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>Amazon Has No Idea How to Stop It
Yeah I'm sure they want to stop some guy from buying shit
Hey, free shit.
They would stop him if not doing so means bad publicity
This. Why is anyone complaining about free sex toys what the fuck.
I wouldn't mind some anons buying me free dildos, stripped socks and video games tbhon.
Maybe some thermal grizzly kryonaut TIM too.
let me guess, this is Amazon's valentines advertising?
What if the toys are too small though?
are all the receivers females?
muh feminism
muh patriarchy
She did what when she received it?
Did she use it or what?
I'm thinking that this whole "unsolicited sex toy" thing is just an excuse people use when they're found out.
they could be sending them to men
first world tech problems
send one to me then too
Post your address.
They could easily fix it by stopping 18+ gifts being sent to gift addresses by and only sent to the payment address. Make it opt out default, so cam girls can get free toys if they opt in.
Doesn't matter if its a sex toys or not. Where the fuck the sender got these people's addresses? I can understand why people feel creeped out.
He won't lmao
We aren't all in the same private network, buddy.
This. Ban google earth, ban phone books, ban street signs.
Are you actually retarded? Go on google maps and look at a random house, oh look I'm going to send them there WOW SO DIFFICULT HAXX0R XDDDDDDD
Random addresses? It's not like it has to be targeted. If you don't have a target, addresses are public.
How we can be sure it's random and the sender doesn't have these people's other info?
>people post every facet of their life on 15 different linked together websites
>act horrified if anyone can send them a physical mail even if it was completely random
Where did it all go so wrong.
Dude, can you leave some snacks out while you go to work sometime?
You could ban them, perhaps
>no idea how to stop
Why cant the account assoicated with that address get an email to accept or deny a package. If its a gift you can hide certain info. At least enough to know its not a sex toy or not.
At the end of the day though, this isnt a problem for amazon. They sell more sex toys at the cost of a few annoyed prudes.
why haven't I gotten one?
you're so fucking stupid lmao
pls give free sex toys
I kind of want one too :^)
If that was the case, no one would be complaining
its a big company so that stuff does not matter.
>hurr i'm so smart
Free shit is nice, but surely you can see why people are not thrill with getting free stuff from strangers?
>bad publicity
Amazon can't get bad publicity, not just because (((Bezos))) owns the the (((NYT))) and wouldn't run detrimental stories for his own (((company))), but because once you establish a (((monopoly))) then you're untouchable. Faceberg openly takes every piece of information you give them, invades every facet of your life , and uses it for (((profit))). You see people cry about it, but do you see goys leaving Faceberg in droves? Alexa is quite clearly an (((NSA))) tool, it's not even a secret anymore. It didn't stop sales from going up, before, during, and after the period it was exposed though. Apple have semi-openly been using planned obsolescence for more than a decade, but people will still throw a thousand dollars around for an X. And on and on it goes like that.
The top and bottom of it is that goys are weak and they have no purpose. They desperately attach themselves to whatever they're told is anti-(((establishment))), and don't see the problem with that, because they want to belong to something. You can see (((Commies))) protesting and then the second they get hungry they hit KFC. They're braindead and it's part of the reason why "there's no such thing as bad publicity" has existed for so long.
plz, gimme one great anonymous hero!
I can surely see that you're a fucking retard. kys
Give me too pls
Careful with that edge, you wouldn't want to cut yourself lol
>not selling them
Brainlets lacking brains as usual
They should only be delivered to the billing address. Sending people unsolicited sex toys is creepy and offensive. No woman would want that.
this is yet another piece of evidence that amerifats have too much money
t. woman
There are plenty of loose pussies such as your's and people who'd sell it for money out there.
I actually read an article that said Facebook is losing a ton of users. Especially users under 25
tits or gtfo dumb roastie
you seem to be serious, im afraid you are lost
How to kill an idiot: send them a bomb in an amazon box.
If I'd receive one - I would make an unboxing and review...
>roommates find a package addressed to you
>you decide to open it up thinking Amazin fucked up and sent you something cool for free
>it's a horse dildo
>your roommates were present at the unboxing
I could see how this might cause problems
Why don they jus stop selling sex doys
It's not like they would open it in front of people if they knew what it was.
They'd receive a ton of flak from feminists for systemic misogyny and reinforcement of the patriarchy.
I can't. If you knew what was in it you obviously wouldn't have opened it where he could see.
more like gay lover.
You're still going to be the butt of gay jokes for a while no matter what if you're rooming with other 20-something year old dudes.
Doubt it would lead to any impact on their business. I think they just make too much from sex toys to consider it
Who the fuck complains about getting free stuff?
Sex toys aren't cheap.
>Amazon has no idea how to stop it ... [without losing money]
How can we be sure the sender isn't a supernatural flying spaghetti ninja that follows people closely for weeks before sending them a dildo? I guess it's a spaghetti after all.
If this happened a decade ago that article would say something about hilarious Sup Forums prank and have Facebook pictures of people displaying it on their fireplace mantels. Can we go back to having fun again?
*sends you a box of literal shit*
If it happened in the 70s-90s people would think it was a stalker :^)
>N-no, I didn't buy this sex toy. It must have some, um, stranger that bought it for me. Yes, a stranger!
Fee-fees > fun
Welcome to the Normie-net
so much this
If this happened in the 1800s, the recipient, mailman, and sender would be hanged
>this only affects sex toys
>its not creepy getting a bunch of 14" cucumbers and a tub of crisco
>bad publicity
Why would Amazon give a fuck?
Who are all they gonna go to instead?
Jet? eBay? Target?
Sex toys make the vast majority of their sales online for obvious reasons.
They'd lose a really big market if they did that.
>I actually read an article that said Facebook is losing a ton of users. Especially users under 25
I teach a lot of tenth-graders and almost none of them are on Facebook. They never have been. Facebook is "old news", at least in the west.
The feminists did say give your money to women. This guy is doing just that, sending his money to them in the form of dildos.
Not only is it free, but I bet a lot of the people receiving them are discovering new things about themselves they never knew they had. They should be thankful.
We'd have em hanging upside down with a fucking fork shoved up their asses NIGGER NIGGER
You're going to be the butt of gay jokes for a while no matter what if you're rooming with other 20-something year old dudes.
>Leave my house
>Realize the government installed a plate that lets ANYONE on the sidewalk know the number of my building
Fucking botplates.
Damn i want free dildos now
Can i post my address here and get free shit?
Bitch probably ordered herself. When she got confronted by her based husband who didn't wanted to get cucked by a dildo, she made up the story. That's my bet
>it's a big company
Like, the numbers are written on the front doors dduuddee
>make amazon marketplace account
>sell one thing. an item with an active gps tracking device inside
>get persons email
>lookup amazon wish list
>buy your own item and send it to them as a gift
>lookup their coordinates within few meters
1. Are these packages being addressed to 'Reisdent'? Or is someone going through the extra step of looking up a name.
2. Is there an Amazon Basics line of dildos and butt plugs?
Dragon Dildos pls
>look at this article
Its clearly satire
You can easily find the name if you know the address or vice versa through whitepages. It isn’t rocket science.
>that pic
>that dudes face
>what is a prepaid card?
Yeah, but it's the perfect response for memetic reasons, even if it's just satire
>neckbeard still living with parents
>order genuine Nipponese pocket pussy
>mom finds package before i can waddle upstairs and grab it
>"wtf is this?"
>wtf idk thats weird haha
just give them to children
if you're a neckbeard living with your parents, they already are disappointed of you, a fleshlight would change nothing
back to reddi/pol/
Where's mine?
>he's never had steamy homosex with his male roommates
Haven't you ever lived? It's not gay if you're just having some fun with your dudes!
>y-yeah, someone randomly sent me sex toys!
Yeah right, these are people who are too embarrassed to tell mom or their roommate they bought these, so they "complain" to Amazon. I HIGHLY doubt some one is out there ordering free gifts for randoms
holy kek how has nobody thought of that before