ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury or disease

ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury or disease



Rasmus Lerdorf

He doesn't deserve it.

Logan, since the others have already been mentioned.

Are dead people allowed?

He's the hero Linux deserves.

>Linux deserves

The part about SystemD is it's GPL licensed, so by license it can't cuck up the BSDs.
FreeBSD does that for free anyway though.

I may not like him, but his "contributions" don't affect me nearly as much as

because of this faggot i'm running cloveros

They do, but in ways and on a scale that you don't realize

OP as he's a fag

every issue fixed has no fucking unit tests. then i wait 4 releases and the bug is back. this software stinks and lennart should be beaten to death

Yonatan Zunger has the most punchable face in tech.

Bullshit. The fact that you guys shill the fuck out of him every day here is indicative of just how much of a tool he is.

All Mac/Apple fags

He deserves worse


>people of tech
>posts a photo of m*Sk

all the trannies

>websites aren't technology
>cars aren't technology
>solar power isn't technology

What did he mean by this?