Good reliable laptop for $400-$800?

>spend $800 on a Lenovo Yoga laptop
>motherboard randomly crashes after 1 year
>missed the warranty by 1 week
>have to buy a new one
>don't actually know much about computers despite doing web design for a living

Any suggestions? I tried looking at reviews on Google but it's overwhelming and basically every laptop has a good review.

Other urls found in this thread:

Get a chrome book

>>motherboard randomly crashes after 1 year
>>have to buy a new one
>>don't actually know much about computers despite doing web design for a living

The state of Sup Forums in 2018


You only get one year of warranty as standard?

Yes it literally crashed like 8 days after the warranty expired.

The geek squad said it would cost more to repair the computer than to just buy a new one

>Yes it literally crashed like 8 days after the warranty expired.
That's shit. The EU has a default of two years and in the UK the sales of goods act can cover you up to six years.

>The geek squad said it would cost more to repair the computer than to just buy a new one
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>company profits more from a purchase claims that the purchase is cheaper
The fact you work in tech but are this illiterate is amazing and then people wonder why people don't like to consider web devs as actual developers. The incompetency is amazing. You deserve everything that happens to you. You are to incompetent to operate anything that's not a Mac please leave.

>i'm a sexually frusterated autist who's entire identity is based around my relationship to technology
>please stop making money RIghT NOW >;(

I'm just finishing a javascript certificate which will raise my rate even higher. How does it feel to anally fist yourself alone in a dark room with nothing but the sound of your alienware desktop running?

>used for literally anything anymore
how does it feel to be a LARPing developer rapidly achieving obsolescence
fucking checked friend

Yeah, well ur gay

The only people who work in tech and actually know anything about tech are serial killers and school shooters in the making


>Motherboard crashes
If its a software error just reinstall the OS.
If you can't boot the thing off of peripherals then take out the hard drive, stick it in a a dock or some other computer and install it from there then swap it back in and install the drivers.

no u

>bragging about language based certification
You really have no idea how the world works do you.

Guaranteed a ram stick died but Mr web dev genius doesn't know what RAM is so he thinks the motherboard is gone.

Alright so should I just take this thing to a private computer repair guy or what?

La creatura...

First go in bios and run a memory test, if its all good then reinstall the operating system.
Did it blue screen on you or did it just shut off?

No I fully side with you are too incompetent get a Mac.

>Implying he knows how to boot into bios
I don't think you understand he's bragging about a JavaScript certification

No laptop is without faults, but buying new, and especially unproven product lines is just asking for trouble.

Get a T440 or anything else that someone's already used for 4 years. If something lasts that long, it'll likely last much much longer.

It simply will not turn on.

If I press the power button the light comes on, but the computer itself does not start up. Everybody has told me it is likely a motherboard issue and repairing it would be very expensive.

It just randomly stopped turning on one day

Post it I'll buy it for 50$ USD.

memory failure
replace the ram stick and your good to go.
what model?
I'll like you instructions.

Holy smokes awesome

It's a Lenovo Yoga 710.

buy used corporate laptops
for 800 dollars I could get
used 1 HP 8470p laptop about 200
new 256 gb SSD drive 100
used docking station 30
2 - 24inch 1080p IPS monitors $150 X 2

not your personal tech support, buddy
read the fucking sticky
motherboards can't crash, either. fucko.

run linux

>alienware desktop


>nothing but the sound of your alienware desktop running



Alcohol-cooled hyper clocked rasbury pi stuffed in a laptop form factor. Shove gentoo on it or debian on it, and bam.

Thanks bro

>motherboard randomly crashes

Check this out:

refurbished elitebook
>like 1234p