How the fuck do you get a Sup Forumsirlfriend?

How the fuck do you get a Sup Forumsirlfriend?

You don't
which means more money and time for programming socks and dragon dildos

I haven't tested it, but I think you need to install some botnet and use it to talk to people without complaining about the botnet.
You spend a lot of time and money and realize you will never get a girl as good as the one you really wanted and then you give up.

Get fit,get well dress,get out, get some social hobbies,goes parties,get friends, waiting some girl want date you, take care people surround you,talk about worries and support,help another people.


Really, dating sites in this day and age.

npm install gf --save

Just be yourself.

The funny thing about constantly swiping right is that it actually negatively affects your desirability score on Tinder. You should have something closer to 20% left, 80% right


Mvn install gf
apt install gf
wget gf

Gf is a sym link to your getting a life

If you really want to know. Here:
>be ok being alone.
really. The point of relationships is that you are a whole person on your own. As damaged as you may be. You as a whole person have something to offer. Your charisma, your talent, your suave personality, your reliability, your ability to command a situation, how cute you get when you get excited about something your passionate about.

You need to be ok without a gf before you should get one. You're inviting someone else into YOUR life because you thought they'd be a cool addition and would make it even better but if they aren't a good fit or maybe they have other plans then oh well, you still got you and who is better than that?

Loving yourself is hard. But it's the first step in being happy. Let alone getting a partner.

You'll find tech girls on dating sites and at tech events and meetings. Even shit like DEFCON.

A friend of mine isn't super attractive and never goes out but has passions. He's dating a sysadmin chick from tinder now and they're happy as fuck.

>bee yourself
this is Sup Forums
when you're here there's something horribly wrong with you

lmao just pirate one

>not compiling your gf from source


BTFO /r9k/

hello uncanny valley

is that nevada-tan?

>Gf is a sym link to your getting a life
ok, what's gf though

try being good with words, funny, bonus if you aren't a brainlet, fat nor poor

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