlpolmkł lŵldn lkêiskpoi noî vwdrdšldon chértjehln
Going to bed lads, see you tomorrow.
Another degen shit hole closed in the proud heart of London. In Corbyn's constituency no less
Just give >us Number No.10
Try bringing some change with you next time mate, I'll do it this time but not again
why you lookin bitter
I be lookin better
can't stop plucking my hairs lads
getting a visible bald patch
Hmm runty
i do that too
Heading out to Mr Pakis for an Ice Cream and the Financial Times.
You lads want anything?
just found out i've got a small amount of black mold in my bedroom
freaking out lads WHAT the fuck do i do
An ice cream and the Financial Times please mucka
ayy lad
clean it
shut the fuck up you woman
whats your favourite Queen song lads?
mine is Bohemian Rap CD
leave it alone, you bigot #BMM
satan did nothing wrong
it causes cancer you mong
good. hopefully that will stop your poncey moaning.
dont get how ppl can be proud of britain
its proper shit
to be honest, every country in the world bar none are awful.
true but some are at least a bit sunny and have stuff to do in them besides watching telly
I had half of my wall above my window covered in mold for years, didn't harm me at all
oh god THAT LAD is here
dont talk to him
maybe go back to india you paki fuck
who? thailad?
*loads gun*
Kell Brook is going to get flattened on Saturday night
Who's "THAT LAD"
Sounds spoopy
>mate just told me about a foursome he once had.
>it was 3 blokes and 1 girl
such a bender
not an argument 2bh
gettin a spa treatment
>there are now millions of five guys in the UK
We really are the 51st state.
Find it bizarre that people would pay 8 quid for just a fast food burger.
Definitely a bit bent that
people tend to think that if a thing costs more, they'll enjoy it more.
Fuck off yank
>when you need to shit immediately after showering
At least we aren't flooded with Taco Bell, that food is disgusting
i shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain
you ever had one? they're amazeballs
Nicer than McDonalds tbqh
Their chips are pretty good also
Very runty
*aims for your bollocks*
>they're amazeballs
How do you fake confidence?
That looks like Welsh kek.
we call that wafflestomping.
keep getting very haemorrhoids when I pass stool lads
tried sits-bathing but the pain didn't go away
Kill yourself
I'd fucking hope so for that price
alri thailad
Want me to ram them back up your arse
>he comes to /brit/ to get attention
That was my gimmick, fuck off and get your own
i don't get how people can have gaysex
the anus is a very delicate little thing, don't get how you can just jam stuff up there
pretend to jus b urself
oh shit
Men under 6ft such be considered dykes
RIP fabric
Why is it closing?
car won't start
getting around the negotiating table
went fabric this one time
there were these 2 supermodel tier looking girls walking around, very tall. one was asian one was white.
look at the back of their dresses and realised they were trannies, because their shoulder/back was far too masculine
because the police and council don't want people having fun.
2 18 year old lads died of pills this year, which when you consider how many people visit the club off their nut each year, and how dangerously strong pills have become recently, is basically "not an argument"
What's fabric?
stuff you make clothes out of
what clothes are made of innit
you were probably tripping out lad.
Eating some chips rn
nah just mandy.
the asian (like some kind of south east asian) one was flirting with my mate. he said she was very tall. south east asian women tend to not be very tall.
their dresses had it so you could see their shoulders and lats and stuff. too broad for a normal woman.
they're called crisps yank
Then why post a picture of fries you moron
hydra + corsica studios > fabric
2 mil for a "Great Wall of Calais". What about the NHS?
fabric is shit 2bh
>£25 entry for the most basic club going
yeah nah
Will it's true though purpose be to keep them out or to keep us in?
stop attention-seeking
go out and make some real friends
best money we've ever spent
even in an ancap society i'd pay towards the wall
Has /brit/ calmed down after last night's paki shitposting retardation?
perhaps in terms of attitude and atmosphere or whatever, but there is nothing even close to fabric in the UK.
btw the closure doesn't bode well for smaller clubs either.
did I miss anything good
walls in an ancap society
how does that work
>tfw you go on daily and still miss cool stuff
Stopping yet more medical tourists from using the NHS will save will over 2 mil
what shitposting?
I must have missed it
I only shitpost at work senpai
after work I generally don't use the internet except for vidya
How is your day going buds?