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Technology #647
How do you get another tech job?
Why aren't you running Linux on your Nintendo Switch?
Speccy thread
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
So, I have an idea for a porn app with my own twist to it and already have a developer ready to start working on it...
I used to agree wih RMS until I had to start earning my own money
Torrent Client Thread
What do you prioritize when you buy monitors? framerate or image quality?
Android without botnets
How do you block "BlockAdblock"
What tech have you gotten from Goodwill Sup Forumsentlemen?
/wt/ - Shitter Free Zone Edition
Is this ever going to end?
Should I sell it, upgrade it, or run it into the ground?
Delete unused icons from your desktop
Your first phone
How to fix Iphone Killer Text?
/hmg/ Hackerman General
Should I learn Haskell or Rust?
Traveling across borders for a trip
Well Sup Forums, I got the ultimate meme running, gpu passthrough with LookingGlass client running in LFS...
"Nvm fixed it"
Why do people hate electron?
Wake up
Why aren't horizonal cases a thing anymore?
Mini ITX/SFF Thread
Why would anybody pay $3000 for a phone?
/mpv/ - what's next?
Technology job
What's your story, when and why did you upgraded?
I have no need for this
Threadripper 2
/wdg/ - Web Development General
His monitor isn't ips
Tfw you fell for the job meme
*kills your computer*
A few days ago, my dad linked all of the computers in the house to a common media center without telling me. Using this...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Future materials for pc cases?. (Rock)
German textbooks are good
How to bypass lg x powe 2?
Iphone telugu meltdown
I've never written a line of code in my life. Is this a good place to start?
Is it just me or is networking the most boring, banal, tedious, dull and mind-numbing area of IT?
/ncfw/ Nintendo Custom Firmware General
Smartphone is 1-2 years old
The next generation of browsers
What do you think about Rust? Is it ready to replace c and c++?
Guys, seriously!!!
Windows Poorfag
Show me your desktop, homeboy
I'm here for the job interview
GNU Sup Forumsirls thread
Pc gore
Serverless: Meme or not?
Do you guys like the direction that Windows 10 is going?
Hacker name
Is Finland the most Sup Forums country in the world?
What does Sup Forums think of vs code?
How do (You) clean your keyboard, Sup Forums?
Who is buying these domains?
Thermal Paste
We really should find one alternative to YouTube and popularize it, so we could finally escape that horrible service
Guts thread
Desktop Rate Thread
He doesn't have a piece of tape over his laptop camera and phone's front-facing camera
What is the best budged phone that is supported by LineageOS?
Are LG smartphones any good? Currently thinking about getting the G4. What do you think?
Tell me why I shouldn't have just bought this ssd
System76 Laptops?
Online Programming Tutor AMA
Punchable faces of tech
Why the fuck do people overcharge so much shitty laptops...
What's the best way to learn to program?
Is this setup possible/viable?
Convert PDF to Word
Taking networking class
Lets take a look at that hard drive user
Which technology magazines should I subscribe to?
/wt/ Watch Thread - Casio Gang edition
He can't write FizzBuzz without using modular
Best Laptops 2017/2018
Crappy hardware brands
That's it. Today I'm officially moving to GhostBSD/OpenBSD
I made a desktop browser for Sup Forums: anyone interested?
Can no longer hide when you are typing
Can technology cure depression?
I tried to cheat the typing classes in grade school and high school and now I can only get about 60 wpm...
Install visual studio 2008
What we need is a distro for beginners that isn't trash but easy to use
How valid is this image?
Kids in my poorfag's school bought iphone X
Of course goy...
Hey guys today we are gonna learn how to make a neural network from scratch
Router recommendations
Tfw you fell for the iphone meme
JS is the supreme language of the century
YandereDevs' Code
Job ad
Post Sup Forums humor
ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury or disease
Hear sirens
What project are you currently working on, Sup Forums?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What has Sup Forums given you?
Why does everyone consider mechanical keyboards to be better than laptop-style...
High Security Deadbolts
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do you explain Sup Forums memes to normies...
How long will the RGB computer meme last?
He types below 70 WPM
What is the ultimate privacy stack for a computer, Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Also I know this is a weird question because this doesn't really exist...
Hi Sup Forums bought a used Apple IPad HELP!
What went wrong with Debian?
Arch installer
Female Developers
If english language only has 44 sounds. How long until we can fakeaudio people...
Red pill me on windows 10 LTSB (long term servicing branch)
Why did the cell processor fail?
ITT: Tech that only an absolute retard would buy
/tpg/ ThinkPad General xsauc edition
Can somebody tell me why is everyone so obsessed with personal assistants? Every one of them is shitty...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
So tell me
/mkg/ - Meme Keyboard General
What is microsoft's endgame with the "ms <3 open sores" bullshit?
Post mining rigs /g
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums boasts only buying used laptops
Hey Sup Forums I'm in a pretty dark place right now...
Walking home today some fucker bumped into me and instantly started talking shit about VGA being the best display...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Challenge: print only non-repeating integers from an array without embedded loops
How do you guys deal with the disappearance of legacy captcha...
Why the fuck are 3DFX Voodoo cards so expensive?
Is this a good computer desk?
This thread was deleted before I could enter it but is it true? I'm from the UK and I like porn!
Are there any good alternatives to this piece of shit?
If everybody says that Java sucks so hard
EDC thread
Windows 10 update
Why does linux still suck so so so much?
Prefering android over iphone
Who is the person you look up to in the field of computer science?
2014 was the last good tech year
Show me your desktop homie
What is THE programmer's distro?
Why in God's name is this allowed?
Nostalgia thread
What is?
He uses anything other than Xfce
What's the best image viewer?
Why don't you use LaTex?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The government shouldn't be able to track your online act-
Which is the best dell laptop?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Red-pill me on systemd
This fucking whore got a Make magazine cover
I'm afraid of this future
Should video games be open source?
You wake up ultra rich one day
I'm going full fucking autism right now! I'm too stupid to get this shit. How the fuck do I do pic related?
/FSG/ Free Speech General
Ebay guest checkout
>hurr durr MPC-HC is dead
Are tablets the biggest tech meme of the past 10 years?
Home server general - /hsg/
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Who do people use Linux for servers instead of OpenBSD?
Intel core is 25% bigger than a Zen core
Being at a computer all day isn't good for your eyes (as far as I know)...
IEDM 2017 + ISSCC 2018: Intel’s 10nm, switching to cobalt interconnects
How often do you defrag your SSD?
You have 5 seconds to explain why you aren't using Waterfox
Whats your daily driver linux distro? would you recommend it to beginners?
Humble future-proof jobs
Programming languages
Is the US GPU market as fucked?
Non-free packages you use, if any
There is no point any more. No reason to avoid the botnet...
Why are japs still using java and flash Sup Forums? I though asians were good at science and tech
Do you use autoscrolling?
What is android/PC(linux) equivalent of iMessages?
Snap vs Flatpak
Hey, Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Linux Distros
Fuck job interviews that give you “homework”
What am I supposed to do on Linux or BSD if I want a filename to be a firearm calibre? If I start it with a...
Japanese appliances
Mouse general
Lockscreen thread
The Sup Forums Programming Manifesto
I started learning Rust. What am I in for?
Bullying at work
Apparently my hard drive was automatically encrypted (without any notification or prompt...)
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Guess the user
Have Googlefags looked at this yet
Might be old, but its still sexier than anything solid state
/wt/ Watch Thread, Classy Chrono Edition
It's 2018 why don't we have 64-bit colour yet?
Uh Oh
Week after week I come here and I speak the truth, and you people still disrespect me. You can boo all you want...
Sup Forums x acting weird for anyone?
If it's good enough Sony, it's good enough for you, too, Sup Forums
Newpipe out of Beta, new Beta version released
What's the catch?
Most of the complaints I've seen about it are literally "it feels like it's from the 70s unlike muh js" and no generics
I know there are some network gods on here
Technological Singularity, when?
Where do I find programming friends Sup Forums?
Why is it so based?
Howdy Sup Forums, visitor from /o/ here in need of some advice...
Even Apple's building suffers from form over function
/dpt/ - Daily programming thread
Should i install gentoo or ubuntu on my dual-boot with win10
DOOM 2016 Vulkan Issues
Companies thread
Which PDF reader do you use?
Solus is the best distro
Is it possible to get normal looking motherboards(not gaymer) with modern features that are not prebuilt garbage?
Messaging Apps
Is anyone else as disappointed as I am in how the internet and its surrounding culture and communities have developed...
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit product key?
Why don't you use OpenBSD when it is the best and most secure operating system available?
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is THE programmer's keyboard?
Any gfags run Red Star OS?
STEM is such a joke
Dear ASUS, go fuck yourself
GigaByte Radeon RX 460 2GB
Aero >>>>>>> Any other DE
Desktop Ricing Thread
Threadripper 1900x or above as CPU
Where do og hackers hang?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
This would be so fucking comfy if it actually worked
Sharing is caring
Why KDE shilling? I use kde btw
Anybody here owns 12" laptop?
4gb vs 3gb RAM in phones. How much does your phone have and Is it enough. planning to get a new phone and can't decide
Do you fear them?
Do you think he would be a great programmer if he was alive today or if he was born in this generation, Sup Forums?
Tell me why I should use this
Windows 7 Relapse
Music Sup Forums
Name a better laptop sub 800
Hi Sup Forums, I'm a lifelong winfag who's thinking about making the jump to Linux (GNU/Linux...
Learning C++
He paid more than 20€($) for his mouse
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
Man your stations Sup Forums
Post of desktop
So what's the Sup Forumseneral consensus on NVMe SSD's? Are they Sup Forums approved?
Tfw dvd is still the most common physical format everywhere but japan because of all the cheap bastards who still...
When is this going to finally happen so PC can finally die?
Linux distros
I'm fucked
Name one(1) OS that looks better and werks better, common i'm waiting
He doesn't use an ssd
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Look, I implemented modern women
Google drops view image function
I want to be paid to do online trolling
Have to write paper for university
I've never seen a Chromebook thread here
This is bullshit
How can i remove information about me from google? I was convicted in a court nearly 4 years ago for assault...
Wallets are technology
CRT in 2018
Mum Installs Arch Linux With Anarchy 1.0.0 (2018)
Draw your graphics card in paint, Sup Forums
/wt/ watch thread
Hoe do I change my IP? I have tried turning off the router for als few minutes, but it didn't work
VPN Suggestions
Found my old ipod shuffle in an old pair of pants in the garage
Try to learn programming with Harvard CS50 from Edx
This man developed PulseAudio when he was 14, what have you done with your life?
Redpill me on Debian, Sup Forums!
Tech you can not live without
Iridium replacements
Which programming language does Sup Forums prefer and why?
Worst Interviews You've Had?
Me in a whatsapp group
This meme needs to stop. gimp doesn't even have the half of photoshop's features...
/hmg/ Hackerman General
New internet
Why is the windows scheduler so much better at staying responsive under high loads...
Itt times you Sup Forums blatantly straight out lied to you but you stupidly enough fell into believing it
Company folded
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Fuckin/g/ Now What??!!
"I'm a self taught X"
I'm going to have only an eMac available to use as my main computer for the next 2-3 months...
IS an i5 sufficient or should i stop being cheap and get an i7
The GTX 590 is still a great GPU
FreeBSD outlaws virtual hugs
Ubuntu 18
Fuck Cobol
Guts Thread
In systems programming class
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
Hello Sup Forumsuys, how does this channel make you feel?
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
Love your enemy
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What should I do with my life?
You fucking kids will never know the struggle
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Apple Support
The absolute state of google
What did apple mean by this?
What is the best messaging service for businesses/teams?
Do you prefer white or black cursors?
This is the current state of Apple Inc
Gore thread
Going to post a few image to make you really think ok?
Tell me about Verizon Fios
I have no idea what a "computer" (???) is or does, sorry
You guys remember that period of 2002 - 2007 where movies treated Google like a CIA factbook and were able to find...
/wdg/ - Web Development General
So whats the consensus on GO
The absolute state of the average mac user:
Help choose an elective
జ్ఞా - this kills the Apple user
Hey Sup Forums, what’s this?
Why do we still put up with the absolute fucking garbage that it UNIX 1.0. It's time for UNIX 2.0...
Terry is right
POSIX Hate Thread
Literal hours of troubleshooting and waiting to get Windows to update
Why are yuropoor niggers such fucking retards?
What's the most reliable Micro SD card for 'Internal storage' for an Android phone?
What's so good about Linux that made it so popular?
Post your desktops
NVIDIA Turing is a Crypto-mining Chip Jen-Hsun Huang Made to Save PC Gaming
This has got to be a joke
Blocks your path
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?
Hey Sup Forums
How is this not blatant thievery?
/wt/ watch thread
Homescreen thread
Computer doing colossal amount of read/write when im away
No privacy
IT Tale Stories
A few years ago Sup Forums decided on the phone of Sup Forums. That was the moto g 1st gen...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
*breaths in*
I just got a windows laptop after years of being mac only. What's some good stuff to do on it?
Are Ubuntu fags too dumb too install a DE?
Assemble a part list
What's a headphone jack?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
People always say the best jobs are had through networking, but how do you do it!?
Firefox Quantum Addons
Win +
Has there ever been a worse decision than this ever...
What is your $PS1?
Browse Sup Forums for more than 30 minutes since 2016
BSD SJWs have done it again
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is Haskell a Meme Lang?
Hiro is streaming!
It's that time of year Sup Forums when anons are freezing to death in their bed sits because they can't afford the...
You know what time it is
What is this
Where do my fellow Sup Forumsentoomen get their news from...
What's the best bang for buck mouse I can get for my new rig? Using a shitty old HP optical that came with an old PC
I'd say that the letter K is a pretty unimaginative logo, don't you think?
FBI, CIA, and NSA chiefs advise against using Huawei and ZTE phones
Retro guts thread
Sup Forums is slowly receiving less and less posts...
Best CAM software?
I am making a hacking group
What Gaming Laptop is Good?
Drunk/high Technology Stories Thread
QBittorrent v4.0.4 is out! Remove the uBotnet today!
Upgrade to Linux 4.15 yesterday
Bought an iPhone SE last night and wow it’s so friggin light
I’m glad we all agree
10TB why don't you buy it?
Using an OS with built in advertisements
/bst/ thread?
Restore "view image" for fags
Currently on pic related documentation page, is it worth learning?
Americans are “forced” to buy iPhones so they can use a basic sms app to comunicate with other people
Anybody care to explain what pvrpose this or hotmail desktop serves...
Why does Nautilius look better on KDE than on GNOME?
Why aren't you using a dedicated portable music player?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
If you get bingo, you don't belong on Sup Forums
What is your favorite desktop-oriented GNU/Linux distribution?
Just lemme sniff 'em, user
Winblows 10 treats qbittorrent as a "threat"
Need help
We wanted to make sure the things we log are correct
User, why do you want to work here?
Alright fags, let's stop anime porn shitposting and share good stuff
ITT: Your favourite language features
Were trannies a mistake?
Just DuckDuckGo it
/RYZEN/ - Ryzen/Zen General
Why did Rust win?
Apple music costs as much as netflix HD monthly
I wanna become good Web Developer and Software Engineer in under 2 years. Is it possible, if I study 10 hours per day?
I fell for the NVMe meme
Why does this trigger the BSD user?
Pc randomly turns on
B-but I need Windows software for work
How do you force google to use instead of for example?
Fuck this shit. Fuck Google. Any suggestions for non broken image search engines?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What does Sup Forums think of material design? Effective and practical or overrated?
Thinkpads = Trash
My friend explained to me he saw this shit online where you can have bootup quicker and load faster
Just came in the mail. How did I do?
How is it 80 years after putting a man on the moon we don't have moon colonies and Linux has no apps?
What rss feed do you guys reccomend?
What's in your opinion better meme? Gentoo or Arch? In my opinion this battle wins Arch...
How do we get rid of Microsoft?
How is OSX not the superior unix-based system?
FreeBSD loves CoC
/pmp/ - portable music player
Google Chrome OS is comfy af
Which monospace font do you use?
Is Linux for faggots who like privacy and free stuff? So...
So every single YouTube video downloader website or plugin has stopped working. What is going on?
This symbol is making iPhones crash జ్ఞ
Fans blasting
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
We wouldn't need net neutrality if it wasn't legal for local governments to mess with the free market and give whoever...
Mfw i just bought this
I have some simple C++ questions, they're for review for an interview I have tomorrow as Sr. Engineer at some company...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forums, When in the fuck are GPU prices going to come down?
/cables/ general
Because Google is removing the view image button, why don't we just write a extension to add it back?
You're placing it wrong
Fucking help
Meanwhile at Mexican Sup Forums
Whats a good free video editing software
Office chairs to hold my frail body
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?
What is the problem with Nespresso?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Install ubuntu they said
What scripts do you use, Sup Forums?
What do i actually do with this? i have vlc do i actually need this or is it for autisticals?
Jewgle gets rid of "View Image" button on Google Images
What went wrong?
I'm bored of windows, what Linux should I install?
How much does a typical computer (on 5-7 hours a day) draw in watts?
Ink costs more than the price of the machine
They wouldn't have gone to shit if they would have just ended it here
Tfw they don't make 16:10 monitors anymore
Thought Sup Forums was full of shit about pajeet
Microsoft = crap
Why do you hate OOP?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
RegEx help
The current state of Windows 10
Which password manager is the best?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why is it always the Russians? Hillary could have prevented this
The current state of Sup Forums
I think something changed with google images
Is devuan any good?
The notch is brilliant marketing
Viper4Linux and other Linux audio discussion
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Someone explain the platform hate to me
Thinkpad T41
Got sniped on ebay for a surface pro 4 with bad digitizer (was 80$, bid 150$ but cucked at 250$)...
*makes your pet language obsolete*
Good windows 10 custom VS ?
Heavy duty shelves
*eats your memory*
/wt/ - Watch Thread
C/c++ fags BTFO
Replay gain based on albums
Is this the end of C++'s reign of terror?
OwO what's this o_O
Windows will literally start closing programs without permission if your memory overrhead is too high
Does Sup Forums use LaTeX?
Hey linux fags- what's your favourite music players?
So how hard has botnet penetrated your assholes Sup Forums?
Got memed into CS since I like computers and programming
Why aren't you using this?
Ubuntu is now officially a BOTNET, will collect more data
Will GIMP ever be able to compete against Photoshop?
Get off my board, applefags
Intel's plan for the 2018/early 2019
This is the first die shot of the new zen2 at 7nm
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Fresh start screenfetch
I've never seen a Chromebook thread here
Dumbphone thread
Need urgent help identifying mysterious device
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Suckers being SJWed
This is how you make a bezelless phone
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General
He uses anything other than XFCE
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Windows 10 Access Denied
Java is the only language they are teaching us in EU college
Is Java a trend?
How do i fight the "muh games" argument
Why are phones so fucking huge these days? Are there even any reasonable 5" phones out there now?
Turning phone into desktop
Help Sup Forums! I need a new android launcher! recommend one, fast!
Controller thread
Why is VMWare so based and why don't you use it Sup Forums?
Google Chrome with adblocking
Valentine's day
What would Sup Forums do?
What did YouTube mean by this??? Has the war on fake news started??
Can somebody share their playlist for programming or general concentration?
How do i find my tech co-founder
NT kernel + Windows
*something breaks on linux*
Accept annoying pop-up ads or you can't use our site :^)
Hey guys, I just found this show, Mr. Robot, what do you think of it?
Lunduke vs. FreeBSD (extreme SJW battle royale)
Only comes in 128 and 256 GB models
Recaptcha terror
Hey Sup Forums
"View Image" button is gone
Black box
Vim or gvim
Code Golf
Why does the CIA, NSA, FBI say these phones are botnets?
Professor:"If you don't fucking finish this you're failing the course"
Is it normal to feel like a brainlet when beginning to learn how to program?
Reminder that Apple
Make Your Presence Known
Help a brainlet out
What went wrong?
I'm genuinely confused, why did they drop windows 8.1 support?
What music does Sup Forums listen to while you waste your life on the computer? I need some new tunes
Where did you move since CC is kill?
Can your laptop tank rifle shots and still function?
Alone for Valentine's Day
User, do you still love me like you did almost ten years ago?
Is it botnet? if so, what should i use?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
This is an open request for Google
2-in-1 Thread
This kills the iphone
Whats so wrong with mint?
Are there any good tough rugged laptops under $1300 ?
Will doing this and posting on github give me a job?
When will we have true artificial intelligence?
OSFirstTimer thread?
Wtf Sup Forums I thought gnu+linux was supposed to be lightweight
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Why do people get AIO coolers in midi-towers when this thing exists
Vega 64
What does Sup Forums think about weev?
Why are 3 out of 4 threads shitposts?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
99% of Sup Forums can't add a user without using adduser or useradd
/cp+/ - C Plus+
Home screen General /HSG/
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How the fuck do you get a Sup Forumsirlfriend?
Sup Forums cringe
[eurodance intensifies]
How much is "enough" nowadays Sup Forums?
University blocking my VPN
So what's the best way to change your vendor ID on an AMD processor?
Rate your monitor Sup Forums. Let's truly weed out the poorfags
What OS would you use if you were rich?
What is the phone of Sup Forums?
KDE nowadays is only about 100MB heavier on RAM than XFCE
Nvidia sends out e-mail saying GTX 1060 is back in stock
Hello Sup Forums bit of a request here. Who currently is making the best "mechanical" push button switches...
Is cybersecurity/pen-testing an easy career? See a lot of women and normies doing it
Why are developers the most insufferable faggets on planet Earth?
What does Sup Forums think of C#?
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
What is the best used car for 5,000 Euro max? (central Europe)
/wdg/ - Web Development General
W-what happened to my Linux distro????
Why aren't you using Dvorak Sup Forums?
925 USD / 745 EUR
Let play
Who's your valentine Sup Forums ?
How we make Linux cool?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Do cyborgs defecate?
Tech products you wish you had when they came out but now they're obsolete but you still think they're cool
Dad and mom both think that CS is an infinitely better job/degree than physics and will only pay for a CS degree...
Mfw no foss alternative to youtube
Qbittorent's icon looks like cr*p
What does a CS education at university teach you that you wouldn't learn if you self studied?
You all seem to hate Java but love Android. Explain
What is the sexiest bios
Thank you based GNOME
Can I get some Sup Forums humor? I need to update my wall
Sh0vv m3 y0ur d3skt44p, h4x0rz
What’s keeping you from switching
/mpv/ - the directshow and madvr destroyer
Musl/uclibc cucks BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
So Sup Forums have you learn rust yet?
Over 5 years on and this image still hasn't been disproved
Please tell me you're not dumb enough to use a chinkphone, Sup Forums
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why is this the best torrent client?
Technology doesn't fill the void today, Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Thin and light 14 inch laptops can now run Witcher 3, Doom, Fallout 4 and PUBG
Didn't know linux was full of soyboys
Talks about proprietary shit
/mkg/ Mechanical Keyboard General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/kg/ - Kali General
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking ThinkPad T470?! No way...
Why has Ubuntu won the distro race?
Salon to ad blockers: Can we use your browser to mine cryptocurrency?
/og/ - openSUSE General
How do I put max load on my RAM? I can't memtest so I have to see if this is causing blue screens...
I came to give you guys the funkiest meme you, Sup Forums
/w?g/ - Well? General
Oooha ahhaha ahhHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Sup Forums
FreeBSD is now an SJW OS
Fashion and Technology
Guys, I have a very limited budget. I need to do this stuff, but it will take months if not years
How do I learn how to type faster?
What operating system does he endorse?
What's the best distro to use with KDE?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Mfw win10 1709 update
Be 27
So I recently shipped my rebuilt pc and 2 parts became loose/detached during the process (pic related)
/csg/ - Computer science general
How do you guys stay motivated to practice/get better at programming...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Femanon here. a friend from work was moving out and asked me I wanted his computer. Pick related...
Holy fuck this shit is spreading like aids
Okay /gee/ what's the catch?
Confess your sins
Am I being discriminated against in tech job hiring in Canada because I'm white or am I just incompetent?
Fun With my Wifi Hacker
Why do people pretend 720p is a real resolution? there are no 1280x720 monitors they are all 1360x768 or 1366x768...
Spend hours working in solidworks
Pic Related is what Bjoustrop advices to do to break nested loops, thats what I am goint do
So it turns out that the founder of Debian Linux- Ian Murdock- killed himself in 2015 after being beaten up and...
Bullying at work
Is gentoo the most secure distro?
Now that Firefox is trying to be Poor Man's Chrome since the Quantum update...
How do we convince the normies to make the switch ?
ITT: We rank the best looking modern/slate smartphones
What can you do with 12 cores for $12, Sup Forums?
Why use int main over void main?
You may not like it, but it's the only good Firefox out there
He fell for the 16GB meme
Noob question:
320kbps mp3
Why are there so many soyboy programmers Sup Forums...
What's your favorite internet browser?
What is the objective best mouse out right now?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Good reliable laptop for $400-$800?
Studying for CCENT/CCNA
Now even Faraday Cages Can't Stop the Botnet
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hey Sup Forums, do you use LaTex?
Was wondering if anyone could help me out with this portion of code
How do I make money off my CS degree without working for Mr. Shekelstein?
NVIDIA’s Next Generation ‘Turing’ GPU Launching Next Month According To Reuters
Would you still use Linux if it costed money?
How do we get more women into coding? The team I work on has only two women...
Is there a reason printers are such dogshit?
Safe to post to Sup Forums
Why are programming languages not intuitive?
Cloud storage services that doesn't spy on you
Things you did today
VLC Sup Forums WEBM conversion
He has more than 700 packages
What do you think about the new Boston Dynamics robot that open doors?
/wt/ Watch Thread
/ai/ AI/Deep Learning General
You know this man is telling the truth
The kernel in Linux
TypeScript > *
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
How to acquire W10 LTSB?
Now that the dust has settled, is the touchbar a flop?
So it begins
Conjures up a solution to a problem in 10 minutes
ITT: Sup Forums writes a Code of Conduct, one line at a time
Are these seats actually good or just a meme? There's no local store that carries them...
Ryzen build help
He overclocks his ram
How do I redpill normies about this botnet?
Post /aesthetic/ pc components
Convince me to use a language other than C. pro tip: you can't
My isp blocked internet for inusual traffic. I forgot to set up my vpn when using tor last night
Now that arch is bundled with systemd what alternatives do we have left?
>2004+14 years
Sell me on D, Sup Forums. How does it compare to C/C++ and Go, and what is it used for ?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Does anyone here actually MINE? I have a 1080 ti, unused doing fuck all 99.999% of the time. Please give me the red pill
IIT: Old software from back in the day that's still good
ITT: post your music player
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Someone please make a new cyb+sec general also whatever happened to outer heaven
I am literally 100% right
Daily reminder not to buy used mining gpus off ebay
Why is getting wifi to work still such a huge fucking problem with Linux...
We've written a shitty twm, and a crippled terminal emulator...
This picture sums up perfectly why Linux will never be a good desktop OS
Exynos 9810 scores humiliates Qualcomm
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...