Aero >>>>>>> Any other DE

Aero >>>>>>> Any other DE
Prove me wrong

looks like shit.

vista aero > win 7 aero

looks comfy as fuck, much better than the current depressing flat trend

Only adwaita is worse than aero

Yeah why the fuck do all DE look so flat and depressing, they don’t even have shadows, they probably were designed by kids

Watercolor > aero

Vista Aero is the best looking interface of all time

the fucking problem with metro and minimalism is that now we're reaching a point where elements and functions are no longer clearly defined and it's all done in service of appearance and nothing else, not to mention it's chok full of inconsistensies and lack of direction

i want this fucking meme to end

It hasn't been obsolete long enough for the Sup Forums hipsters to like it yet. Check back in a few years.

Fucking this, windows 10 still has XP/Vista/7 icons and shit littered all over the place. Even some from windows 98.

>everything is a glass!!

You can always deactivate the transparency effect if your PC is weak

It's not the transparency, it's how it's done. Vista aesthetics are shit compared to 7

This. Aero was/is still the best.

w vista it´s basically linux mint with cinnamon

v comfy desu

>vista aero > win 7 aero
This, except for the consistency issues - in that Vista has significantly more shit that wasn't updated from older Windows versions.

start button looks ugly, should be smaller so it fits inside the taskbar

users are not that idiot anymore OP.
well except you


I still can't fathom how the snipping tool/stiknot escaped me throughout all those years of win7 usage, used to take manual printscreens and paste them into mspaint all the damn time before that

yeah most DE look like shit

Glass/transparency is repulsive

Windows hasn't looked good since XP

You’re retarded, user.

>he like stuff being as arbitrary as possible
you know some of us actually like our interfaces being readable
what's it like working on linux?