Why do they hate each other?

Why do they hate each other?

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Because they've been next to each other for hundreds of years

because they are easily influenced by propaganda.

same is true for european countries yet we are good friends today

do we?

not this kind of thread again

easy reason, because of Anti-Japanist.

>yet we are good friends today


Extensive history or raping one another. It's really just bottled up, sexually frustrated love

this thread is filthy gaijin's bait.
We should not fight here.
All we can do is ban all filthy gaijin from our glorious countries.
Howaito piggu go home!!!

yeah, yet we still dont hate the brits

i mean, i have spoken with koreans and they flat out say they hate the japanese

this. I respect korean and chinese

wow, now i hate Korea

Hating dog eaters should come naturally to any civilised person.

Post-Mao mainlanders have disgusting manners. The world's oldest continuing civilisation has been reduced to being a country full of nouveau-riche boors and the peasants they exploit.

The Japs were pretty keen to pick fights until the Americans put them in their place (for the second time in 100 years)


i think it has more to do with them beeing poor

if you were starving, you would eat dogs too

Funny thing is I used to work in a research lab filled with Koreans, Japanese, and Taiwanese. There were a few Japanese who worked in the next lab and no one ever seemed to have a problem. The only friction was pretty much entirely generated by the Chinese people who complained about their Japanese and Taiwanese colleges constantly. I overheard "Taiwan slime" or something along those lines more than once.

Shit one guy was basically forced to retire because of his constant undermining of basically ALL non-Chinese colleages and his extreme disrespect towards two of the Korean directors.

this is typical example how average Germans think of the Europa.

the reason why European states have been integrated into EU is because they must be in a solidarity
just for security against Russia and economic hegemony in Europa against the US.

European integration doesn't mean at all that you have cordially, perfectly reconciled each other.

>colleagues fixed

Are you REALLY from the USA?

Yeah, but there is no hostility between the European states.
I mean, we might banter each other, but we dont actually hate each other like Japan, Korea and China do


You know what? I've had a few drinks tonight Hiroshi, it's fucking 3 a.m. here. Sorry my autocorrect decided "colleges" was the proper correction my misspelling and I didn't check for the "a". I hope you can forgive my great dishonor to the English language.

Korea hate really China
but We love Japan like cold outside and warm inside personality

>german "banter"


>I mean, we might banter each other, but we dont actually hate each other like Japan, Korea and China do

we don't always hate each other, it depends on theme for arguments.
and the same goes for you.

dont be silly, i am talking about present day

Lol, Korean flag is exactly the same as Japanese flag just with extra paint on it.

And Chinese flag is exactly the same as Japanese flag just with extra paint on it.

I love Korean who love Japan

this thread again

just wait 2 decades. probably we will be good.

maybe japan needs to say sorry?

said a german

One's good (Japan)
One's bad (China)
One's ugly (Korea)
Of course they hate each other.

sorry for invading you france :(

>Japan doesn't say sorry
>Functioning country with strong nationalistic vallues
>Germany profusely apologized
>Turns into 2hu only you're dodging rapist shitskins if you're not a native German, who tries to intentionally get hit by them


You know these are memes, right?
Germany basically leads the European Union, while Japan is hated by all its neighbours

it was in the past, we should move on,

Awwww, that was cute

>Germany leads the destruction of the West and Europe through globalism, essentially is the first lemming off the cliff
>Japan is hated by faggots

i think it's mostly online things or maybe some little bitching at third party foreigners.
IRL i've never heard of japanese/koreans/chinese involved in serious hate crime in east asia.
a unique factor in korea and china, if any, would be ingrained confucian thinking and customs where ancestry is very respected and what they went through is always an issue for offspring.



They are tsundere desu

>Hundreds of thousands of women and girls across Asia were raped and forced into sexual slavery
lmao from the beginning the first line is by far from a fact.

but I don't understand the Korean code
3 5
4 6


>stop liking what I don't like !
I'd eat you if I could, bush meat

It's true but they came to enjoy it. They were calling out もっともっっと気持ちイイ by the end of it.

Hentai is merely fancifully documenting history.

I really hope new cold war even without America.
All Korea should be one region of China

You are soulless beast. No wonder no one forgives japan's war crimes

So? I didn't know that.

So the flag is a last airbender meme or smth?

They're too similar too each other and admitting it hurt their egos.

i don't think your neighboring countries likes you just they are just worry about your power

no funny. repeat it forever here.

If your country was placed next to these two, you would know why

Tbh japs should apologize to the America for being a parasite in their little alliance. Tbh most of the European NATO should also do the same thing.

Only retarded nationalists do. I like both of them.

You should watch the news more often mate

>I like both of them

Medium rare, I guess.

kek no matter how much I hate them, I won't eat them... pretty sure that's bad for my stomach

>I love Korean who love Japan
I love Americans who love Koreans who love Japan :)

I love both tho. And prefer Aniki.

>Japan is batshit insane rabid imperialistic scum
>Korea hates Japan and is afraid of China
>USA forces Japan and Korea who are her puppets to act like brats against China
>China doesn't hate anyone or threaten anyone

Leave China-senpai alone! If only Korea and Japan could be liberated from oppressive iron fist of USA and Japanese educated into being less assholistics.


Hi. China proxy.

Finnish people actaully believe this, i doubt its a proxy