RIP Sweet Princess edition
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forgot about joseph cocks
all me
Your family doesn't believe in God and you all suck dick, my dick.
Really would like a nice, long, comfy hug ;_;
*burns down 10th Downing Street*
I appreciate Foxman's concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semitic cocoon has left me naive. But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them...
*inhales deeply*
ahh, what is life?
*stares into space*
good evening lads
*Gives you a brief, business-like hug*
There there, lad.
What are you buying?
that's a masculine cat
Cows milk is good for you...if u are a cow. Its just nt natural. They tell u abt the calcium u get from it but what they dnt tell u abt is all the cow hormone u ingest when u drink cows milk. No wonder cancer & heart disease so rampant
Post rare reviewbrahs
nah. learn it by yourself like everyone else did.
its all on reddit.
What do you recommend
what are ye selling
I don't think the cow hormones are present in UK milk
Yanks have it though, and it causes acne
One of my tonsils is sore. Should that be a cause for concern? I thought they're both supposed to hurt at the same time.
wew lads, I stopped going to my universal credit meetings 3 months ago, got a letter saying they were sanctioning me last month (I don't really need the cash desu) and they've gone ahead and paid me my bennies again this month, haha x
Need to adopt an ideology that will last and triumph over other ideologies
I want to be on the winning side
Get Tor.
Find out which markets are still active and have a decent reputation.
Sign up.
Buy some bitcoins
Buy some Ketamine
Send me some for helping you
what are you selling?
radical centrism
vote trump
just sent poleaboo a shit
appeal to nature fallacy
Come back anytime
*sends Poleaboo back in time to the 1940s*
Realistically, how long do you think /brit/ will continue for? If and when it ends, what will have caused it?
Also Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general
radical centrism :')
RIP Sweet Islam.
Cara's quality cocks, all me.
Review God, donate hug.
Explain Downing Street, appreciate life.
Evening lad. What RIP?
Masculine cows, mean reviewbrahs on reddit recommend ORDAAAAAA.
Selling twitter, hormones concern credit meetings. Adopt an ideology, buy some ketamine, selling radical centrism.
Me, Trump, Poleaboo, appeal to nature anytime. 1940s /brit/. Radical.
He's going to lose and lose badly though
u clearly no wat ur talkin about... gd post.
mass censorship otherwise
The role of philanthropy is to make the rich feel better and to justify inequality in society.
>theresa may's cute stuttering and stumbling over her words
that's what they said about brexit. Trump will win my man, get out and vote for him
>The role of philanthropy is to make the rich feel better and to justify inequality in society
why do their feelings matter if money is still being given?
I say glamourise charity more.
Did caralad really leave
what shall I spend my bennies on then lads
can imagine her sucking her banker husbands cock quite vividly for some reason. The husband is still wearing his work shirt and glasses.
terrible post
I've never been on reddit
Sounds risky
a means to prolong your reliance on welfare
no he posts here every fucking day, dumbass. he just lost the stupid ludford-tier spamming in every thread
eh it's alright
MUCH prefer Big Dave's slick wit and quick banter. He was an absolute beast of an orator. Will miss that.
Banned I think.
Can only hope he's doing something productive with the time rather than lurking here like a sad cunt.
fags and frosty jacks
>Calif. university latest to establish 'black-only' housing
Ah yes. America
would be nice if you credited me before posting all the gimmicks ive invented
alri jeremy
"Lefties" for you
new iPhone very soon lads
literal runt bait
Of course it's risky, you're buying illegal substances.
*buys my £159 headphones to prepare*
Think I will wank to this
Can you be happy and neet?
Can you be happy working in an office?
ah yes. british media
Does this honestly trigger you?
so sleep deprived i'm having trouble focussing my eyes
Doing some nice daydreams again
By far the runtiest thing in Western society
fun fact: Channel 4 is state-owned
don't ever post that again
vh iuh iuhiuerheuhv8v ijfhvuifvhruh g8brb rh ifuhvvhribhrbrh9 rvvfhrph9vr
Pink floyd the wall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trumpwall>>>>>>chinkwall>>>>Great wall of calais >>>>>berlin wall>>>>>>shitty israeli wall
literally segregation once again
*contemplates the meaning of life*
>dat review mom and mee-maw
shit son, shit
I dont know what to talk about with my gf anymore. She works at starbucks and has no hobbies
Your mums vagina wall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pink floyd the wall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trumpwall>>>>>>chinkwall>>>>Great wall of calais >>>>>berlin wall>>>>>>shitty israeli wall
marxian theory is a work of genius although context specific.
>This is an actual daytime advert that families will be forced to watch
Ahhh yes, sexualise the young and impressionable children. Very good.
needa little peng to get on all fours and let me have a go
>marxian theory is a work of genius although context specific.
this can not be real i rEFUSE to beliebe it
still drinking biere d'or lads
me with the horns
copped one of these for the same amount janny receives in monetary compensation. don't even care that it's french it's mint haha