What we need is a distro for beginners that isn't trash but easy to use

What we need is a distro for beginners that isn't trash but easy to use.

So Gentoo?


Linux mint.

Hacked together frankendebibuntu, shit on, pissed on and painted green. Next.

Manjaro - where turning back your system clock is an acceptable workaround. Next.

no we don't, stop trying to turn Linux into something it's not.

MX Linux. Only distro worth using desu


Linux is a kernel.

>Guyz I typed it agen! xD... I hope someday rms let's me eat cheese out of his foot...


Unironically linux mint. It looks good enough out of the box and cinnamon is a very windows-7-like interface, which is great because everyone I know hates windows 10s' design

source mage linux



Eighth post best post

>want we need is tech illiterate retards to replicate the proprietary windows experience on linux and bring linux closer and closer to a restricted proprietary platform like android is
>all so they can have their games and streaming and drm
No, absolutely not.

Linux is a kernel.

Yes, and synonymous with a Linux-based OS. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Linux mint

Nothing worth having comes easy. Install Gentoo.

It's called Linux Mint and is an intro to Ubuntu, which is an intro to debian.

This desu

>implying any of those point apply to a normalfag
>implying there aren't distros for people who care
op asked for a distro suited for retards

>reading, heck, even believing black on white text from screenshots on Sup Forums

Good for beginners, but
a) its desktop is in the middle of a major reform, so not sure if now is the best time to jump in
b) repos are still weak AF, dev seems quite stubborn about not including several software options for similar tasks, and in general the distro will feel restrictive once you try getting into power user things.

Wait a second, Ubuntu isn't a distro for beginners?

Why can't you format a USB stick with the right click menu in the explorer in Ubuntu or some other easy way?
Windows: 1 point
Linux Mint: 1 point
Ubuntu: 0 points


Been botnet before and next version will be botnet again. Would not recommend.

Is that something beginners need to do?

What's a computer?


Does it have a gooey package installer? Reading wiki about installing AUR stuff, the process has a few too many steps than I'd like as a beginner.

>arch with a shitty installer
just use zen/revenge installer and vanilla arch or maybe manjaro

No need to get all existential now, we're trying to find out the best distro for beginners.

We have Solus

OpenSUSE is every user's friend. It's the only distro that fixes firefox image tiling out of the box, so you can once again shitpost like a pro.

Solus, Mint and Zorin already exist.

Definitely not. Especially the GNOME version.

The limited repos is one of thing I believe is really good for beginner. Once they get used to Linux, there's no other choice but to move on to other distro if they want something more.

>Does it have a gooey package installer?