How do i fight the "muh games" argument

how do i fight the "muh games" argument

You're a smart boy, figure it out

You can't. If you wanna play video games, you should be on Windows. Otherwise, it's changing. More and more Steam games are available on GNU/Linux.

If you can't beat them, join them

buy a ps4

You don't. You let people use whatever OS lets them play the games they want, or use whatever software they feel they need to. Further, you stop trying to act like some weird "Linux Evangelist" or whatever it is you're trying to be. There aren't any arguments for you to overcome, as what people do with their own computer is their own affair. Be less autistic.

It's fun to fight the standart

You shouldn't argue with stupid people
-Kim, kardashian

you cant because
> your opinion = nil
so calm your autism and deal with it because there's literally nothing you can do about it

Do not try to fight the "muh games" argument, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth... the argument is with yourself. Then you'll see that it is not the "muh games" argument you fight, it is only yourself.

Software exclusivity is an anti-feature designed to coerce you into using platforms that you don't want to. If you really want to keep using Windows to play games, then that's not unreasonable, but keep in mind Linux is generally a better system and it's only thanks to Microsoft being evil that playing the games you want on it isn't feasible.

Ask the person that used it which games he play.
He will say that he plays none (most likely lying) and paint himself as a souless robot.

>how do I fight with people with 47 chromosomes
You don't. Just ignore them.

Here's a valid argument:

I. Games = culture

II. Our culture is sagging in favor of economic expedience for a handful of people (scaled globally or nationally)

"muh games" is a valid, altough a subjective point. There are over 3,000+ games natively supported on Linux, and the rate of compatability is only increasing as the game-engines themselves are adding support.

If you have a couple games outside with abysmal support, consider throwing a few bucks for a small ssd to switch to when playing.

You can literally come up with any reason not to use Linux if you don't want to. Same goes other way around.

Punch the person in the nose, hard, really hard.

Why should you? Can't ignore what you don't like? How fucked up is that?

Games are least of the issues. Call me when you have distro that has working vertical sync and easy way to install and uninstall software that's not in the repo.

This has always been an odd one for me. I've never experienced tearing, and thats with novidya. What DE:s have you tried? What settings did you use? Did you check the possible driver control settings?

Firefox that comes in some older distros might have hardware acceleration off by default, so you might have to turn it on yourself on them.

Latest out-of-the-box install of Ubuntu18.04 also had no issues with any of my hardware (even my obscure RTL8812AE)

Most packages come with a prebuilt .deb that just werks.

you don't. You just have to wait until the person grows up

but you cannot pirate games on linux

Who cares?
Linux already have enough idiots.

slap em with your dick, fucking manchildren

I don't see why you couldn't. Of course less people are going to just straight hand your ungrateful ass a ready exploit for a game.

>with your dick
B-but I'm a grill


>it's 2018, why are people still having fun

Shovelware does not count faggot.

If you're willing to use cancer like Steam, you shouldn't be using Linux in the first place.

This is going to (amusingly) trigger some autists...

I "unironically" use Arch. I have working vertical sync and an entire system devoted to easily building/packaging/installing software not in the repo, and that's *in addition to* the AUR. Kinda feel like I made the right choice in distro.

>my definition of freedom is the only one that matters
>freedom is a necessary consideration when using linux
No. It's funny that you think so, though.

I don't use Steam on my debian anyway. I only use it on Windows.

I don't think I've ever heard a good reason for using linux.
>hey user don't you want an OS that respects your "freedums" (whatever the fuck that means)
>only trade off is not being able to use most of the software and games you like and also everything you do is a major hazzle.
inb4 loonix is also free. my windows came free with my laptop

>hey user don't you want an OS that respects your "freedums" (whatever the fuck that means)
Find it a little hard to believe that you're on Sup Forums and you don't know exactly what this means.

It's not cancer because it's proprietary.

Wat? What I'm saying is that "freedom," while nice, is not the primary consideration of every Linux user, nor should it be.

And I'm saying I'm not calling it cancer because muh freedumbs

> he doesn't into nethack

Then explain your previous statement.
>If you're willing to use cancer like Steam, you shouldn't be using Linux in the first place.

>Can't ignore what you don't like?

Because it's a garbage App store that makes you dependent on their service and software.

Alright, and this has what, specifically, to do with Linux?

You don't unless you're a feminist.

Why do you use Linux?
Do you hate the shitty bloated and opaque software that is Windows? Then you shouldn't use garbage like Steam.
Do you hate being dependent on corporate dick? Then you shouldn't use garbage like Steam.
Do you like how most Linux distros handle third-party software? Then you shouldn't use garbage like Steam.
Do you like the UNIX philosophy? Then you shouldn't use garbage like Steam.

>Do you like the UNIX philosophy? Then you shouldn't use garbage like GNU/Linux.
Went ahead and fixed that for you. You're welcome.

my dog's son's friend's imaginary friend has pirated multiple games, her last game was cities skylines

I still don't know why you use Linux.

Hey user lets play a game of
Warcraft 2

any game pretty much pre windows 7
"Oh whats that, MacOS and Windows 10 can't install it?"

Well good thing I brought my linux machine with WINE or whatever.

just talk about all the bullshit gamers have to put up with on windows and macOS.

it aint that fucking hard boio.