Turning phone into desktop

thoughts on turning your smartphone into a desktop with otg hub that has hdmi out and several usb ports?

im looking for a otg hub that can have hdmi out and charge at the same time.

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Who the fuck would want to use Android or iOS on a desktop?

people who actually travel and have friends and dont want to bring a laptop or desktop around

>W H O ?

not you

>He doesn't know you can already install any android x86 version on your computer

who would want to install android on the computer?
that defeats the purpose of the smartphone.

you fucks will buy handheld laptops but shame people about smartphones, which are better.

then buy a fucking hybrid

>dont want to carry a laptop around
>wants to carry phone, the hub and an external mouse, keyboard and screen
I always wonder how people fall for these fads but it is absolutely insane to me how retards like you will go on the internet and actually *defend* them.

Pretty much this. Of course you could get one of those miniature trackpad/keyboard bluetooth combos and just use the HDMI out so you didn't need to get the stand, that shit would still suck dick though.

>implying im going to carry screen and accessories around
Nigger i just want to bring the hub so i can plug in other peoples tvs and not worry about charging.
You Fuckin retarded spic looking gook.

There are way better methods of doing that, I promise you.

you commentis pure spic.
>pluging into other another person's television to charge your phone

>Sup Forums buys tiny pcs and shitty laptops
>overprices and isnt mobile
>smartphones are worse

Nigga I have a top of the line laptop and a micro ATX computer that was cheap as fuck. And yeah, smartphones are shit.

You mean people who don't use laptop as a part of their jobs or people who don't do anything more intense than browse Facebook? Basically nobody here.

>people bought into the """smart"""phone meme just so they could turn them into desktops

Well Samsung Galaxy phones actually have a dock for precisely this purpose. Plug the phone in and it's got a few ports for display keyboard and mouse.

Did this with an original Moto x once using a Miracast display and a USB otg cable...was quite nifty, and rather convenient to have 'just one thing'.

I could see a Moto z laptop design being fucking amazing honestly.

But there is a problem...and no it's not Android (Android works fine with mouse and keyboard hell I got my wife a Lenovo n308 about 4 years ago as a cheap nightstand computer and that fucking thing is still going strong) but rather hardware power and ecosystem.

ARM devices just don't have desktop or laptop performance...at all. There goes most resource intensive programs and games.

And ecosystem...not really Android's problem per se so much as development attitude towards Android. There's no reason for example why Android can't have a decent awesome game with full controller and keyboard/mouse support (there are actually a few surprisingly enough) but marketing attitudes don't consider the platform as anything but mobile and touchscreen so why the fuck would steam launch a desktop style service for Android? Why would Microsoft give you a full office port? Sure Android CAN do these things...but who is going to bother?

And lastly even if there was an easy dock to turn your phone into a low power desktop (and Samsung already offers that) but it wouldn't matter without AWARENESS. If I hadn't pointed out the Galaxy docks available for several years now... would any of your fuckers even know they existed? Seen any commercials for them lately or ever? So even if it's possible and works fine without marketing and a market the above issues never get solved.

Personally I blame Apple for popularizing the idea that phones are only phones and can never be expanded to any other tasks...but alas the damage is done.

And for reference here's a Samsung desktop docking station. Proof the thing exists and works fine enough. And they have made these things for almost the entirety of the Galaxy line.

And most people have no idea it exists.


Forgot link because I'm a fucking retard.

>desktop on a 5.5" screen
I'm sorry for your back and neck.

Missing the point this fucking badly...

It's a shit idea because arm is slow as fuck. inb4 people who think geekbench reflects real world

Yes...you need a 500 dollar plus desktop to send a few emails or use office software. Netflix won't run properly without at least a ryzen 7. Facebook and Twitter are only at their best with 8 gigs of RAM.

Programming was never accomplished before 2010...only top of the line specs for shit posting on Sup Forums. Photoshop never had earlier versions for older hardware. And Pixar sure as fuck didn't do complex 3d animation before the last eight years.

The fuck other than high end games is the average user doing that a phone doesn't do perfectly adequately? Why buy more shit if you don't actually need or use said shit?

doing this with a phone is fucking retarded, but an ipad can do it fairly well

just go full hipster minimalist and don't even get a dock, do all your computing in the cloudTM and ssh into a server somewhere if you need a real computer

you are on g. It might be a viable alternative for grandma, but everything is today.

If you're getting a device for just sending some emails and writing a page of text you're wasting money, anything can do this. You can just plug a keyboard into your phone and be done with it. You're sacrificing so much already, sacrificing the comfort of a bigger screen isn't the end of the world.

Not only would anything more advanced be unbearably slow, there's no decent software for image editing/video editing/programming. And a $150 thinkpad or used 2500k desktop is a lot more powerful than a phone.

At least glance over the thread before posting, this is about smartphone docks.

wont work as long as it runs a mobile os. maybe if it could run a real linux distro.

Using Android in it's current form as a desktop sounds like a horrible idea. Even if Google gets the system working, why would you want to run Android apps on a big screen? They mostly suck even on tablets and this won't get better any time soon if at all.
On the other hand, running full Linux desktop somehow (native/chroot/whatever) might already be viable with current hardware. Obviously you won't be compiling kernels on that thing.

Also, nobody mentioned Plasma mobile yet?

Are you reffering to the S8/S8+/Note8 and the Huawei Mate 10?
Or any other smart phone with MHL?

I have banned PCs from my home and my business, dinner if you need to realize it's 2018 the future is now and Android is the most used operating system in the world.

Not everyone is a 360 no scoping MLG pro-league e-“athlete” who needs a full on desktop system, Ayden (or whatever your shitty Gen Z name is).

Literally, for 80% of the population out there their iOS or Droid run system is doing everything they need - with some exceptions. And, yes those exceptions are literally being implemented to mobile one by one.

I haven’t touched my laptop is probably two years. Why? The only gaming I do is R6 Siege and I play that on Xbone. Other than that literally everything I need to do I can do mobile. So why lug around a laptop when I can carry a device that fits in my pocket?

I look forward to the day when you can plug your handheld into a base and run it as a “PC.” It’s coming. Sooner than later it’ll be here. Canonical was trying it, just wasn’t the right time.

I actually bought samsung galaxy dock for my mom. She has pc but is in the process of preparing to move to my brothers place abroad to babysit his kid. Wanted to buy her ultrabook or tablet, but she outright told me she wants monitor, keyboard and mouse, no touchpads and touchscreens. Started looking to buy some aio in destination, but then saw that dok station for 80€ on sale and just ordered it, because we can return stuff we dont like anyway. Asked her for the phone, connected the stuff, voila, worked outside the box. It actually starts in desktop enviroment where you can have multiple windows opened and move them around, it is slower than in phone mode though and lags in desktop mode are more noticeable than in phone mode. Also most apps dont work full screen and some dont work at all, luckily all apps mom uses are ok.

tldr for 60yo grandmas it works, but dont fool yourself to use it for anything else but internet, mail, skype and card games, hw just isnt there yet

>which are better

but that's wrong you retardo

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Reminds me of my Atrix 4G, it had a desktop dock and lapdock (didn't have that one). It's nice in theory but utterly useless in practice unless you use your pc basically only for browsing