Now that arch is bundled with systemd what alternatives do we have left?

Now that arch is bundled with systemd what alternatives do we have left?
>inb4 memetoo

Other urls found in this thread:

Switch to Artix. Arch without systemd.

what year did you post this? how is it just going up now?

void? I used it for a good while and enjoyed it a lot... lack of packages in the main repos is what brought me back to arch though

This, your shit's been on shitstaind since shitstaind was a thing.

Also yeah unironically gentoo(or void)

GNU/Linux From Scratch, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU+Linux From Scratch

>The guy is super fucking (...).jpg
Who are these soy boys?

for some obscure reason void, debian and freebsd run slow here and lots of tearing while browsing the web
Ubuntu and arch run ok though

arch variants have been pretty well proven not to last, doing an "arch but" distro is a guarentee to eventually have your distro bricked and need to move on to something else, not to mention all the issues you'll run into over time since they're typically poorly maintainted

Install Crux

>kernel 4.6.0
hi cuck


Nice meme poettering. It works for me.

what is the difference between pacman -Syyu and pacman -Syu?

What is the name of the band on the pic?

syyu updates all repos to current no matter what, syu updates if differences exist

so if you have the latest syyu will still download it again

omg OP youre so smart uwu

Void Linux.

No one needs this much memory

I downloaded a tar.xz
can I run sudo pacman -U higan-106-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz directly?


Yes, when running VM's

I tried out void and I had the same exact issues. Lots of tearing even with Compton and I just couldn't get the fonts to look as nice as they do on arch. Ended up switching back to arch after a few hours.


Especially with fonts

Maybe I was just configuring it wrong but I'm pretty sure I did the exact same steps I do on every other Distro but fonts always looked fucked on Void for me.
Shame cause otherwise I liked it.

guy in the left is pretty much a caricature of how Sup Forums imagine google employees.

is moot literally the only normal, relatable person working there?

I read somewhere in freebsd forums that for some reason some distros or DE don't configure to utilize the CPU correctly
I'm not sure how to fix it or if it's something frequent. TrueOS for instance has a lot of issues booting i3 and i5 made from 2013~2014. I just don't know how but Ubuntu (not xubuntu or ubuntu mate) works better (faster) than other distros. Arch (without KDE obviously) run very smooth as well


Stop listening to fud and embrace the future.

stupid question: why do you guys hate systemd?
more approachable question: why should i hate systemd?


windows 10

It's a hot mess of bloat and feature creep.

FreeBSD you kiddies.


I installed archman
did I do good Sup Forums?


If you like Arch without systemd you can keep using it. Switching to other distros is useless specially with vanilla distros like Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, LFS, and Crux
From AUR
1). Install openrc-git
2.) Install openrc-arch-services-git
3.) Read how to use OpenRC from wiki.gentoo (it's essentially the same manual)
4.) In /etc/pacman.conf change line in NoExtract to:
NoExtract =usr/lib/systemd/* etc/rc.d/*
To avoid placing any systemd service files in /usr/lib/systemd..
5.) Finally install eudev and eudev-systemd so that Arch's pacman doesn't bitch about systemd dependencies missing.
6.) Enjoy your Arch install systemd free with OpenRC (it also supports parallel boot up)

It doesn't have systemd, true.


>1). Install openrc-git
>2.) Install openrc-arch-services-git
>3.) Read how to use OpenRC from wiki.gentoo (it's essentially the same manual)
>4.) In /etc/pacman.conf change line in NoExtract to:
>NoExtract =usr/lib/systemd/* etc/rc.d/*
>To avoid placing any systemd service files in /usr/lib/systemd..
>5.) Finally install eudev and eudev-systemd so that Arch's pacman doesn't bitch about systemd dependencies missing.
>6.) Enjoy your Arch install systemd free with OpenRC (it also supports parallel boot up)
It did it but it's not booting
shouldn't I update the kernel?

Devuan isn't that bad

I'll say it again, and this time say it with me:


Forgot to mention
Add init=/sbin/openrc-init to your kernel line because the openrc-git package defaults to "try out" because it's trying to be compatible with the old initscripts so it will install it to /etc/openrc/. Later you can reinstall openrc-git but change it to _makeargs+=(SYSCONFDIR=/etc) in PKGBUILD

I'm reinstalling archman to see if that works

>works for me
>t. soyboy who just installed it and shills
the user you quoted made a perfect analysis on forked distros like artix. they are not reliable for any real user who need a well maintained system to work.
>inb4 'muh arch unstable, pacman breaks'
no it's not if you know what you are doing. never breaks on itself rather on user fuck up. perfectly fine for every non-server usage and the only real big downside is systemd, which is all over any other major distro anyway. That and the AUR could generally be better managed, but that's just my opinion.

what year are you living in? last I used arch was in 2012 or so and it already came with systemd back then.

does anyone here know if this is the LTS kernel or the one that will stop being update in august?

I thought artix was just arch without systemd

> (OP)
>Switching to other distros is useless
>specially with vanilla distros like Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, LFS, and Crux


Who are those faggots?

couldn't install openrc with arch (I installed but it broke the system twice)
I'll try artix in a few minutes

you doing it with uefi?

There are plenty of forked Arch distros that are just fine (Manjaro and Antergos). The other user was just spouting meme nonsense.


and around 100 that disappeared

damn was hoping to see how it goes

Soy as fuck.

There are a ton of active forks. And even if one goes down, switching is trivial (just change the mirrorlist).

>not encrypting your shit if you hadn't done it already after yesterday's thread with the ex-convict user

(what do you run in the vm's, user?)

if you think switching is trivial after a fork ends and that forks dying/slowly getting worse maintained isn't a big problem you haven't been using linux very long or you haven't been paying attention

You don't know how to use Linux. Switching back to Arch is literally just changing the mirrorlist.

The one in front made facebook

I'm afraid of looking soy because I have a beard, do I look too soy?

dunno about soy but judging from that house you probably do crack

>dat roof
lel is that guy living in an office?

basement, it's a common thing

why the fuck you living in a basement, jordan?

>no windows
>stays cool and comfy year round
Why aren't you?

>using tv instead of monitor for gaming

Unaudited code makes it as vulnerable as windows

Antix seems to be pretty solid Debian based SystemB(for Botnet)-free distro
Void was missing more than a few standard packages (imho) to get up and running quickly
I think there's slackware too and also alpine


thread link?

void GNU plus linux

unironically this. If you want a rolling release, just follow the slackware-current mirror

I don't know about the rest of them, but the guy in front is the leader of Anonymous :^)

But surely the guys who made it are way smarter than any of us here which means that surely, they know what they are going and we should trust them? Right?

why no ubuntu fork without systemd?

Renown actress Sigourney Weaver poses with soyim

worrying about "looking soy" is the most soy thing you can do.

>There are a ton of active forks
the only one without systemd is artix

Install gentoo with openrc you worthless faget.
>it's too hard
Well then tits or gtfo you dumb roastie

That's just fir for the bed desktop

Debian, except install an alternate init system yourself. Or freeaBSD