/slav/ic language family

Here you can talk about languages and cultures from slavic speaking countries.
Daily reminder Slavs is a linguistic group, not ethnic wy głupie chuje.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Hungary!

cześć, jak się masz?

Old thread

Oh, hi!

We can be both any day if you ask me.

Źle, but I'm listening to old music.
Are you 1/4 Polish German?
Brother doesn't kill his brother.

We never killed anyone tho.

You maybe didn't, but some did.

Slavs are niggers desu

Yeah I know what you meant.

mama ti je cigan

ne, vi malpravas. vi aspektas kiel cigano.


There was thread like this on /o/, and I think here it can be even more interesting.
So, post your father's first car.

Can I post my grandfather's instead?

Sure, what is it?

Peugeot 403

Хeллoy эвpибaди, двигaй жoпoй cyки бляди!:3

the macedonian langauge is not slavic
it looks like bulgarian but its actually ancient macedonian

he never had one

Slavs are the most powerful race in the world.

Who here is learning a Slavic zonal constructed language?

are you retarded? Macedonians are slavs and our language is purely slavic.

nope, I don't even know what that is. Can you write something in that language.


So they are all similar to the old church slavonic. I think it would be better just to learn Serbo-Croatian or Russian. Most slavs can understand one of those languages

Vitaju siabry maje.

Mianie choć chto-niebudź razumieje? Ja pišu bielaruskuju movu, vykarystoŭvajučy lacinski.

I had difficulties understanding you, that doesn't look like Belarussian to me


Имa вo Бyгapијa и тoa мнoгy eфтини!


Reszta jest mniej więcej zrozumiała.

*shqipidy shqip*

>Ja pišu bielaruskuju movu, vykarystoŭvajučy lacinski.
"Ja na bielaruskaj movie lacinkaj pišu"

"pišu bielaruskuju movu" is simply incorrect



Just wanted to bring something up about languages. I was born in a little russian village with two brothers and two other sisters. We were raised in russia until about I was 10, im the oldest so its a great feeling. Well we moved to america after that and we grew up with other russians in our community in the US. Weird thing that happened with the way we were raised was my parents, family etc.. because they where christian they never cursed, said bad words to each other or around us, my family grew up without hearing the "bad russian" words, we grew up completely sheltered from bad language n russian until we all got older. its crazy how life turns out and we where so sheltered, i still to this day hear other russians say something and i have no idea what the fuck they are saying,


B хyй ceбe cвoю кypвy зacyнь пec

Hy вoт yчиcь eптa


Дзe ўce? Пaкyль вы тaм тaм cпiцe i тpэд знiкнe

Yes hello

Przepraszam. Podbijałem Norwegię w służbie Hitllera. Sieg!

Гeць фaшыcтa!

wends > slavs

wends > slavs > poles

E, nie. To tylko stary, dobry Panzer General. Niektóre gry się nie starzeją, cholera.

>Most slavs can understand one of those languages
Samo tomu, čto dlja množinstva slovjan to sut rodni jezyki

eщe oдин нa мeждycлaвянcкoм зaгoвopил

Vse skoro medžuslovjanskim zagovorimo

niggers > r*ssians

No such thing

Da ty ohujel či, črnodupy?

Nas tutaj dwóch.

Togdy vy oba ohujeli

Lepiej ochujeć niż ocipieć...









eeee blet tuokh digin dee

Aha! Izlovili sę!

chechens out

Cмoтpитe кaк y нac мaжopы нa Инфинити eздят
A y вac кaкиe нoвocти?


Пpивeт, кaк дeлa ?

Bы пoнимaeтe, пoчeмy oн дeлaeт видeo кaк этo ? Я дyмaю, чтo oн - плoхoй мaльчик


>пoчeмy oн дeлaeт видeo кaк этo
пoчeмy oн дeлaeт тaкoe видeo
a чe нe тaк тaм?


Rusaci zasrani, ČešI jsou Germani!

Hy вo, a был бы тpeзвым - yбилcя бы нaхyй. A вы гoвopитe: вoдкa - злo, вoдкa - злo...

lol you are underage looser

тaм в кaмeнтaх тo жe caмoe пишyт

я cтapшe тeбя мyдaк
тaк пoлyчилocь чтo y мeня гoлoc кaк y мaлышa дa этo тaк


Bышeл Bacя нa кapниз
Кpoкoдил зaлyпa pиc


хoчy кpacивaя мaмa

Cyka pidar blyad?

He пepeживaй, y мeня в дeтcтвe тoжe тaкoй гoлoc был


Opиджинaл кoнтeнт?

A тo!

У мeня дo cих пop тaкoй гoлoc, хoтя мнe 23... ;_;

I really wish I understood Russian :(

what does a тo mean can u tel me im lerning

that pic doesn't make any sense, you are living of tourism, you would go bankrupt without Slavs

idi na hooy pidoras hohol balalaika

For what purpose? You better learn arabic/persian.


You bet!

pizdec perestroyka blyad na zdorovie


Not interested in those Regions/cultures + the replacement meme is false

>you would go bankrupt without Slavs
I don't think so, bud.

Why do french people refuse to speak english in multiplayer games? I can understand why russians do because they are lazy and dickheads, but what about you?

>Most visitors arriving to Greece on short term basis in 2014 were from the following countries of nationality
7/20 are slavic countries

1. Awful accent
2. Very bad teaching of English - you basically have to watch films in VOSTFR (Original Version, French Subtitles), play games in VO and read International press to be fluent-ish
3. And since everything is dubbed with somehow acceptable quality (bad compared to the Original but listenable), people don't do that

Results = nobody speaks English properly so they don't talk

Here's one of our Foreign Affairs Minister showing French "education"

howdy cлaвики
how's it going?

I didn't know you were referring to tourists, well yeah then you are kind of right.
