What OS would you use if you were rich?

What OS would you use if you were rich?

Gentoo, because I would have a lot of time to waste.

any and every OS

Citrix receiver

>drugs and hoes 25x8

Why would even want to use a computer?

sick burn.

Debian, but I would fork Debian and work towards decentralized package maintenance.


Wangblows because I'm used to it and muh games

GNU/Linux, probably debian or Gentoo.


The same one I use today. I pirate everything because it's literally easier than buying.

osx sierra

Hardened Gentoo with official grsecurity™ patches

I would make deals with lenovo and dell to put a linux os on their laptops by default.

and just to piss off Sup Forums it would be mint :-)

also id buy a nice pc and run kubuntu. stuck on xubuntu atm

Windows 7

Same as now, Win for gaming and Linux for anything else.

I would never touch a computer if I were rich.

Windows 10 and Android

Debian for my normal work.

MacOS any time I need to use Sketch or Photoshop or whatever programs my designer uses and for some reason they can't export me files correctly.

I mean, if I was rich I probably wouldn't be working, so probably just Debian.

if you were rich you could do gpu passthrough with the best parts meaning native performance
atleast pay ms to give you updates past 2021

Whatever one I'd feel like.

>if you were rich you could do gpu passthrough with the best parts meaning native performance
If you were rich, you could just buy a 2nd gaming computer, not bothering with emulation.

Operating systems aren't even expensive. What a dumb thread.

zOS on my own big iron baby

true, but not as comfy

As Shuttleworth, I'll pay to develop my own linux distro, It's obvious.

none i'd be out fucking bitches

dat ISPF editor



I would hire a cute Korean girl to maintain it for me.

Linux. My time would literally be worthless.

templeos and pay people to port software

Windows 98 and i would pay a pajeet to reprogram every program i want to be compatible.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Mac os





Probably Slackware on my netbook, same as now. Maybe buy a fancy laptop like those Librem ones and install OpenSUSE, just get a little wild.

Kind of a mundane question. I choose Linux for reasons unrelated to expense, and even secondhand Apple computers aren't so expensive that it creates much of a barrier to poorfags, in the first world at least.

Now, what other Sup Forums stuff I would do is a different question altogether...

I'd hire a tutor to teach me programming instead of just relying on books like a sucker. I've had so many false starts to programming because I can only afford the cheapest route, also doesn't really help that I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder at the age of 30.

I'd use Windows Thin Client
