Lunduke vs. FreeBSD (extreme SJW battle royale)

old thread /ourguy/ Bryan Lunduke now on the case:

Other urls found in this thread:

Reposting the meme that triggered FreeBSD cucks and German OpenBSD developers.

> and German OpenBSD developers.
Can you elaborate?

Wh- how... How could anyone take that image seriously? It's obviously a joke, even if you're unfamiliar with that particular meme.

>"Please ban the Nazis"
I'm not sure what's worse, that these guys don't know what an actual fucking nazi is or he's begging people to "ban" these made up nazis from somewhere.
I view myself as pretty progressive, but jesus fuckin christ stop making up problems.

>works as a desktop OS

It's legitimately better, having used both on laptops.

i love this fad of people acting like nazis and calling their opponents nazis

yeah it has xorg and ships with 3 WMs so clearly it doesn't work as a desktop OS

In what way?

It doesn't even support nvidia hardware

>It doesn't even support nvidia hardware
because nvidia is gay

hell the linux people HAVE to roll their own drivers for that stupid shit

Stabler, newer X11/Mesa, better wifi support including in ifconfig(8), better sound system, and the developers actually dogfood it on Thinkpads. Most FreeBSD developers do it remotely or in VMs from Mac laptops.

lol what a cuck

holy hell even lunduke is making fun of them now

and the author of the only reasonable bsd books also turns out to be a "cuck". Dear God, why is our /entire/ industry so fucking pants on head retarded?

All I'm hearing is "We haven't even gotten the dominant discrete GPU manufacturer's products to work but trust us the rest is working so long as you have a bunch of other obscure components. We can't make the common ones work."

Nerds tend not to be politically aware and just go with herd opinion. Combined with tech jobs clustering in cities and you have a bluepill injection machine.

ermin get out

are you telling me kaby lake is obscure or what

openbsd works fine with integrated intel graphics and AMD GPUs that aren't too new, nothing "obscure"

>e-celeb drama

Why aren't these niggers getting banned?

Generally nerds are weaklings, so they tend to associate with left-wing ideologies.

I agree we should ban all posts about FreeBSD

Why should anyone use FreeBSD when ZFS on linux is stable?

OpenBSD supports both my graphics (Intel HD 520) and 8260AC card without problems from 6.2. FreeBSD only brought 8260 support in with 11.1, because they ported OpenBSD's work. And it still doesn't support my graphics card except in 12-CURRENT. Which is nowhere near stable enough to run on my Thinkpad.

OpenBSD devs actually develop on their hardware. FreeBSD are a bunch of faggots that develop everything on Macs in VirtualBox.

>graphics card
graphics chip*

Binary zfs support

>graphics chip*
graphics crisp*

>FreeBSD are a bunch of faggots that develop everything on Macs in VirtualBox.

One of the founders of FreeBSD. Ended up at Apple.

>graphics crisp*
graphics wedge* with sour cRAM* and sweet chili source*

Why is pfSense based on FreeBSD and not OpenBSD?

Faster network stack.

Idk guys. Nobody uses BSD anyway. Why piss on the grave? You're wierd people.

Building an appliance based on OpenBSD is difficult because the devs are not afraid to break compatibility between versions if it helps improve security. OpenBSD is research project that is constantly in development, it only remains stable for 6-12 months at a time.

Netflicks uses it for their CDN and whatsapp for servers :^)

/r/ virgin BSD vs chad GPL

Huge FreeBSD advocate here.

Fuck this shit. I'm moving on to OpenBSD. Fuck you Social Justice Cunts.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to turn open source projects into some kind of moral authority is a retard. It's backfiring pretty badly on every project that falls for it. Adults don't like being told how to behave by other people who aren't paying them, even if it's how they were going to behave anyways.

>everyone I don't like is a nazi

The battlecry of the left, which is hilarious because if it were up to them the US wouldn't even had fought in WW2 even if it meant abandoning our allies.

just women lowering the standards so they can fit in better

>Adults don't like being told how to behave by other people who aren't paying them, even if it's how they were going to behave anyways.

Now you are going to the other extreme. Codes of conduct are important and projects tend to have them. Nothing wrong with that. The problem with this one is the amount of marxist bullshit.

So nothing important then, got it

>Whoever thought it was a good idea to turn open source projects into some kind of moral authority

>works as a desktop OS
it does. TrueOS is a great FreeBSD project but FreeBSD is a pain to configure for regular desktop users

>Codes of conduct are important
Fuck off Social justice cunt, we built everything you're using without your CoCs.

before they infested everything, there was an unwritten code of conduct that basically went "shut the fuck up about anything not related to the project"

women and faggot lefties don't understand that such unwritten codes always existed among men

Has he installed gentoo yet?

Why can't the left meme and take a joke?

The good old STFUCoC

>unwritten code of conduct
No there was no unwritten anything. People swore at each other and mocked each other all the time, then after butting heads, we got down and worked together and made shit.

You fucking hipsters came in and tried to police that, the good news is it will kill off this open source cancer and bring us back to the old days of discrete groups collaborating without sharing their code.

Wow that's fucking hilarious
Fucking retards. It's a god damn joke image

Were these fags never bullied in High School or something?

That’s it guys. After years of devil adoration I’ll be finally returning home to Linux. I still work with Linux but been restricting my home server and personal appliances to FreeBSD.

What does this prodigal son should know about Linux? I used to like Gentoo. Being a CLE I can also get freebie SLES subscriptions.

>Not using TrueOS

Are you guys idiots

I still use Debian, maybe Ubuntu LTS for servers.


It's the nature of female involvement. They make up bullshit social rules because they don't understand ad hoc collaboration on a project without making stupid hierarchical distinctions between themselves. This isn't all women, but it's most of them. This is the price of virtue signaling female empowerment in your project.

Systemd is a more modern init, like SMF with INI files instead of XML, but it was written by the PulseAudio guy so there's a bunch of drama around it. Wayland finally started shipping, but it's a buggy mess for now so stick to X.

Is gentoo systemd profile a good option then?

has Sup Forums ever received a *hug* message from someone?
I'm just asking.. was it nice?

yeah, its okay.

Getting head pats in VRchat is cool, even without VR.

FreeBSD "devs" (or whoever is behind this ban *hugs* madness) are crazy
But am I the only one that avoids using emojis and smilies like :-) , ;-), ;-*, etc?
Granted, I don't have any woman to talk to me, my phone never rings or beeps, last message or (non-typical) conversation I had with a woman was about 18monts ago
She even send me emojis, which I admit felt nice, I felt wanted (which I was wrong because it turns out women don't really mean the emojis they send)
Fuck, now I'm sad


you have to be careful around women you work with, so never a winky face. Standard smiling face is okay, that's about it.

winking might be interpreted as you wanting to anally rape your coworker.

If there's no defined hierarchy, how will the women know who to sleep with to advance up the hierarchy themselves? If everyone just works together ad hoc, they might accidentally get impregnated by a male who becomes low status in the next reshuffle. Much better (for them) to nail down a hierarchy (some might even say a patriarchy) with a defined code of conduct to protect that hierarchy from radical change or challenge.

the funniest part is that nazis are on the left end of the spectrum. literally national SOCIALISM. their beloved BERNIE is closer to nazi than any capitalist who voted for Trump. All leftist should be deported to a socialist or communist shithole like north korea.

>i'm an idiot and i can't use it so it sucks

Surely not all women are like that
I mean the cultured, educated, pro-diversity, feminist women are like that and therefore it's best to avoid
But this is just a noisy, obnoxious minority
Most women I think they want a man who doesn't send smilies and emojis but enforces his will on them
I mean women don't want to say a man to say
>would you like to pick you up at 8?
They want a man who says
>I'm picking you up at 8
Just don't leave them choice


THE ONLY CODE WOMEN CONTRIBUTE IS CODE OF CONDUCT. STOP HIRING WOMEN OR THIS BULLSHIT WILL NEVER END. Just wait until the false rape and false harassment accusations start pouring in to remove the most competent BSD devs.

it's too much of a risk, or maybe it's not even a problem but someone else thought something of it. Everyone is cover your ass and you should be as well.

Someone glancing over your shoulder seeing you sending a totally-fine winky face at the cute girl could easily land in your a meeting with HR.

Check your hearing. What you should be hearing is "we aren't allocating our limited resources to something we don't care about".

*note: I also consider soybois and gays and trannies as women so stop hiring them too.

I grow tired of this shit. This wouldn't happen all over the place if people weren't passive and didn't allow clowns to step on them.

>Codes of conduct are important and projects tend to have them.
Whi/g/ history? Somehow, most project used to not have them until this decade.

1. How old are you?
2. How old are you pretending to be?

run gentoo. roasties are too dumb to figure out how use it and you can run it w/o systemd cancer. seriously gentoo is the last refuge for the tech patriarchy until Linus gets #metoo-ed and replaced with a black trans woman.

I don't know what to believe anymore
I though (and I still think partly) that this is just a Sup Forums exaggeration because all the clickbait "articles" from crazy feminist lefties are collected
But I'm not sure anymore, in the last 3 years things changed so much in my country
The media are pushing the narrative that all white male are racist
The posters on the wall of my university are like "kill all white me, open borders, refugees welcome, lgbtdajwa++"
And some women I knew turned crazy and offended by anything, they see everything as rape
And some men too are like "well.. they are kind of right... there is systemic racism, white oppression, etc"
Don't even get me started on the "males" on my university...
Are they putting something in the water?
I just don't know what to believe any more.

What I have been wonder lately is, have tranny programmers always been political? I new a couple in the early 2000s who didn't seem to be.


if you're not part of a protected class you've lost almost all due process in society, right up until the point where you're actually in a court room, and even then stats show men get hit harder in criminal law.

It's a double standard, and that's the reason covering your ass is more important than ever. The truth doesn't matter and appearances matter more than anything. It's not enough to not do anything wrong, you need to actively make sure people like you to have any real sense of safety or they can simply decide to start a problem, and you will lose by default.

btw if you're in school I suggest you look up Title IX and how that's been used to bypass the actual criminal court system in favor of star chambers and kangaroo courts that mimic the courts of dictatorships.

You need to not give people a reason to target you, because an accusation is as good as a conviction.

even if don't do anything and are super careful a cunt can just lie and say you raped her. Even 10 years after the fact she can just decide you raped her. Even if you never had sex with her she can lie and say you raped her and all these whiteknight faggots will believe her. So basically you can have your life ruined at any time for no reason. We need to repeal the 19th amendment and we need to stop hiring women. women belong at home not in the workforce.

The worse part of the code of conduct is the first one.
"Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion."

This is just SJW-speak for wrong-think. You can use this for anything.
Wanna say that women are physicaly weaker than men?
>Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to gender
Wanna say that Islam is not a realigion of peace?
>Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to religion
Wanna say that being fat is fucking unhealty?
>Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to body size

It's just a way for SJWs to be able to ban you for saying anything that doesn't toe their line.This is going to get so abused.

Women come to the workplace and the only thing they do is implement rules that nobody should give a fuck about. Policing like the cuntiest.

Yeah, "reinforce systemic oppression" is highly political phrasing. If they cared about civility rather than politics, they could have written something like
>Do not use racial, ethnic, religious, slurs. Do not insult other contributors. Do not mock them for being male, female, straight, gay, fat, thin, etc.

>cuck license
>expecting anything else to happen
pic related

Systemd is windowsization of OS userspace plumbing
Think of it this way:
- you can get a normal car, works 99% of the time, when shit breaks it's possible/easy/cheap to fix/tweak/swap a part or pay somebody else to do it.
- or you can get the newest Audi/BMW whatever. Integrated. Plastic cover on the engine. Works 99.5% of the time. Guess what? Shit breaks or isn't viable for your requirements? Get bent. Very hard or no way of swapping. It's "modular", as in it was in modules in the factory, but now that you're using it, it's our way or the highway.
Guess which one is systemd.
It's not only pottering tho, RedHat loves (and sponsors) this development. Coincidentally, it does the same for GNOME and a few other projects lead in a similar fashion.
In short: skim some slashdot/plebbit-linux/etc topics on systemd if you don't have an ulcer yet, and try both the openrc and systemd profiles. Though I'd recommend taking a moral stand and not siding with the Borg long-term.

It's not linux but i at least got it to boot compared to freebsd.

>I'm okay with having almost zero software support and I'll call anyone who isn't an idiot

what do you guys think?

>or whoever is behind this ban *hugs* madness
Wasn't that completely stereotypical over the top SJW randi harper, that got so bad the lads booted her from the project? cperciva's the canuck cuck that mentored her. Smart guy, completely drank the koolaid tho.
IIRC she's still pulling 2k/mo (down from 4) on the Patreon idpol racket.

>Most women I think they want
rules 1 and 2, newfriend.
Your hunches apply to those they deem attractive (note: different from purely physically handsome) and not unattracive.
Everyone else is open season.
Idpol stuff is just a political tool for them, and all it takes is for a woman to be willing to use it. Given the propaganda, the soft science nature of the topic, and emotions, it's a pretty decent risk.
Practice OPSEC
- don't shit where you eat unless you get sufficiently (read: really, for gtards) good at these type of office/tribe/socjus politics and amass a sufficient posse. If they decide they can gain something by running a smear campaign on you, it's many against one.
- don't link doxx-able info (worst: RL persona) to redpill/TRP/etc style posts
- be careful who you share your political opinions with - Damore sperg-clusterfuck is an excellent example
- ideally keep romantic approaches well segregated from the rest of your life - don't give them ammo
- in general, blend in with the crowd - don't be too flirty, but don't be too spergy either (cue Reddit post of chick that got a sperg fired cuz he didn't smile enough)
Man, all this first world white male privilege is so great.

- Give em an inch and they'll take a mile
- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing

>cue Reddit post of chick that got a sperg fired cuz he didn't smile enough

>tech patriarchy
meritocracy* ideally, let's not get carried away
there's engineers out there that happen to be women and hate the idpol cunts (of various "genders") just as much-ish as the rest of us
>until Linus gets #metoo-ed
pic related

hormones and a bitch of a situation are the perfect soil on which to dump the koolaid that is idpol
just skim for a few days and make your own conclusion
they can out-victim the upper-middle-class white women professional victims, and they're given enough propaganda to consider it "the right thing to do"
it's a cushy racket, even if you don't believe the propaganda

overton window
had a PC period in the 90s (cf south park reference)
but this time the world's a lot more interconnected, so the stronger feedback loops may make it more persistent, or give a stronger backlash
can't make any predictions

witch hunts
such a convenient tool

feminists have always used moralizing, for whatever purposes they could, e.g. applying social bullying to get men into the draft
they're corrupt politicians, plain and simple, and deserve punishment equal to the harm they cause to society
Story may or may not be true, but the discussions in /r/femsupremacy show you how unhinged your "totally sane" coworker might be under the hood.

Mister or misses Benno or Jeamland or whatever the fuck it calls itself needs to take a long and thoughtful look in a mirror. Such an embarrassment.