What is liberal?

What is liberal?

A smart person with great ideas


Bernie Sanders

Are you trying to shitpost me?

I'm helping Japan. This has nothing to do with you

Thomas Jefferson


Fucking cancer calling death of couintry

Bernie Sanders is liberal? I thought he was a socialist...

typical aussie leftard

Mental illness 2bh


It comes from Latin, where liber means book.

liber means free (leeee bher)
liberal means free-like

liber (rhymes with liver) = book

it has gone through many definitions, but currently liberal is used to describe someone who likely favors high spending on social programs, wants to redo our police system to be nicer 2 the blacks, is generally ok with immigration, and wants to pass laws to protect the environment.

liberalism is better than the alt-right atleast


>muh human rights

This is open to various forms of interpretation.

liberal=someone who believes in the free market
everyone who defines it different is an amerifat or someone who got cucked by american media into their idea of liberalism

you're fun at parties, aren't ya?

Liberal means you don't care about things. The less you care about anything, the more liberaler you are.

Like when they say "we are going to put gay education in your schools", a liberal says "Why do you like, care, what other people do?"


what parties

It used to be people like pic related, that opposed ideas like patriarchy (another word that was ruined)* and absolutism.
Now it means "anything I don't like socially" "Let's steal money and throw it away"

* Methinks it is noteworthy that nowadays no man is king in his home nor the streets, which defeats the purpose of feminism new meaning of "Patriarchy"

>trying to help Japan
By doing what? Forcing them to accept muslim refugees?

In America it might mean that. Don't try and export your shitty words no one wants.

In Aus the """conservative""" right-leaning party is called the Liberal Party. They are supposed to be for economic liberty aka cutting taxes for rich people.