Do you guys like the direction that Windows 10 is going?
Do you guys like the direction that Windows 10 is going?
KDE v2
no because Windows XP still looks amazing today
also I'm posting this from a Windows XP vm, since the only windows xp computer near me that I can get to is my grandma's Pentium 4 computer. Which has enough stuff to keep me going, and probably powerful enough too.
It looks like shit my man
If you have a Thinkpad, I believe there are still drivers.
They still haven't fixed the fact that there's like 6 different context menu styles and they all look like shit
Needs more transparent layers
No, windows 7 was literally perfect design, everything after was a step in the wrong direction.
Look at these buttons for example. It's clear that they're buttons, made to be clicked. You easily see the total clickable area.
Windows 10 has these tiny shitty arrows instead because everything has to be minimal now. Like it shouldn't even be used by humans.
I would say that looks good, but then I would be ignoring the fact that windows 10 behaves like a donkey ate 3 operating systems and then shat out all the worst parts of each one.
this is the most important thinf in my opinion, cant believe the explorer still looks like winxp
>Windows 10 has these tiny shitty arrows
what arrows?
These tiny faggot arrows man. I don't blame you if you can't even see them, that's just my point.
Windows 7 was built to be functional, W10 to look slick.
Windows 7 design can't be scaled
Back then every PC display was 96dpi
Now there are many displays with high resolutions and different dpi
The assumption that everyone will use 96dpi displays isn't true anymore
And this is why Windows 7 design isn't appropriate, it's too gaudy and too hardcoded
Notice how in OP's image every element is procedurally generated
Besides I think the best looking Windows was Windows 8.1
>Windows 7 was built to be functional
with all that glossy glass?
Win7 was built to be the most aesthetic looking OS of all time
and they succeeded
I don't care about looks. I care about updates and more processes running in the background than on a windows 95 connected to the internet without any protection
I doubt the UI scaling works everywhere though. I remember some elements in W10 that still used the standard amount of pixels and as such were really tiny, like the console window inside Pycharm.
And some windows applications like the calculator were pixelly because they just doubled in size without any upscaling.
Desktop OS's like Windows and MacOS have roots too deep to be able to adept to any resolution. If they wanted good scaling it should have been added from the ground up, as was done with Android for example.
It's because of all those colors that it's functional. You can clearly differentiate different areas in a window because they all have different background colors and gradients.
Look at the background in W10. It's all fucking white with a bunch of text and icons seemingly scrambled everywhere. It gives me fucking headaches.
the industry has too many fucking designers. if you hire designers, you're doing it wrong. you get shit like the cancer youtube re-skin, which is regressive in almost every aspect. developers should be skilled enough in UX to make a good UI.
they should make it even worse
>They still haven't fixed the fact that there's like 6 different context menu styles
They have, for the most part, though.
Right-clicking the taskbar now gives you a win10 style menu, for example.
The look is fine, the UX is shitty. Buttons have the material design shit where you can't tell that they're buttons and they completely missed the point of Fitt's law.
/gd/ here, no. It looks like a deviantArt theme I had installed in 2006.
macOS looks like one I've installed in that era as well.
Can only do limited shit in design, eventually it all repeats itself.
Yes if chrome gets this sort of makeover as currently chrome for Windows is complete shit especially the touchpad drivers
I need to see the design language enforced to in various apps like MATLAB or CAD
This is the sole reason MacBooks are superior
In your dreams iSoyfag
All I wish for is consistency in design.
Sup Forums has literally degraded substantially these past couple of years, no memes about it
This sort of thing used to be just for a joke but it's now serious discussion
>compares a laptop to an operating system
leave kiddo, this place isn't for you
I've noticed this also
Which operating system do you use on a MacBook, in the majority of the cases?
You'd be surprise.
You can't make this argument still because the hardware on these devices windows or not is always optimized for a certain OS, especially when talking about two finger scrolling and touchpad usage which is the main advantage MacBook have these days
Nu-Applefags are just the worst.
Are you seriously arguing with
>What's a mouse?
Let's be real they'll never get it implemented consistently at OS scale or even close to that. It's microsoft still. We'll have the win95 file picker for centuries to come.
>not using mouse side buttons
It's aero but flat
Absolutely not. Win81 was better than 10 by a long shot.
>Win7 was built to be the most aesthetic looking OS of all time
Close, but not quite there.
Holy shit i just love that C O R P O R A T E looking
i hate how they're making it optimized for touch screens, so it's the same UI even if you aren't using a touchscreen. i like my icons and such to be as tiny as possible.
also they make all their UI stuff in powerpoint lmao
Looks like some shitty Powerpoint "OS" from 2012.
God I'd still is XP if I could...
That fucking perfect OS design.
it looks like a kids toy
You can switch to classic in Win7. You will have no dwm though.
xp looked like a child's toy, you're welcome to live in the mobile ecosystem of today if that's what you liked
2000 was peak function of design
Funnily enough, this is what Microsoft pajeets actually use to design the Windows UI nowadays
Windows 2000 was Microsoft's last OS designed for business use. XP and beyond was targeted toward home users and it really shows in how inconsistent everything is.
>You will have no dwm though.
Which perfectly emulates old Windows, complete with screen tearing.
Win2k here. Windows 7 is a faggot.
looks fine, but I don't like how win10 behaves
It looks like they pretend I've got nothing better to do with my resources than glossy and half-transparent GUI and such.
The worst thing is, it is the direction where every major GUI goes. It's really hard to get working out-of-the-box GUI without such jingles and whistles.
XFCE exists
I really wish they'd aim to be lightweight above all else. But that is not realistic.
I find the UX choices to be the problem.
They now have 3 levels of indirection to get to ncpa.cpl if you naively use their interface for handling networks.
First is the weird metro-looking settings interface. Second is the dumb useless centralized view that will never tell you the information you needed. The third is a list of your network interfaces.
Which while it's needlessly poor is the best you can expect on windows.
This is reflected in every single instance of the OS. The only place they break this pattern is to make things worse.
For some reason hitting winkey+E takes entire seconds for something that took less time than it takes for me to reposition my hand from reaching the windows key (I don't have tiny hands, I just don't have a thumb in the middle of my hand) to the normal typing position.
I'm tempted to only use the terminal but the windows terminal is too shit for that and using cygwin just doesn't make sense because I don't own all the computers.
It's an impressive fuckup. It's difficult to understand how a group can make something so much worse.
I wish it gained more attention from devs and funds
>owning overpriced gayman mause
It's not 2006 anymore. Even a cheap $15 mouse has side buttons after everyone realized how useful they were for web browsing.
Hell yeah! I expect it to die in 5-7 years. But what it definetly needs to speed up the process is:
More telemetry
More blur
More phone-like ui
>implying we won't be doing everything on our phones in 5-7 years
Consider this another vote for XP as the superior windows version.
Noise is nice but just a little adds a huge amount of file size to screenshots, especially these days when people who aren’t poor faggots have high DPI screens
I have to compress the shit out of a screenshot to upload it here if it has any noise in it at all
the 1px colored border around the active window is disgusting
Without it the only way to tell which window is active is by looking at the titlebar font unless you enable colored titlebars.
Are you:
100% white
100% black
60% brown
*posts guis with that shit*
Seems decent, but they would not accomplish this, redesigns never worked for MS
>jpeg artifacts
W10 is pure spyware. And you are an idiot using it.
itd be good without all of the telemetry and bloat and inconsistent ui
Can't tell how many hours I spent on Windows Server 2008 R2. It's got the good stuff of Windows 7 and less of the bloat.
I just started using win10, its a complete rip off of MacOS. I cant believe I have seen no one on Sup Forums say this before. Ive always found MacOS(OSX) to be clunky to use so this is not all a compliment. Thank God I have MATE on Linux so I can use a computer like a normal human being.
>*posts guis with that shit*
Do you have problems with them?
>Windows 10 2018 copy KDE 4 2008 ...
call me paranoid, but has anyone bothered to check if this noise texture is the same on every system? I wouldn't put it beyond ms to try and use this for watermarking
you mean those forced updates ?
Actually, what you.described is called "chickenshit minimalism", and it has nothing to do with truly minimalistic software.
These flat and "minimal" interfaces are slower and use more RAM than their older counterparts.
I agree that Windows 7 overall was the pinnacle of Windows GUI, and, unlike '98 and such, it can't be criticized for looking "old", because it still looks and feels modern as fuck.
why would they do that?
microsoft cares about your privacy, freet*rd
So KDE with bigger buttons?
>Windows 7 design can't be scaled
Interesting screenshot.
You really don't have anything better to do if you're bitching about how a GUI might waste some RAM as if 1MB of the stuff still costs $50
Maybe they're different depending on the context? They already go rod of some of the extra ones by the expanded one is still there when using a touch screen for example
Older version of Windows look like shit, you're all just luddites
>gaussian blur
I don't get it, why is every OS in the last few years trying to look like the glass in my bathroom window?
If these apps are really having all these problems with screen real estate, to the point where they need to make everything transparent just to reduce "UI claustrophobia," shouldn't they just, you know, have less chrome everywhere? Instead of taking the same shit and putting a relatively heavy computational effect on it?
>relatively heavy computation effect
Are you using a Pentium 2?
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
>new microsoft mac os now with 90% ubuntu compat
you love sucking dicks, don't you?
I think it would be political suicide for m$, nonetheless I believe this should be investigated further...
so much blur and shaders and stuff but the application itself is tablet-tier primitive garbage
1) The effect runs on the GPU, not on the CPU, and is actually more memory bandwidth intensive than anything as it requires a lot of texture lookups
2) Cycles are still important on less powerful devices (i.e. mobile)
3) Having a fast computer is still no excuse to be wasting the user's cycles on pointless shit
My GPU sure is hurting over here
Looks like macOs with no design skills
Yes, nothing will happen when it's idle, it won't recompute anything until it needs a redraw. I'm guessing that spike earlier is you doing something innocuous like moving a window around.
they need to make the OS not feel like a old windows with a shiny theme pack on top.
That spike was Chrome being Chrome. Don't be retarded, hardware is meant to be used
They tried that with Windows 8 and everyone cried about it
Yes, it's meant to be used to perform computations, not to waste cycles on pointless effects that only exist to please the marketing department
>he says while shitposting on Sup Forums
By that logic you should stop using GUIs
I don't use GUIs for the most part, I run everything from my GNUshit terminal. You jelly winfag?
Looked like shit when they made it and it still looks like shit today
Lol not in the slightest