Make Your Presence Known

>Make Your Presence Known
>Your gaming laptop’s style should match your own with a look that says, 'Start the match. I’m ready'.

Other urls found in this thread:

>gaming laptop
>paying $5000-10000 for specs that could be done on a desktop for $1500


If it's supposed to match my style, why isn't it sleek and thin?

Honestly that's not that bad considering the ram and video card alone are worth like $600.

You're the one selling it, aren't you?

>Implying you're not a company logo t-shirt and cargo shorts wearing neck beard.

There are only 3 types of people on Sup Forums. The one mentioned above, little anime girls, and traps. Which one are you?

With GPUs and RAM as expensive as they are, desktops and "gaming laptops" have nearly reached parity.

Prebuilt machines always use an overpowered GPU to catch your eye and a CPU that is comparably weaker and will bottleneck the system.

This laptop contains none of the cooling power a desktop has. All its power is owing to be gimped at full load.

is i7 7700hq weak?

Microcenter been selling a lot of pre-built PCs I've seen. Seems OEM companies are catching on and trying to be competitive with pricing. Been seeing quite a few Acer/Asus/CybeePower computers with AMD R5-1400 / RX 570 4GB /16GB based machines going for like $800 with no monitor and only a mechanical disk. Or older locked Kaby lake it quad cores with 3GB GTX 1060 for $600
Yes and no, depends on who the company is. I've seen the exact opposite before. I7-8700K, paired with an non TI GTX 1050 for instance. This is a laptop though, so that's irrelevant. When you buy a gaming laptop, the dGPU is what you're paying for. And just shy of $1100 for an 4c/8t i7, 16GB ram, full size 6GB 1060, and even an SSD isn't a bad deal at all.

Actually that's the one thing gaming laptop do well if you're not buying the super thin models. I know a couple people who bought quad core i7 paired with mid range Nvidia mobile graphics as a cheap sub $900 workstation for their classes. Buddy of mine bought some Asus ROG 17" monster for $950 with 4th gen 8 thread i7, GTX 960m, and 16GB ram. It's fans get loud under mega loads, but the CPU/GPU still stay under 65C while doing anything intensive.

Probably helped he cracked it open and replace the stock paste with something better though.


I finally ordered a gaymen laptop what with this line of mobile gpus being on par with desktop ones and being able to find one with a 1070 for 1000 even I am pretty stoked for it to arrive

Checkmate, the t-shirt I am wearing doesn't have any logos on it.

>announcing you're a predeator

Pedos have to do this by law.

It's usually the opposite, retard


helios 300 has very shit thermal management

Not for gaming prebuilts, dickhead.

You are both wrong. They just put like 2 TB of storage, a whatever a pentium and a GT 1030, on a black case with lots RGBs and charge you 1000 dollars.

so how long until h series laptops and will the temps be too high with the extra cores and no 10nm optimizations yet?

also since gpus and ram prices are fucked which should i be waiting to save for?
>a prebuilt now
>an h series laptop
>a custom when prices go down
>or just a regular ass acer aspire with a u processor and mx150
keep in mind that if im gonna get a prebuilt id rather might as well get a laptop

It's actually a decent laptop. I hate the look, but I couldn't buy another decent dev machine for less. Need at least a 1060 for machine learning demos and 16gb of ram for virtualization. Getting comparable specs on a workstation from lenovo, dell, or hp would double the cost.

I actually got it yesterday.

shill thread?

This. It is a great value. Build quality is ok too. Not thinkpad tier, but can handle a bag bike ride to my campus daily.

$1300 USD (pic is AUD)

1050 Ti
RAM 16Gb
SSD 256Gb
HD 1Tb

Worth it or should I just get a desktop? My budget is 2K

What's it like in terms of temps? Does it throttle much or at all? I had a bad experience with my hp laptop, 3rd gen 4c8t i7 that after about 10mins of load throttled to 2.2ghz and wouldn't turbo at all past that (had supposed 3.2ghz 1 core, 3.1 2 core and 2.9ghz all cores turbo.)

Unless you need the mobility, desktop all the way. Faster drives, more drive capacity and storage.

And cooling is generally better. This is vital for high performance.

Worse than OP's laptop in every way for 300 extra bucks. It's shit.

It's Australia, all tech costs are inflated thanks to import tax.

Here's me:
>no neck beard
>goes on /fit/
>wearing generic black t-shirt and board shorts rn

Forgot pic

Then buy something made locally.

Have you even looked at comparable desktops yet?

Look at this pic, it's much cheaper there

pretty sure you can get a 17.3" 120Hz 1070 laptop for almost the same amount

Is a local product, however the internals are all imported, driving up the price. Never heard of any intel/ amd manufacturers in Australia.

Yes, but I'm a hardware noob. I do a lot of CAD and video editing, a little bit of gaming but don't mind playing on medium. Is the PSU decent enough to run pic related?

Both are from amazon. The australian version is just more expensive.

It's too much, you want to be using like 50% or you're pissing away electrons.

>Is the PSU decent enough to run pic related?

It's more than enough.

Ah, thanks. Guess I'll drop down to a 600

You need to know that 50% load is optimal efficiency for most PSUs. His build is something like 600w.

>Load Wattage: 254 W
You're calculating from TDP, aren't you?

>That RAM price

Lots of CAD and video editing and you're going intel? What the fuck is wrong with you

Care to offer some constructive advice? I'm all ears


Switch to Ryzen.
I mean firstly you're choosing a CPU that's last gen, that's a problem.
Get a Ryzen 1600 or 1700.
Do spend on ram though, Ryzen works better with high speed ram.

Interesting, looking at the 1700 now. Is there anything specific about the AMD architecture that is better for CAD applications?

More multithread performance for less money, basically. In addition you're not affected by Meltdown

yeah that's why i got it, a great value for its specs. though the fans get really loud under load thanks to gpu and battery really doesn't last long thanks to its powerful (for a laptop) cpu, but that's to be expected of a gaming laptop. i wouldn't install linux on it because of muh games and i don't have a desktop right now (had to move), but vm is fine for now.
it keeps temps below 70 when i play games on it, but obviously lower the specs. it goes up to 80s on high. didn't notice any throttling.
what are you trying to do with your laptop?

it performs like a desktop babby lake i5 which is perfectly fine for gaymen

forgot to say, i kind of regret buying it. for all its worth, it's really ugly and the battery is crap. i can't use it in bed, because that would close the fans, which are loud and turn on randomly at idle.
just get a desktop instead and chrome book for portability, if you need it. powerful laptops are loud as fuck

Do you not have a food tray and laptop stand that you can put the laptop on while in bed?

You won't need to worry about the fan noise of you use noise cancelling headphones.

A 1060 costs like 200 bucks

I'm a muscletrap

can't wear headphones anymore, after a while they start to hurt my ears and i'm afraid of getting ear infection. do you have acne under your ears? that's from headphone cables. don't want that either.

how would i watch it lying on the side? just get a chromebook. there is no reason to game or use 3D rendering software while in bed.

>"Start the match. I'm ready [to play]"

If your bed is big enough, you can put the thing next to you.

When I game with a controller, I use a tray that has legs. That lets me roll around a bit.

here is link related for u processor laptop. it also had an ssd and hdd expansion slot and i can save up for one of the prior mentioned with it

is that you bitcoin-doesn't-exist-universe-san?

>can't wear headphones anymore, after a while they start to hurt my ears and i'm afraid of getting ear infection.

Are you wearing cheap muffs with no foam? I wear some bose headphones and they're great. I recently replaced the foam with aftermarket pads because the old ones were splitting, after years of use. The new foam definitely isn't as good as whatever bose uses.

I don't get acne anymore, by the way. I'm too old for that.

>Gaming in 15 inch screen
At least go for the 17 inch dick

>At least go for the laptop with a keyboard so far back that it's useless

It's not even portable at that point.

I own the Lenovo Legion 720

Forgot pic

How long does the battery last?

Where have you been for the past 2 years?

You guys can say what you want about "muh gayming" laptops but I got pic related for less than $1400 and I'm very happy.
>Dell 7000
>7700hq i7 with 8 threads
>512GB nvme drive
>GTX 1060
>4k screen
>1TB spinning platters
This thing is at least as fast as my 2600k desktop and so far has chewed through everything I've thrown at it. The best part is since it has the extra cooling hardware of a gaming laptop, it never throttles no matter what.

>15-17 inch screen

Do you only play games in 1080p?

no thanks i would need to wear my glasses to see what the fuck is going on in that screen

I vnc into computers with 1080p screens and the 4k monitor lets me get 4 of them onscreen at a time. So, there you go.
I play old games like fallout 3 and Deus Ex Human Revolution and both play great with Ultra in 4k
You do know there is this thing called dpi settings right? Which is funny because I'm probably older than anyone in this thread and I have no problem seeing anything on this screen.

>Thinking desktops are still cheap
When's the last time you viewed computer parts prices?

>no gamig laptops with mechanical kehboard +trackpoint ala t420

You shouldn't be buying a PC until the prices fix themselves. It'll be another year at least, probably closer to two.

If you're trying to play games just get a used ps4 or something while you wait.

That's actually a really good deal, dang. Shame the exterior looks like complete garbage though, I wouldn't be caught dead lugging that thing around.

Nothing worse than playing a 3d game with a controller. I've tried and just can't get used to it.

>ok CPU's (quad cores, AMD even has hyperthreading)
>desktop GPU's
>improved cooling
>better screens than moat laptops (Enjoy your 1366x768 screen Thinkcucks)
>nice keyboards
>thanks to high GPU prices and RAM prices the price of laptops is actually pretty reasonable
Why haven't you bought a gaming laptop yet?
>muh appearance
Yeah I'm sure you care about your appearance, wearing a black shirt, cargo shorts and a chinkpad.

Yeah, anybody bitching about the appearance, just get the Dell 7000. About the only thing about it that says "gamer" is the red letters on the keyboard. Other than that, it destroys the vast majority of consumer laptops and for a reasonable price.