What does this switch do Sup Forums?
The circuit.
Switches a circuit between open and closed.
It’s actually for my life support
Have you tried flipping it?
Maybe I should
It turns on OP's mom
you better not be alive on proprietary software. That’s worse than death itself.
What for? Injury or disease?
I’m actually the guy who posted about his problems yesterday
I wonder if anyone remembers
i wasn't here, can you please elaborate user?
No. Please continue. What do those two bags contain?
Makes me wonder how many radical/evangelical freetards really feel this way. I'm sure there's at least a few. Would Stallman object to being kept alive by machines running proprietary software?
Steve Jobs died because he believed bullshit over science. Who knows.
He definitely would. No doubt
Yeah, but dude was a fruit anyways. There's lots of people who choose to believe in bad science, but at least they think they're doing what they need to do to stay alive. I'm more wondering if someone would purposely choose to die for purely philosophical reasons. Not philosophical as in, "Would you condemn 100 children to death to save your own life?" but more along the lines of "Would you choose to die because the treatment does not fit your view of an ideal world?"
Ass cancer?
Sorry to hear that my dude. I hope everything works out well.
Speak english, nazi acum
Lol flip it and see how long you can hold on and then flip it back on right before you die
Where and what stage?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Whoa. Relax.
Sorry dude. Wishing for the best.
Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking shit smear.
Easy there buddy. Are you just cranky? Do you need a snickers?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
it passes power obviously.
At least come up with more insults. This was fun, before you ruined it.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Do it again. You won't.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>flip switch back on
>cardiac monitor installs windows updates
>peristaltic pump bootloops
Come again?
holy fucking shit d*de
>someone would purposely choose to die for purely philosophical reasons
look up the monks that set themselves on fire during the 70's-ish (if memory serves)
there are those weird christians that don't take blood transfusions
they die all the time from blood related shit for purely religious (read: philosophical) reasons
>pulling the strings now
Stop it! Your hurting my feelings!
I've heard that might not be true. A vietfag gut I worked with said they may have been already been dead.
aw yeah dude check out this dead body sitting all up-right and shit
Some user on /fit/ had to do chemo and he used Soylent as his meal replacement instead of Ensure or whatever the hospital wanted to give him and he only lost 3lbs his entire time there. Something to keep in mind unless you're a fat fuck, then you can afford to lose the weight. Oh and ignore the memes about it.
Make grown mens' jaws drop upon sight.
>what is rigor mortis
This is why your parents told to go to college.
>implying that body is anywhere near the point of rigor mortis
>not knowing how rigor mortis achieves muscular rigor
>actually seriously defending the idea that this picture is fake
i'm a PhD mathfag by the way, honey
I remember, you were freaking the fuck out about some switch that caused you to go blind and lose hearing. Crazy hallucination bullshit desu
Actually holy fuck my bad, got you confused with some other user. Cancer fuckin sucks
>I'm mentally retarded.
You might be educated, but I don't buy it. Rigor mortis sets in within a few hours. Which is accelerated by warm tempatures. Fucking vietnam. The stiff is dude to a lack of circulation, the muscles stay contracted until adp and atp is deplenished from the muscles. Nice try though.
except the muscle tissue does not remain in the rigor mortis position when exposed to high temperatures (like being lit on fire)
most commonly the long muscles which are typically relaxed contract and shorten, leading to crooked necks, folded arms (over the chest or with wrists up to the shoulders) and crooked backs
the person in the picture is clearly quite relaxed from this perspective
again, if you seriously think the monk immolations were staged you might have some serious paranoia issues
>one frame
>proof the body remained in that position unlike uncle owen and aunt beru status
They could've shoved bamboo sticks up his monastic ass for all you know. Even if he was alive, he would have died eventually and did all of that shit I didn't read. I don't some one can just mediatate away survival mechanisms. You have to take into account how bad the vietnamese war was. People were getting slaughtered, women, children, men were getting raped. The time honored tradition of pillaging and raping and all that bullshit. Please no more, I need sleep.
>he would have died eventually and did all of that shit I didn't read
thanks for confirming your IQ is below room temperature
Thanks for dropping all logic, and hiding behind deflections. Win tastes soo good. Gonna wake up soo refreshed, thanks again soyboy. You might enjoy this picture.
>thanks for confirming your IQ is below room temperature
No problem, I'll just crank the heat
Jesus Christ this might be the most passive-aggressive post of all time.
wishing for the best